Otaku collection

Post your weeb collection here user.

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I could never justify paying for those terrible "official" translations that would omit the color pages.

But at the same time. The japanese versions also omitted said color pages. So I couldn't justify buying those either. Then I realized Manga is just a terrible medium with maybe 20 series actually worth a damn and the rest is just all poorly lifted from literature.


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if you use the word "weeb" you are not even human to me


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>spending money on animu
do i look like a swiss otaku to you ??


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show us the whole room

Get some decent, properly lit shelves for those figs
They weren't cheap, so don't cheap out on displaying them
Also, can you post a better pic of the hanekawa on the right?

Evening, my fellow otaku. Now that futalog is dead, where do we go to browse past futaba threads?

All I got are these

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Its a small room full of stuff for my other hobby.

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How much you spend on all your shit?

Damn it you rich buyfags make me jelly but at the same time I'm glad my room doesn't look like the manga section at Waldenbooks.

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Not all of them are. They actually starve themselves (at least nutritionally).

>naked Illya
I guess you don't get visitors?

Yeah I can't buy too much shit. I had a bad habit of buying a bunch of shit from every series. Now, I'm dedicating myself to one and once it's over, I'm done.

oh i do, i just hope theyre not cops

I used to collect stuff as a teen but it just became dusty clutter after awhile so I sold it all.

About $5,200 over 3 years.

It does get dusty quick.

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