>See this little girl parachuting down towards your position
What would you do?
See this little girl parachuting down towards your position
Is she trying to get a Sprite sponsorship?
Whatever I do I sure as fuck am not going to aim my rifle at her and try to shoot her down before she attacks me
I would much rather just stare at her dully and reminisce about baseball until she stabs me
teach her what love is
Stay calm, aim, and fire.
Somebody actual wrote, submitted and had this garbage animated.
>And then the girl jumped out of a plane with a parachute above trained military soldiers who are magically frozen in time with dumb looks on their faces.
>She then releases the parachute above tall ass trees and lands on her feet with no issue.
>She then proceeds to ninja run in a zing zag line and doges in coming fire, then magic jesus kung fu the fuck out of trained military personal in an instant.
Like, this show is atrocious, if you were to actually verbalize half the contrived down right silly shit they put out you'd come to realize just how bad it is. And there's some retarded bullshit like this in every single episode, it's aldonaoh zero bad.
Prepare a proper landing zone.
tell tell her that violet evergarden is shit.
Speaking of which.
Unzip dick
Since you're posting I'm assuming you've seen at least 300 anime but I'm having a hard time believing it from your post.
Violet is superhuman.
Let her land with her pusy on my dick
Why would you shoot at unarmed girl?
i`ll hold fire and wait till my captain says "Muda da she's to stronk for us"
And the worst part: the soldiers didn't even try to shoot her in the back when she kneels down to check the guy
[x] genuflect
>boner 00====+
Civilians don’t parachute into combat zones. Better safe than sorry.
Were you speedwatching? They didn't want to get NARUTED
>that's not one of our planes!
Yeah I wonder why
She could be a negotiator, duh.
I don’t negotiate with terrorists.
The guys bail out and Violet just drops her guard instantly. If they really wanted to kill her and wasn't a misunderstanding this is inexcusable because they could just blow her brains out.
The scene should've been during the night.
I don't think you guys know how hard it is to shoot someone on a parachute with simple bolt action rifles. They're not static targets like you think they are. Besides, she uses the parachute for like 4 seconds.
>Butcher only wrote the first ep
it makes sense now
They didn’t even try. She’s heading right towards them, meaning her profile relative to them isn’t changing very much. They could have done it.
Is this the bravo kyoani thread?
>get shot to the arm
>arm falls off
>free fall from 1000ft
>land unscratched on your feet
Are you even watching the anime? They couldn't even kill her in webm related, what makes you think a few guys have a chance?
>>free fall from 1000ft
Christopher E. Nolan is my inspo
She fell from a distance roughly as tall as a pine tree, so 150 to 250ft, considering her inhuman strength I'd say she can survive that.
Start wondering who the hell wrote this stupid script.
she's literally a demigod
They make such easy targets.
All I see is a black screen.
EMP, then install onahole.
>Saber, are we the baddies?
Why do they enter the room like that? Why do they stand in the middle of an empty room like that? It's like they want to be shot.
I think they were more pre-occupied with why a teenage girl is parachuting down to them.
When you see a child jump out of an aeroplane in a warzone it figures that you'd be confused for a few seconds at least.
They would've shot her.
You could only excuse what happened if it was night-time.
They wouldn't have seen anything and would stay quiet in case it's a bombing run.
Again, I don't figure normal soldiers would shoot what looks to be an unarmed child jumping out of an aeroplane, at least for a few seconds.
And as it is, trying to shoot at a moving plane with a rifle is retarded, you aren't going to hit jack shit.
Stop it with you night time meme.
Finnish Conscript here.
I can assure you, the second they see that government issue parachute open, they'd shoot her.
Not the plane, her.
Have you not been watching the show/ anime in general bud?
12ga buckshot
Watch a better show
Again, they notice she's a child before she even opens the shoot, that would be enough to stall anyone for the few seconds the thing is actually open before she unhooks.
Read this and tell me with a straight face that it would be easy to shoot her.
Don't even get me started on how they'd notice something like that due the altitude and the trees.
Man, who'd've thought I'd get trips.
>can shooting kill servants?
thanks user I feel blessed
Well they did, and that would be enough to stall them for the literal like 3 seconds she's actually using the parachute before she unhooks.
Violet is a pretty small girl. Imagine what you could do with her petite body.
Dude. Don't even fuck around, alright? She had her arms cocked out behind her, that means she can't be hit.
She's literally moving too fast for their brains to react.
>tfw someone saved your pic
Jesus christ
what the fuck is wrong with you my man
She's literally superhuman you idiot, has that not already been proven with the fact that she can single handedly defeat adult soldiers in the flashbacks and when she did the lake jump?
What? You think people would seriously shoot a child jumping out of a plane instantly and not be just confused for a few scant seconds?
ahhh okay I get it now
you're just baiting
Violet isn't a child though. She is a fully grown adult that is ready for procreation.
Where are the other superhumans?
Soon, literally.
>Demigod (former)
What degree did she have to get for this kind of job?
What would tea with these three be like?
First three, IIRC.
Didn't he just write the first then do basic outlines for the next two?
Depends on how autistic Violet is at that point.
Full autist Violet is the funnest Violet.
When will Violet get her smile back?
>it's okay to be bad because anime is shit so don't point out flaws in any show
Is this what being an ironic weeb is like?
It's not bad just because you don't get that this is a fantasy series and Violet has clearly been shown as a superhuman being several times before this.
She's literally not doing anything in the OP scene, it's the other characters that refuse to act so she looks more impressive
This would be a great background.
It's other characters that are surprised and confused to see a teenage girl jump out of an aeroplane in a warzone, who hesitate in that confusion for a few scant seconds before she drops to the ground at which point they fire.
IMO I think most people would be at least a little confused seeing something like that.
Ask her what she wants.
Position myself so that she lands on my benis
I mean, you are not really supposed to shoot unarmed civilians. They start shooting once she attacks them, but dare I remind you she's so fast she can WALK ON WATER.
They start shooting before that actually, but it makes enough sense as it is that they’d just be confused and would end up hesitating for a few seconds when they see a teen girl jump out of an aeroplane.
In other news, I would like to suck on Violet's toes.
Why is Violet so stronk? Is she just a big girl 4u or does she have some kind of modifications/abilities etc.?
Ah, so cute.
So tactical.
What did he mean by this?
I honestly think that this looks stupid. I mean, the whole concept and premise of the scene are good, but the way it was executed is silly.
Especially the Naruto run.
She’s superhuman, as if that isn’t obvious by this point.