Shonen Villians

This thread to is dedicated to villians in shonen. Post them, powerlevelfag them, discuss their retarded plans.

This guy right here started the deadliest war in history which would have ended with mass extinction of humanity had nardo and sauces homolust come through, all because he's a huge beta that couldn't get over the death of his oneitis.

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hes so beta hes almost chad tho


How on earth did you come to this conclusion

Completely agree with this

Also, why the fuck does bitch nigga Sasuke have a single fucking fan?
All the way through the series he does literally nothing but whine like an emo fuckboi until the very end when the cunt is like "hehe sorry bout all that xd"

Fuck him and fuck stacy fangirl Sakura as well

wtf was his plan? Declare war on 5 nations with only an army of Zetsu?

it wasnt until AFTER he declared war that Kabuto used Edo tensei/ And Kabuto boosted the Zetzu clones.

Fuck this series. I thought it was shit after the 5 kage summit.

Also, Naruto not killing Sasuke. When Sasuke tried killing Sakura and Kakashi and Naruto looks fucking PISSED I thought she was gonna go down. But nope. That would be too cool.

Im calling bullshit on the Itachi plot twist. Kishimoto didnt plan it. Just Sasuke basically had nothing to do after killing him.

Sasuke "remembered" later that Itachi cried when he left

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Although overall, Obito is a bitch ass nigga for causing a ton of deaths just because he decided to give up completely on life, I always get hit with mega feels whenever I see the scene when he dies and meets Rin who has been waiting for him the whole time. She was waiting for him all that time, and when he finally shows up, she doesn't judge him or anything, she just welcomes him and is glad he's finally there. That always hits me like a brick wall because I feel like that would never really happen because why does he get a hapoy ending like that after all the bullshit he caused? Also that's just such a perfect ending, I understand why he was in tears, I probably would be too if that were me, knowing that I could just throw the past away as a nightmare that I don't have to atone for, and now I'm wiped clean of all my failures and evil deeds and can be surrounded by happiness and comfort with the person I love most.

Was Aizen the best or the worst shounen villain? