ITT: Post the character you like the most from anime's you've never seen...

>ITT: Post the character you like the most from anime's you've never seen, then people who have seen the anime rate your taste.

For me Jupiter is the best.

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Great taste, although original anime Jupiter is superior.

For me, it's Felix.

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there's a lot of good rule 34 of her, probably the reason im so fond of Jupiter.

Doublas is super cute, but I'm not going to watch her show until I've seen more classic mecha. I've watched Geter Robo, but I've got much more to go.

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I blame that stupid song.

I'm trying to remember. Was retard moe a thing before Tsukasa? It might have, but it seems there's been a lot more "she's cute because she's stupid" characters ever since Lucky Star. Especially as main characters.

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I don't like any characters like that, because if I like one I watch the anime.


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She stupid and pleases old men for money

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>pleases old men for money
please stop with that

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Never watched Ore imo but this girl looked cute

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old man with money here.
can confirm.

I have god-tier taste, no need to commend me

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>t. Luvia

> Doublas is super cute
She really is. I hold no ill will if you saw only a few videos of her in action, and got your heart stolen, the scene where she gets bullied by Gre-chan seems to do it for a lot of people as well.

Now if you said Baron Asura, you would have gotten 10/10, but that's only because I'm biased due to a certain Imagawa show.

This, she is so beautiful. I rate a 10/10.

All of my instincts are telling me to go with the small, DFC, tights-wearing, twin-tailed temptress on the right, but I have a feeling my instincts are dead wrong in this case.

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Superb taste.
Retarded faggot.

This big titty bat really drives me up, but I have no idea wtf this show is about.

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Her design looks awesome.

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Unless you're being ironic, you couldn't be more off the mark.
You're right about her being best girl though.

I've actually just started this show mainly because of her. (Should I really watch the whole thing or just skip to the eps she's in?) But I have a question about the heterochromia. In all the screenshots and official art I see her with both eyes green. Where did this Kaede has two colored eyes meme come from?

>not showing her butt

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Jupiter is the most metal magical girl of her decade.

old and busted

>In all the screenshots and official art I see her with both eyes green
user I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're color blind.

The alternative is some dyke creature.

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She's the most normal and less preverted in this one. She's also very smart.

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Her personality is worse than Kei's

>be a titfag
>show is almost full of cowtits
>ended up fapping only and exclusively to her
Best girl.

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>Old Men

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Not an anime but good taste eitherway

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not anime but god damn my dick

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Maybe if Natsuko didn't exist.

Okay, I had it backwards. It was they shitty fanarts that were giving her both green eyes. Official pics are all green/blue but often so close that it can be mistaken for the same color. (Left: #789FA4 Right: #66A68B) Then someone takes a screenshot on a poorly calibrated display and it ends up like this. (Left: #528184 Right: #528285)

Attached: Screenshot_2015-09-03-23-21-09.png (960x540, 656K)