What was the best anime studio (on their own peak)?)

Gainax, Production I.G., Clamp, Kyoto Animation?

I would go for Gainax.
FLCL and Evangelion are two of the best master pieces ever of animation.

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fuck off

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Sunrise was the benchmark in 80's and 90's. Now Kyoani is the golden standard.

Not yet

>tfw too new to have watched good anime with Sup Forums
>tfw now the only shit they air is trash that adheres to market values instead of artistic ideas like darling and veg, and continuations of already popular works in order to milk every last yen out of fans even if it means sacrificing the quality of the series

Kyoani can suck a dick.
BONES is my favourite so far.

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Honestly I'll take more shit like darling in the franxx if it means less adaptations and more original work.
Light novel adaptations in particular are always so fucking garbage because the source material is lazy bullshit.

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whatever studio made redline, that shit was sublime

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I agree, and it feels like most LN adaptations are just commercials to get you to buy the LNs.

Either Sunrise or Gainax.

Both were really innovators.

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can’t believe no ones said madhouse yet

And not a SINGLE one of them has a conclusive ending.

fug, I wasn’t paying attention. looks like beat me to it

>Didn't mention sunrise

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Toei Animation

Gainax, forever and always, the KINGS of anime. BASED Yamaga is about to blow the pants off the tomato farm when he drops uru in blue and those leijiverse adaptations on us.

Gainax was never relavant outside of Eva.

>Gainax was never relavant outside of Eva.
What is FLCL.

unironically this. gainax is a very very close second

Literally go fuck yourself, child

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unless we are strictly talking animation quality, ufotable hands down takes the cake

Both Madhouse and Ghibli have all those movies that everybody loves but Gainax has their ova masterpieces.
I like Gainax the most.

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how are you guys falling for this shit

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>Daicon IV
>Royale Space Force
>Princess Maker/2
>Kare Kano
>Gurren Lagann

Evababby go home.

Triggernigger go home, they haven't made an anime better than 7/10 yet

>>Daicon IV

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Speaking of EVA, did that one user ever figure out when they were streaming the BDs?

>what is kill la kill
>what is little witch academia
>what is space patrol luluco
>darling in the franxxx is pretty god so far too

>Kill la Kill

TV? 7/10
OVA is the exception, i'll concede the first short as a 9



Franxx is
Not finished/10

Not a single show even kisses the boot of the best Gainax shows.

>>what is kill la kill
2deep4u 'selfaware' fanservice
>>what is little witch academia
moobee ok teebee no gusto
>>what is space patrol luluco
>>darling in the franxxx is pretty god so far too

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not that user but I can probably do it.
the question is where do you want it to be streamed? I'd think Twitch has more than enough shit to take you offline these days though.

I don't give a flying FUCK what you say or think inferno cop is literally one of the greatest pieces of art that has ever been created and if you disagree I will find you irl and beat the motherfucking sense into your tiny ass peabrain

Sunrise for me. Their old shows were amazing.

You arn't funny, triggernigger.

is the one person that is Sup Forums really so contrarian and pretentious that they hate everything popular to seem cool? some of you are alright but alot of you are Sup Forums tier stupid

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sunrise, unironically

Sup Forums lost its way a long time ago

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Trigger simply isn't a good studio, everything they've made is entirely squandered by lost potential.

They don't deserve to kiss the ass of Gunbuster, let alone the real masterpieces like Eva or FLCL

New to anime and already reciting the usual bullshit memes. I suggest you just quit if this is how you're going to approach anime.

And here's more memes.

I sometimes feel like I'm the only person who actually watches anything and knows anything.

no you just have low standards

only mecha trash =/= good anime studio

evangelion is overrated trash, it's a bad version of madoka

You'll die ignorant and irrelevant.

>huuuuuurrr my opinion is fact LEAve meALONE TRIGGERNIGGERS!!!

this is you.

you are either russian or really stupid

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There is like an imaginay line that if you cross it you stop being a cool contrarian and become a legit retard. Please think before making shitposts.

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im not trying to be funny, I'm 100% serious.


Gainax were popbably the most consistent studio in history back when they were properly alive. Almost everything they made 1987-2010 was great.
Production IG have a lot of quality and have made some great stuff in the dark, heavily mechanical style they're known for, but are bogged down by a whole lot of mediocrity whenever they try to work outside of that style.
Clamp aren't an animation studio? I haven't actually read any of their manga, but a lot of the adaptations of their stuff are shit (with the obvious exception of Sakura, which is masterpiece).
Kyoto Animaton pre-Kyouka were great, they had ambition, some of the best animation around, and a really strong community going with their fans. Then they fell for the """realism""" meme and started making shitty looking soap operas in the wrong medium.


>you are either russian or really stupid
basically the same thing, retard


yeah but the difference is russians have a really fucking stupid sense of humor so most of the time they just come across as really really fucking stupid. they're actually bros


You have poor taste, and i'd venture a guess that you're pretty new to this anime thing.

Then may God help you.

