Which speed do you usually watch your shows at? I've found that 1.25x is ideal for me, though I've gone as far as 1...

Which speed do you usually watch your shows at? I've found that 1.25x is ideal for me, though I've gone as far as 1.75x on busy days.

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like a bazillion dude

about tree fiddy

I marathon first episodes at 1.5x and then watch the rest at 2x.

normal when my Favorite VAs are in the show because their voices shouldnt be distorted in any sort of way.

if watching anime is a chore to you maybe you should stop watching anime
as a voice actor enthusiast i couldn't imagine fucking up the incredible voice work this much just to get through a backlog

This. OP, you are even worse than speed readers.

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I watch at 1x speed but skip ahead manually every other minute or so.

Also, this

Use Reclock you dumb plebs

Same. A lot of anime is just filler, in that it's predictable content or dialogue. I don't need to sit there for a minute listening to so-and-so explain such-and-such when I've already gleaned the gist of what they're dragging out saying. I know it saves on animation budget to do lots of exposition, but aint nobody got time for that these days.

This, desu it is my first time hearing something speeds up the show i mean wtf?

If watching anime is like some kind of score for you or something then you should neck yourself

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How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

The more important question is why the fuck are you watching anime? If you don't have the time to consume the media in the way it was intended do something else. Nobody cares about how many shows you're got on your MAL account. It pisses me off that people actually do this.

2x, 1.75 on weekends. Frankly, if I want to finish my backlog in my lifetime I don't have much choice.

I watch anime at 0.1x speed so it feels more like reading a manga.

for real, what the fuck? how can you even enjoy anime like that? is like a competition now?

Fucking shit

So it's like this? Truly the perfect manga experience.

I usually watch at 2x or more to make the thread before anyone else has finished watching the episode and spoiler the losers browsing the catalog.

I like anime so much that I want to watch more but there's just not enough time, which is why sometimes I opt to take advantage of multiple screens and catch up on different shows at the same time.

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you are literally insane, get help

>tfw newfags will believe this shit and watch anime on 2x to fit in

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0.75x because my brain needs more time to process all the complex interactions between anime girls

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I've got two screens, so I watch two episodes at once. I have a pair of glasses that split the field of view for each eye using lenses and mirrors.

>not screenshoting each frame and putting it into a slideshow

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what the fuck

>watch on increased speed or skip ahead
>come to threads to ask stupid ass questions or display ignorance of the content in general
every time

Watched Lain at 1.5x, LotGH at 2x speed (still dropped it ~1/3 in), others at 1x.

Sometimes I just skip episodes when they're too shitty like with Code Geass R2 I skipped like 15 out of the 25 episodes. NGE I skipped most of the mecha battle scenes. Re:Zero I skipped the whale battle etc.

0,5x two times, and when next episode comes out, i rewatch previous ones, because my memory is the so fucking shit, you can't possibly imagine.

When Sup Forums shitposts a show into oblivion like veg and franxx I watch them at 3x speed so I can get in on the action asap

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I watch at 3.75x because I have no time anymore

Which is worse, speedwatching or watching dubs?

>watching anime at double speed when you could be watching 2 or more different shows on seperate monitors at the same time

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holy fucking shit, how do you even enjoy anime like that

How the fuck?

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this guy's got the right idea

I used to watch Trekyuu at 0.5x it's much better.

>skip ahead manually every other minute or so
Just how much hentai do you watch?

Big MAL big success in one's life.

DESU I should've probably watched lain on 3x speed, would've felt like a normal anime then

1x for shows that I want to watch.

If it goes higher than 1x then it is going to be dropped soon. If it hits 2-4x I just want it to be over and dropped but will give it a tiny chance to not get dropped before the episode ends.

You’re basically admitting that you’re too mentally slow to follow Teekyu.

Take some ritalin before watching anime or something