Black Shamrock

How is everyone, BCfriends? Just how fucked is the Clover Kingdom now that everyone has been ELFED?

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>Black Shamrock
Excellent fucking title

You need to have clover in op text so it'll pop up on search.

thanks friend

>Just how fucked is the Clover Kingdom now that everyone has been ELFED?
Mary kills her friends and Sister Lily her kids

search clover newfag etc etc

Fucking stop. We don't need generals. Wait until the new chapter to make a thread. We already have shipperfags arguing.

Too fucking late
Will she murder Theresa?

next chapter comes out at 3AM and this thread will most likely still be up by then

She is ELFED too, she gave Gauche her magic

Tabata should've just kept her a magic knight that Asta falls in love with and Noelle gets btfo by.

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I hope /ourtrap/ is okay. I was hoping he could join the Black Bulls when he got out of prison but its likely he got ELFED instead.
>he doesn't like current /ss/ Sister Lily

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Marie gets duplication magic and Gauche gets a full harem of Marie

Too late. This is what we are now

how is she supposed to slaughter an orphanage with duplication magic brainlet

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100 Maries, each grabs a knife
shits brutal af

she's going to kill everyone with butter knives?

If you can't atleast kill someone with a stick or spoon then you might aswell just an hero yourself on the spot.


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Who will be the new Magic Emperor?

my grndmother stabbed and poped out an eye
with a butter knife from a guy who tried to rape her when she was 15 user.
Anything can be used as a weapon



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The guy with the weird hair

Mimosa a cute!

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Reminder Pierrot used his best animators for pic related

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Yeah that guy, Yunos brother in law

Reminder that Pierrot+ is a secondary studio and the production of this won't affect any main SP series

Yami will become next Wizard King!

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How high have you to be to make and work on that?

*blocks your path*

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leaving aside which studio did this abomination, why was this shit created? who asked for this?

you don't think its hot? are you gay"

>I lived to see daily Black Clover threads that hit the bump limit every time
Never expected it, but I'm glad

its comfy

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Nobody did user, its the first time that a shonen did something like that? Generating that much fuel lasting for a whole week i mean

I am a femanon, but can't post proof because this is a blue christian board and it doesn't matter in the end
I just don't like the char design

>I just don't like the char design
But its like Yami except hotter

It's only being perpetuated by shitposters elffags and shipperfags

what do you ship? I hope its Mimosa if not gtfo thot

Just what is that supposed to mean you absolute cunt?

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There arent any

One thing I was hoping for this arc (unfortunately it seems it won't happen for now) was for any interaction between Nozelle and Noelle.

Since Noelle has become stronger (even destroying Solid in the magic knight tournament), I wanted to see Nozelle reaction about that, if he was going to start acknowledge her in any way, or if he would continue to ostracize her because she ''killed'' their mother

We did it guys! We reached a full week!

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he didn't kick her out of the magic knights, so thats a start.

Yami's looks manlier than those nuboys and I don't like pretty boys at all

AstaxYuno....j/k Harem route including Yuno


>The CHAD Elf vs the virgin human

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I'm sure we'll get some kind of interaction between the two very soon, since neither of them have been ELFED

dont ship bros

But leader is Mereoleona. Nozel entered there 'cause the King

That "CHAD" elf got his ass handed to him by a manlet, a drunken titty witch, and a kissless virgin

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nothing wrong with some fujoshit

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Spoilers when?

1v8 with no elf boost, still took out 5 of them

Hey mangabros does she become top tier soon? Latest episode she had some good teamwork with Leopold

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I dont hate fujos, you do a lot of fanart but bros will never have sex

she progressively becomes much more confident and sure of herself, and learns a very powerful spell that she uses to one-shot people.

>nothing wrong
Fuck off

Just fuck off

She just keeps getting better as the series goes on lad

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>oneshot people
is this going full One Punch Sakura?

damn was supposed to reply to this guy

Don't compare her to Sakutrash please. She's a thousand times more useful and has much better, actually meaningful development.

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My nigress, if Asta is going to get a harem end might aswell add the rival in there to make everyone happy.

Honestly Fugoreon is probably gonna wake up and assume the title because he's both a noble AND holds on to Novochrono's views

Veto is younger than Licht right?

He looks older than both Patolli and OG Licht but OG Licht was called the elder of the elves so I guess he is younger

Not only did they lose their strongest warrior and military leader, but a substantial chunk of their military just effectively defected to the enemy. They're pretty fucked.

She's going to learn more stuff. We've got the foundation for her future development from Mereleona's talk with her about her mom.

I wonder if the clover kingdom can make magical prosthetics or something. We know they can't replace his arm with magic.

They have all these magical tools and shit so I don't see why not

Witch queen healing magic can fix everything

I have this memory of an elf remembering kid Veto? so Idk

No. They were able to use it to reattach Kiato's preserved severed leg using the witch queen's bottled magic. Putting aside that they don't have more of it, it couldn't grow him a new leg. And Fuego's arm is fucking gone, they don't have it. The only regeneration magic we've seen powerful enough to do that was Vetto using demon magic after he and Noelle decided to recreate Cell vs the Final Flash. And both the old man of the sea temple and Yami reacted with a solid "what the fuck is that, there's no magic that can do that" to what Vetto did.


With enough friendship power, they can regrow it

>He is the Fullmetal Lionalchemist!

This ain't Fairy Tail buddy

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God this anime is fucking awful. Couldnt pass the 5th episode.
Its cliche as fuck and seems the author created this with a "how to create a shounen manga for dummies" book

Will asta ever find another sword, also has he ever used that getsuga tenshou again after beating Mars with it?
I only remember him using it to dual wield, but I don't remember him using the sword beam ever again.

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Good thing nobody here cares about the anime

Great, now get the fuck out of here

>Will asta ever find another sword, also has he ever used that getsuga tenshou again after beating Mars with it?
Didn't he use it against Vetto? Or am I remembering things wrong?

I think he used it once or twice, but It seems like Tabata gave up on it

He did throw it on Ladross and stabbed Veto with it.

He also used it to erase Valtos' space magic


>using the sword beam

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He's used it twice, I think it'd be used in the future but Tabata is just holding out on it now since if he was able to master it then he'd be in theory be able to use every kind of magic

I like this page. vetto seems like a genuine retard

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he's bara bait ofc he's stupid

so will we have another thread or use this thread when the new chapter comes out?

Are you new here? Of course we stick here until bump limit which is around 500 posts.

just read it all, the dialogue is really bad, I dunno if the author thinks he's being funny

it's okay doe

read it all as in up to chapter 149?

I think both his swords will get upgrades. The idea of not one but two giant swords is just really fun to watch

yeah, at least we stopped with the anti-climatic dialogue these last couple of chapters

Only one is giant, the zweihander. The newer one is just an ordinary broadsword

I think its better when both swords are different sizes. Depending on the situation, he'll need to change swords to better combat his enemies like when he switched to his short sword in order to swing fast enough to defend the little girl Rades was going to kill. Or when he used his giant sword to gain enough pure strength to slap Vetto. Its no fun when both are just giants.

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what the fuck?