School days

What does Sup Forums think about this manwhore?Is he the ultimate madman?

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Got what he deserved

Did nothing wrong. Women were the ones who wanted to fill their hole. They just chose him as the rod.

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Try looking for a female char more cucked than her. Guess what, you can't

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I fapped like a fucking monkey playing the eroge. The good ol' times

He even fucked Kotonoha's mother, Mankoto

He fucked her sister on the eroge

this nigga was slingin dick like he was robert plant in his prime

unironically 8/10

y'all aint going to heaven
you cool tho

Reminder, Mankoto triggered so many normalfags.


beta bitch manlet got killed by a jaded high school girl with a knife

>ywn go out like that

How is he beta user. He fucked like a damn rabbit

i hated him so much. Normally I don't hate players but he wasn't a player. He was a whore.

I fapped like a fucking monkey watching the anime.

died like a bitch, lost in a physical altercation with an adolescent girl

the cock is not supposed to lose

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he went from beta to ultra chad and paid the price, never go ultra chad

He fucked his own mom

Is he the final form of the chad? ultra instinct chad?


A cautionary tale.

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Link to uncencored version?

Please respond ;_;

mother fucking pussy SLAYER

The only mistake he made was not wrapping it up with Sekai.

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i remember the day I found the uncensored h scenes
that was quite a good day

Makoto is a fag but the girls are top tier, cant wait for this to arrive.

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>on 3Ds
japan is full of complete madmen

no, that could be his father

Who was his father btw?

he has seen pussy more times than his own dick probably

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This shit had h scenes? I remember watching it from a motivational but never seen those.

>nobody posted the google drive yet

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He doesn't even hold a candle to the true 0verflow madman. probably for the best though, shit's fucked

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Reminder that he literally rapes Katsura's little sister.

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If you are seeking for sanity in School Days, you won't find one.

Only if you make him do it.

He was using the cock, but failed to mindbreak.

>tfw the school/summer/shiny/cross days google drive isn't working anymore

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Why does Mai Inou look nothing like the one in Summer Days? She doesn't even have the same hair color.

Different art directors. Some of those old overflow games are like 20 years old.

>shun Hazami is the father of half the SD cast and is also his own son
>Sekai and Setsuna's mothers are sisters
There's no way this is correct right?

The owner locked it a long time ago.

Step aside Makoto, you have literally NOTHING on this guy.

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no sex confirmed

I wonder if they are going to extend the franchise since Island Days was the last game they made. They are still active, right?

japanese 3DS is based as fuck. How can NoA compete?

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Japanese eShop literally lets you buy the To Love Ru manga to read, with nipples in tact and everything. As far as I know, it's the only officially licensed 3DS product to show nipples.

At least Makoto was portrayed negatively as a horndog who couldn't get enough poontang.

Touya is a legit cancer character, made worse by how the anime expects you to sympathize with him.

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Reminder that Tomaru is actually in an H-OVA.

Here he is.

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Didn't 0verflow go bankrupt? Are they defunct now?

But technically the cock won. Makoto was a slave to his own dick as much as his conquests were, which ultimately led to his downfall.

What are the t next to some of them like Moegi Inou, is it like a wraparound to other ts so the insane web of incest doesn't get any harder to read?

It is a cross and it means they are dead.

So his grand-daughter, with whom he had kids he fucked a few more generations out of, is dead?
Can't tell if that's sad or if she's one of the lucky ones who got away. That Rika girl (his daughter/great-great-great grand-daughter) is starting to look a little lopsided

I believe she died in childbirth.

He's just a fag with no self control and only gets girls because the author said so

>Kotonohas front and center
sasuga best girl

Nah, she's the only one that won against Makoto's cock, user.

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Did what was right. He knew he was superior, so he took all the girls to himself. It's honestly the best way.
The real fucked up character was his friend. Sekai was also fucked up, at least Kotonoha understood her place as someone who would have to share Makoto.

Otome is best girl, and did nothing wrong.

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He is a whore and he got what he deserved. School Days is a nice aesop fable.

Isn't he deconstruction of harem MC?

It's the Perfect Blue of harem anime.

but the bitch was lying

Pretty much this

What the fuck, how do you even

Don't tell me you've never wanted to impregnate your great-great-great-granddaughter, user.

It's just a realistic depiction of how a horny young male would react to a bullshit harem situation.

How would you know?

I would, but i'd be fucking old so my Dick might not work

Still, how he gets to that still not being and old fart?

Because that is exactly how a lot of popular boys react. They fuck everything.
Not that experienced this firsthand but i saw it happen quite often with friends and classmates.

a boy Before his time. a ultra Chad.

Did nothing wrong. All he wanted was Katsura. Sekai ruined everything.

No one knows.

She dies because she gave birth too young.

At first, then he gets the Loli and everything else is a cum soaked downward spiral

Idiots like you don't know what deconstruction means.

You are an actual idiot who has 0 experience with real life interactions. No, it's not normal for a boy to fuck this many girls and casually lie to all of them simultaneously. The Overflow canon even states it's a syndrome inherited from his dad.

he's Sup Forums turned anime, goes to fuck all the girls he deems as his waifu(s) and then is surprised when they're not into NTR

The loli offered herself. What was he supposed to do? He would be a cuck if he rejected her.

The ost for this anime is very unique and has a nostalgic feel to it, guess it's one of the reasons this anime stands out to me.

The other thing, isn't Katsura raped at some point by another guy?

Yeah it happens. That's not Makoto's fault though.

By the tall guy, Taisuke.

Some interesting trivia though: he's the younger brother of one of the main heriones in Pure Mail, one of Overflow's other VNs, which has a 2 episode H-OVA. He was canonically raped by the MC of Pure Mail, who mistook him for his older sister.

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...and that's how 14 year old me couldn't take what the fuck was going on back in the day.

Good stuff, but never saw the h scenes, i think i'll go take a peek.

Nice boat

Has anyone here watched Pure Mail?

He would have known that if he had wrapped it up.

I don't know but fucking Sekai was hot.