Madhouse > IG > Gainax > KyoAni. I think KyoAni will surpass them all eventually, but those 3 were certainly better in their peak. Peak Madhouse is indisputable king. Nobody has as many masterpieces and great shows under their belt. The industry wouldn't even be the same without Madhouse. Masao Maruyama sunk the studio just so we could have these timeless classics and masterpieces. What a hero. The industry is so shit today because there's no Maruyama and studio like Madhouse willing to take the risks to create art knowing it won't sell instead of cheap, banal garbage.

I agree with Gainax.
Those two were among the first anime I watched though so take it with a grain of salt.

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>writes a fucking essay report on gainax in a good studios thread
>not autism
hate to break it to ya

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Hyouka, Hibike and VEG are some of the better shows they produced,

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>a few sentences
Not that guy, but please kill yourself.

>writes a few sentences about a good studio in a good studio thread

Educate yourself plebian.

You're literally admitting that you didn't read the post you fucking moron. Only the top two lines were about Gainax. Take your shit taste and inability to even read before replying and leave.

Royal Space Force and Otaku no Video my dude

I always liked what Studio Bones putout. FMA Brotherhood and Soul Eater are two of my favorite shows and they've done so many more that I love

Bones flip flops between amazing shows and utter shit. I still can't forgive them for Eureka Seven Ao.

They're poorly made teen pop drama that don't utilise the medium of anime at all, which is really disappointing coming from the studio that made FMP, Haruhi, Lucky Star, K-on and Nichijou.

Mob has also been great, too,

i respect madhouse a lot but their body of influential work isn't quite on the level of a few other big names
sunrise>gainax>madhouse>IG>bones>old kyoani>shaft>kyoani now imo


Still, the answer is Madhouse

Gainax's eternal spirit lives through Trigger that's for sure. They are the grassroots of the future generation, the heritage of a time when anime was godlike.
As of today everything Trigger has done is a 9/10 except for maybe Ninja Slayer, when SSSS Gridman and Promare get released they will dominate the industry for the next decade.

I could never really get into Eureka 7 so I wouldn't know how it stands with other shows they've ddone, but I feel the shows they did well would more than make up for it. I think Kekkai Sensen is one of the best shows they've ever done. After Bones though I'd say that Gainax and Trigger are my next two favorite studios

Trigger is the worst part of Gainax. And Ninja Slayer is the only thing they have done that was worth wile.

>Hyouka doesn't use the medium well
Wew. How contrarian can you get?

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I’m waiting for this. A trigger peak. Kill la kill but once every 6 months.

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Kill la Kill was Trigger's worst show though.

Gainax and Madhouse. Nothing else really comes close to them peak wise.

Some "pretty" (read: horrendously ugly) digital effects and odd, pointless moments of over dramatic animation don't make a show overall well made. I don't know how you can compare that shit to the meticulously constructed scenes from Nichijou just a year prior and still say its good. But I'm honestly sick of arguing with sakugafags who view shows as collections of gifs and just heap praise on whichever ones give them the prettiest sets to save.

90’s Sunrise is one hell of a beast.

Probably Gainax though.

I've been meaning to watch it mostly because I has a near identical art style as One Punch Man, but I just haven't gotten around to it.

Crappy anime that is only famous amongst american otaku?

TMS. They are literally the most ambitious anime studio to ever exist. Almost went backrupt twice because of the huge risks they took with Akira and Little Nemo. Worked on iconic franchises like Lupin, Rose of Versailles and Ashita no Joe which revolutionized the industry. They even did shit outside of Japan like working on a bunch of the Stephen Spielberg shows like Animaniacs and Tiny Toons as well as doing Batman the Animated Series. Literally no other studio comes close to TMS at it's peak.

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This. I cannot comprehend how anyone can say Gainax when their catalog is mostly garbage. KyoAni plays it waaaay too fucking safe. Hardly do anything worth while thus settling with mediocrity light novel bullshit.

>VN adaptions for days

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It's actually not completely identical in art style.
The art of Mob the animation is pretty much based entirely off of the Mob Manga which uses ONE's art. The only real hold over from the OPM webcomic is Saitama's face, which is the typical way ONE draws faces.

so basically, MOB uses ONE's art, where as the anime uses Murata's art.

OPM anime uses Murata's art* since he drew the proper manga.

VNs made up the minoriry fo their output. Less than 1/3.

>tfw miss when people discused and got excited over great animation and animation styles
>tfw all Sup Forums talks about now is waifus and why they like to falseflag other shows/threads they've never watched.
>inb4 'just go to the pre-2000's anime threads'

Okay, I didn't know that. Hell I didn't even know that Mob was done by a different studio until I looked a few minutes ago.

Trigger is the most overpraised modern studio. KLK was decent but the second half was a slog, FranXX is just boring, and the first LWA short was great and full of personality but the only thing more obnoxious than the TV series is how much it was shilled on this board.

Mob is done by Bones.

Anyone who doesn't say Sunrise is a low power level niwaka no question

Aren't they only half-animatiing Franxx?

And the rest was either manga or light novels but heck still better that what they do now that is just light novels adaptations.

I do give then credit from Munto that so far been their only original anime, today they dont even try ...

>Trigger is the most overpraised modern studio
You must live under a rock because they haven't done jackshit nor have they made anything that's actually great. The only time I ever hear it being brought up is when 14 year old praise it for it's unique style of shows. The content itself is mediocre as hell.

tms entertainment

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