One Piece

Chapter soon. Few pics out

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First for Basil Hawking being relevant in Wano. I want to see what he can do.

>Inb4, "Nothing happens! Oda is a hack!"

This. I want to see what all the Supernovas can do.

Waiting for this

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fuck, Hawkins. I swear, the banner tripped me up.

When will Oda finally give Smoothie her own screentime? That misogynist hack.

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A threesome?

I dunno my dude, he could. Depends on how quickly he wants to get to Wano.

I dont want my women to get hurt

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More cakebaiting and 1/3 of a chapter stretched out to twenty pages.
>How can I stretch out this arc for another 15 chapters?
>I know! I'll throw in the fishmen!
>Everybody loved Fishman Island!

>tfw not telling Big Mom that Kaido has the cake

So predictable.

The fishmen have been in this arc for chapters ago you fucking retard. And WCI arc has been set up at the end of FI.

He will transform into a Straw Hat and fuse with Luffy.

Jinbe told them to flee the island, fuckwit. They shouldn't be here. Nobody wants them here.

Or maybe it's the length needed to tell the story without rushing.

you posting this every week is so predictable

This arc didn't need to be 80 fucking chapters long.

>Allies coming back to help the main characters is a story development never heard before, not even in shonen battle manga, not even in One Piece

The fuckwit is you.

>Jimbe told them to escape
>They been helping Jimbe and co. to escape from the shadows
>You don't speak for everyone
Hackposter with his hack readin comprehension skills hacking the thread again.

Oda is stalling again and milking the series. what a shit author

Yeah, it's not like he didn't ALREADY FUCKING DO THAT WITH GERMA.

Apoo, Hawkins, Kid, Killer, and Drake should all be relevant in Wano. Drake is Kaido's subordinate. Apoo and the others may be Kaido's subordinates. Urouge may also be involved since he apparently wants to help Kaido out too.

You're right. Plenty of the escape arc content felt really dragged out.

Dressrosa was even longer. Just sayin

Kaido would BTFO her as she is now.

Oda dickrider riding dick as usual.

Yeah, is not like the Germa explicitly asked for Luffy's location CHAPTERS AGO.

Grow up.

Best ship.

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Fishman Pirate wank ruined this arc. Oda’s clearly just trying to make them look strong just to sell merchandise.
>t. absolute retard

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If the arc's length is like how it is, then it's the length that is needed. If you remove even one chapter, things won't become coherent in the big picture. Falling like dominos.
Oh, looks like I struck a nerve.

>My non argument shitty opinion was called stupid
>Better call him a dickrider
You are becoming predictable, my one trick pony friend.

>poly and open relationships
Worse than dying a virgin.


Yeah. I wanted it to be at least 100 chapters long, but you can't have everything in life, friend.

You have no argument, dickrider. You do nothing but ride dick and act smugly about it.


not pointing fingers but theres a really upset one piece fans here that others are not happy with his favorite series.

>This people came here that's hack strech
>Those people never went away
Hackposter strikes again!

QUALITY writing my friend. Goda

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Oh damn. Germa Doubles with trigger over here.

Are you having a nervous breakdown? You're becoming unintelligible.

pick one, faggot

I think she could have eaten it earlier, and then we cut away and just not see it for a while. Its effectively the same thing, but he wouldn't have to use panel time for it. Either way I'm not really bothered by the pacing just enjoying the ride.This is really just how it is reading One Piece weekly.

>This people came here that's hack strech
>Those people never went away
>Are we discussing arguments now?
>Y-you s-sound n-nervous, can't e-even r-read you
That ain't my typing friend. That's just your tears clouding your vision.

Literally cannot understand a thing you're saying. Come back when you stop sperging out.

dont bother with that sperg. hes upset that not everyone is happy about his fav manga.

>That ain't my typing friend. That's just your tears clouding your vision.
>This people came here that's hack strech
>Those people never went away
>Are we discussing arguments now?
>Y-you s-sound n-nervous, can't e-even r-read you
>That's 'cuz you're mad
>You totally sperging
Okay user suuuure.

hey guys wanna upvote my reddit theory

what's so special about big mom getting her cake to stretch it out for 900?
don't get it.

>implying anyone who isnt a shitposter cares about Luna here
Its just SaNaPu

>This moment will be ignored by Sanjihaters

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first on-page death of a fruit user who eats a second fruit. making it a Yonkou of all things will make it that much more of an impact in the world

Oda stalling for his retarded 900th chapter special.

>man who got outsmarted by carrot blocks an attack from his servant
sick one user

>Smoothie still doing nothing

I bet she gets "defeated" by some lolrandom Nami support attack

Why is the genie so fucking big

Where the fuck did this Sanji go?

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cool, sanji is as powerful as carrot now

He died along with Mr. Prince in Alabasta

my nigga sanji

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wtf I ship Carrot and Sanji now

because he's a big guy


Why is lanji so shit?

He had his moments in Skypeia and Water 7.
Wasn't until Thriller Bark that he got turned into a full time gag character. Mind you the bounty gag was pretty good.

Kek, good one.

"How do I into greentext???"

>chopper is awing at this shit rather than treat luffy
what a shit fucking doctor, law would not stand for this

If Carrot gave Sanji a nickname, what would it be?

>jinbe : lol i blocked cognac fuck off sanji what a shit feat

He's still going to beat Snack though

How big can the genie grow? Now it's like 10 times bigger than it was at the tea party.

>Carrot fighting the Gene

She will win !!!

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>Sanji will spank Daifuku for what he did to Pudding
>She's not even there to see it

>blocked Cognac
You mean BTFO by Cognac, right?

she completely toyed with the genie, who she wasn't even trying to fight. meaning sulong carrot fucks on daifuku, and puts her at the level of a low tier yonkou commander


That move blasted Jinbe back. Fuck off with this shit.

>Sanji protects Carrot
>Its for Pudding


Important info from this chapter, Daifuku's genie works just like a Stand from Jojo. If the genie takes damage Daifuku takes damage in the same spot.

Compote will unleash her final form. Any second now.

That would be pretty cool

How convenient.

>Evading the Gene so that he fucks his own ships is toying with it and that means she can defeat him

He can do it for both
and he can have both

that or "goshujin-sama"

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>sanjifags brag about sanji blocking an attack from a person with literal shit feats

He didnt do it for Pudding and I doubt he will. He didnt get revenge for Chiffon either.

that's actually a perfect pun, since hana is nose and hanaji means nosebleed. replace san with hana is basically like calling him noseji, but the pun still works

Reminds me of another time when a Big Mom subordinate got dodged, thus fucking up his own ally

Carrot > Sanji > Daifuku > Katakuri confirmed

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Okay crazy person

The spoilers said that he clash with Daifuku as he remembers how he slaped her during the wedding.
Why would he get revenge for Chiffon?

He speed blitzed Oven though. It'll be retarded if Sanji doesn't even get revenge for Daifuku hitting a woman.

but Chiffon is ugly user

Those were the fake spoilers user. Chiffon also got beaten in front of him so thats why he would get revenge on Oven.