So why does Sup Forums hate this show again? I remember the manga and webcomic being widely liked here

So why does Sup Forums hate this show again? I remember the manga and webcomic being widely liked here.

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I liked the manga for a while until I just got tired of the jokes. The anime kind of reaffirmed that, I suppose.

because the normalfags started liking it, and anything popular with the normalfags Sup Forums automatically starts to hate, even if they liked it before normalfags did. It's just how things work.

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Sup Forums like to be contrarian.


the webocomic is still fine but murata's manga and the anime don't have the same feel they seem less alive more generic shounen.

It got popular

>any conflict whatsoever
>all interest is lost before it even began

wait, wut? why does Sup Forums like killing bites, then?

obligatory "Sup Forums isn't one person" post

Sup Forums flip flops their opinion to fit with the hivemind d opinion, furthering the nonsensical normie bullshit that flows from the unwashed asses of these fucking cretins.
I hate you all wish you would all die. You killed anime

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It's more like Sup Forums gets something like One Punch Man or Watamote popular and then once normies get their hands on it and start making thread after thread on Sup Forums about it, we grow sick of it and begin to hate it.
I guarantee it'll happen when Dungeon Meshi gets an anime.

but thats the whole fuckin point

Anyone how even bothers asking a question like this is shitposting. So fuck you OP and everyone else how's going to milk this thread

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It turned from a parody of shonen to playing shonen tropes completely straight

not just Sup Forums, it applies to this whole site desu

ONE's webcomic had its own style, the manga and anime are boring and genre-conforming.

>the webcomic is still fine
Isn't it like a year since the last update?

ONE was focusing on his Mob comic with some other artist. For what I heard he's back on OPM since that's done, but there hasn't been any update...

>opm generals are 5 per week (the important ones)(when there are no chapters)
>muratas streams allways have a general
>murata is the chad mangaka
>one is the chad writter
i think we love it

its not like its any different from every single shonen out of there tho

is there a bigger jobber then Genos

>literally a generic shounen
>fans act like it's some kind of 2000 IQ narrative deconstruction work
It's an ok manga though.

it's a parody which became the very thing it parodied and wasn't even funny to begin with.
Why wouldn't it be hated?

>one is the hack writer

I loved it. Will read the manga eventually.

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because retards hate great things

You never doubted your favorite protagonist was gonna win anyway. But with OPM, you can focus on things like character and emotions. You know, all that gay shit that you hate in fiction.

An eternal loop of contrarian shitposters trying to out-contrarian shitpost each other.

Because it got popular.

i love one-piece

it makes it easy for everyone too. are you not a pedophile? fubuki. are you a pedophile? her sister.

very straightforward anime, i don't need to choose a waifu or anything

Fubuki is a homewrecker. Genos will win the Saitamabowl.

killing bites isnt normie.

>killing bites: 1,500 likes on fb
>one punch man: 592,000 likes on fb

close enough

The only time the song played is against Boros tho.