Was this the biggest asspull in anime history?

Was this the biggest asspull in anime history?

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>foreshadowed and name-dropped since the first season

i'm so glad i don't even know what stupid shonenshit this is from.

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yeah but fucking black zetsu being the sole reason any of the events in the story took place? Come the fuck on. I realize they wanted to do something with him but making him the most important person in a single chapter was just too much.

>>foreshadowed and name-dropped since the first season

>it's another 'foreshadowing justifies shit story writing' pleblet

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Not even the biggest from its own series

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>was this the biggest asspull in anime history?

Well, I guess we're just going to forget Jotaro suddenly learning how to stop time because idk same blood lol

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Any ft fight


gold experience requiem is worse

Every Stand power is bullshit when ou get right down to it

Oh, you mean "Literally unstoppable"?

Introducing a main villain so late in the plot is in bad taste

The question is for anime history not manga history.

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Nigga, Jojo is such a nonsensical fuckfest I think it'd be harder to find things that aren't asspulls.

When everything is an asspull, nothing is an asspull.

Wow with so much of it coming out of a man's ass no wonder it's gay as fuck.

Not even close. Everything involving the sharingan from the chakra gundams to the unquenchable fire to the broken genjutsu hax that not even genjutsu specialists can ward off was worse. And then Madara took it a step even further by shitting over the five kage with the rinnegan too. I'm thankful that Kaguya killed him off to put an end to the Uchiha wank.

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No, this is.

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>Well, I guess we're just going to forget Jotaro suddenly learning how to stop time because idk same blood lol
That one's actually foreshadowed, ironically.

i heard that kaguya was written just to kill off marada.

I'm more angry about Killua needle in the eye
>hey remember this really deep character growing at steady steps, well balanced and with a great background
>LMAO he had a needle in the head, btw he's supersaiyan now Xd

But that's not how it worked. He never got stronger because he pulled the needle out, he just stopped overestimating his opponents which in turn lead him to being more confident in his abilities.

Although, I do agree that it was a pretty cheap form of character development. But it was foreshadowed since the Hunter exam so I don't really mind it.

Which was dumb because Naruto and Sasuke both had SoSP power and should have been able to seal him easily.

The fire at least got countered but I agree the other stuff was ridiculous. I kinda prefer when the Sharingan was mainly about predicting movements and using powerful genjutsu, and even slipping through stuff. The Susano is kind of meh.

The whole puppet master having a puppet master chain was the worst part of it.

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The worst part is they could've unironically used the ramen chef as the final boss behind Kaguya and it still would've been better than what we got.

im pretty sure half the people reading/watching naruto were doing so due to inertia by the end since they grew up with it.

I remember when they said in classic Naruto that the byakugan was like a superior version of the sharingan.

I'd fuck her.

I would still argue, at this point, the show was so off the rails that it was just mindless fun and entertainment in terms of Madara having the power to shit on everything and everyone.

The real ass pulls of Naruto all involved Sasuke...
>Shouldnt have been able to defeat Deidara
>Shouldnt have been able to defeat Killer Bee
>Only survived Kage Summit because Tobi thought saving him was more important than capturing Naruto

They fought a half alien looking fagot that shot his bones out of his fingers in part 1. Not their fault you tards couldn't connect the dots. You really think humans can make tsunamis and fire tornados come out of their ass?

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He didn't beat killer bee and Deidara killed himself in that fight.

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The bone guy who rock Lee fights was said to be related to kaguya, the original chakra user

Nope, it's the "Great Snake Escape"

to me it felt like killua undeveloped throughout the series after the exam, and so I really liked the needle bit, it made sense of his character's flanderization imo

Oh fuck, don't even remind me of that.

That was complete, absolute bullshit.

Almost every fight of Ezra

Where is that said?

She's a cute bunny.

Gigyas Zamasu was an asspull but the GoDs were shitting their pants at the sight of Zeno since his first appearance, and it was mentioned that he already wiped out universes before.

That wasn't really the first season, it's more like the second or third season of Naruto part 1. But I get what you mean.

Well, if the complaint is that something was an asspull aka arbitrarliy inserted into the plot to solve a problem for the author, yet that thing was already hinted at, it's different.

Thats not even the worst one
Black arc was filled with that garbage

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I still can't believe they basically beat the god of that world, then still decided to fuck about having their little lovers' spat after.

Nah that was awesome

You could have posted almost literally anything else from jojo, but you chose the one thing that was actually foreshadowed

Yeah, Sasuke should have been nuked, mm~. It was meant to be art.

Nah it was garbage.

t.jojohating retard

Are you retarded? The entire build up regarding the arrow is that whoever gets it is basically a god. They spent half the fucking series building on the premise. It didn't even matter what GER's power was, the story built it up to be almighty.

I have no idea how Kubo managed to asspull Ichigo defeating Ywch, but that ending was supreme bullshit.

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Kimimaru never said that wtf

I almost clearly remember that being said. Truth be told Byakugan is better than 1 or 2 totem Sharingan at base, and considering you have to "work" for anything beyond that I considered it a fair balance up until Sharingan started getting haxx

That was because Shueisha rushed him. He had set up several weaknesses

>5 war powers are seen as X factors Juha Bach can’t predict

>Aizen fucks with Juha Bach’s senses which he needs to see the future to change it

>Uryu has Antithesis which Juha Bach explains is something that surpasses his own power

>Haschwalth explains that Juha Bach and him switch powers while Juha Bach is asleep and leaves him wide open.

