Does Sup Forums accept the significance and importance of TN Notes?

Does Sup Forums accept the significance and importance of TN Notes?

Attached: 1500703515771.png (640x480, 417K)

How else would I learn about the wonderful Nihonjin culture?

Yes, they're subarashi.

Attached: tooruthumbs.jpg (1426x1080, 327K)

I always liked them, learning is cool. Normalfags don't care about the shows they watch though, so I understand why CR/Funi don't bother.

never understood the blue/black shades on the sides, was it intentional or a tech issue?


What are you talking about, specifically?

Sentai uses them though, based amazon always trying to better us.

OPs pic related
and more shows from the 70s and 80s usually dezaki's works - there's always this dark blue shade on the side of the image, wondering why it exists, or maybe it was added intentionally to add to the atmosphere or something idk
here's another example

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1440x1080, 176K)

because that's what natural lighting looks like?

Its great how they teach people what is being said in simple words instead of the complicated language some characters say, normal tv shows should have them too.

It's called a vignette.

I like them, but then again my perspective is that I will learn Japanese. So subs are just temporary and dubs are completely dead to me. If some normalfag just wants to watch japanese cartoons and doesn't really care, then that's fine I guess.

Anyone too dumb to figure that out from the context doesn't deserve to know what it means.

I have no issues with T/Ns but I prefer them in the release blogpost or torrent description rather than in the actual scene sine it will fuck up the CPS. Could be included in a .nfo with the batch though I don't exactly remember groups doing that (does that Denpa image count?)

>TN: "subarashi" = "splendid/very good"

That's a stupid example, just say that the kids are spoiled or pampered instead of using a stupid term.

This. Fuck flavor!

The reason translators do that is usually due to the specific phrase being referenced later or used in some kind of word-play. So one T/N might be better than rewriting complete lines later because they depend on that term.

Where would we be without them, after all.

Attached: [Fuurinkazan] Ninja Slayer From Animation 01 (BD 1920x1080 x264 FLAC) [0339E857].mkv_snapshot_08.32_ (1920x1080, 292K)


Of course.

Attached: [FFF] Nourin - 02 [BD][720p-AAC][0D74253A].mkv_snapshot_11.07_[2016.03.11_00.06.02].jpg (1280x720, 107K)

I feel like they should be provided as a second subtitle track within the file. Both mpv and VLC have supported viewing multiple subtitle tracks simultaneously for a while now. That would give people the option of seeing them or not.


LoGH is 110 episodes long and Central Anime only put one TN in there. They can be done without.

Attached: et_vqBVi_400x400.jpg (365x365, 15K)

Yes, but that's a stupid one. You use TL notes for cultural references or visual gags with a language pun that can't be translated without ruining the visual aspect on screen. You don't use them because your English is too shit to find an equivalent phrase in normal conversation.
