What is the verdict anons? was it good?

What is the verdict anons? was it good?

Attached: 4920861-15a.jpg (900x1280, 369K)

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What's it about?

Did it end? Shaft will animate it right?

the endings were good

one of my favorite animes. One of my first comedies really and i loved the atmosphere and characters. Just a feel good kind of time.

Attached: arakawa 6.jpg (1600x900, 1.96M)

The ending of the manga was extremely retarded - and not in a funny way.

Unironically good 3dpd adaptation.

Attached: bb3ce3942019cad82dc236e5c1634e60.jpg (448x297, 76K)

So good that Kamiya started banging the mangaka.

the muscle scene was something else

I watched season 1, I don't remember much. I want a nino for myself.

Good romance with a great cast of VAs.

Attached: Maria.webm (1920x1080, 1.28M)

She was really ugly every time she opened her eyes, I still want her to step on me.

Shine on, you Crazy Yuu diamond.

Attached: Arakawa Under the Bridge 2 - 11 - Episode 11 - [mudabone](6bed5441).mkv_snapshot_13.50_[2013.08.23_1 (1280x720, 92K)


hahahahahaha no


What's the ending?

They will, have faith.

Attached: Arakawa 334-005.jpg (1125x1600, 356K)

>tfw Yuu Kabayashi will never vocie Tall and fit girl again.

Was it over?

Pipimi is tall. No word on whether or not she's fit.