This is talking about intentional asspulls where the author’s full intention was to do that, not if he was interfered with.

You are fucking dumb
>first season
That's not even the first season, you actually have brain problems

I only picked it back up because Madara finally showed up

It was fun.

I actually don't remember any-fucking-thing about Bleach after the Fullbringer arc.
And I was reading it weekly (out of habit)

Oh hi Jenova, see that you found your way into Naruto. Just like how Yu Yevon and Yunalesca found their way into Naruto as well in the form of Pain and Konan.

What next, a pink haired protagonist along with an unlikely group of misfits get branded by a supernatural machine, need to figure out their job, and then when they figure it out realize that they need to stop Space Pope from trying to get one of the group to become the world destroying monster?

Or are we going to go into the plot where the son of the ruling father goes on a road trip with his bros only to find out said father has been killed by an opposing country, goes around to collect god like beasts only to find out that the original Uzumaki is behind everything and wishes to wipe out the Uzumaki bloodline by helping the son fulfill a prophecy about him being the Kages of Kages or some bullshit.

Or am I being too on the nose?

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ayy lmao

>doesn't remember anything

How the fuck is that even possible? Were you not around when THIS HAPPENED?

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He's from the Kaguya clan.


Not that guy, but that was something Kishimoto contrived up and had no intention to making bigger than what it was.

Hell, her "Bone powers" aren't even blood trait jutsu like Kimiomaru's. That's how bullshit Kaguya is. If anything, she's rippoff Jenova from Final Fantasy VII, including having her very own Sephiroth in the form of Zetsu.

I was, and I do remember being hype for most of them.
But...I guess, most of my Bleach memories who are stuck with me were about the soul society and arrancar arc.
And the bitching OP/ED of the anime.

>Most stands have a unique power on top of their utility as a floating ghost combat puppet should they be that type of stand
>Star Platinum didn't have anything at all.
I mean it's not that huge of an ass pull.

Well, he had its extreme speed, precision and power, no?

What the fuck are you even on? Kishi himself admitted that Kagura was created simply because Madara was too strong to defeat.

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Sharingan at least had a major theme of having powers related to perception like mind hacking and reality alteration. Yeah there are the charka gundams and eye fire but I think the eye fire is at least partially justified by being a reference to the Red Kid from Journey to the west. The very core of it was still perception based which makes sense as an eye related power.

Rinnegan is actually the dumb one because it has an incredibly nonsensical power set that seem tailored to specifically to Pain which caused it to be sort of a weird chimera of random powers that all Rinnegan users are supposed to have but ultimately don't use.

There is nothing about it that really has anything to do with it being an eye power.

Araki's writing is appealing because it reminds us of all those times we pretended we were cowboys and made up bullshit reasons that we weren't actually shot. We love it because he manages to make that shitty version of narrative structure awesome DESPITE its inherent shittiness, just like how Initial D fans think it was the AE86 and not its driver that made it able to win races.

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>Think Izanagi is the biggest hax on earth
>Then Izanami comes along

Susanoo was the start of that bullshit.

>There is a third Mangekyo Sharingan Jutsu
>It can only be unlocked if you replace your old eyes with your new eyes
>Tsukiyomi was the first, Amatarasu was the second
>Both seen back in the beginning of the Tsuande arc
>all of the sudden, Itachi can use Susanoo
>Didn't replace his eyes whatsoever

Explain how the fuck you managed to retcon your own rules within the span of CHAPTERS!?!?!

This is why I jumped ship from Naruto to Bleach YEARS ago.

Yes, so do most other humanoid stands.

you jumped from one shitshow to an even worse one?

That and Raizen-Yusuke are the dumbest looking forms.

That's the thing, SP was way above every other stand.

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>One shit show to an even worse one
Okay, explain how Bleach retconned ANYWHERE near as much as Naruto did in it's story? Explain to me what characters in Bleach were anywhere near the awfulness of characters like Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Madara Uchiha and Kaguya? Explain to me how Kishimoto's are is suppose to be "Better" than Kubo's art?

I still don't think it being combat effective was some how "justified" as its main power once newer humanoid stands started coming with all sorts of broken shit. It really needed something and Time Stop was good enough for it.

Stats don't even mean shit anymore.

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Can Shiki kill servant?

That's not much of a power. Stands like The World have it too.

Nah, that was just Gilgamesh getting too arrogant and subsequently jobbing

I dont remember Kuroko no Basket being so violent

I don't know man, if Sauce died there after styling all over Deidara in that fight, it would've been kinda cheap

Well at least have save Sauce instead. The way it happened made him look faster than Minato

For you

It sure is.

I thought that was pretty clever writing to be honest and it was obvious he knew how to summon Manda since all the other Sage proteges knew their sensei's respective summon and he was training with pedosnake for 2 years

Quite frankly I was waiting to see when he'd finally summon snek and was quite satisfied.

The reason it was such an asspull was that:

1. He was out of chakra
2. It happened way to fast it puts Niflheimr Fenriswolf to shame

Have you not seen dbs lately?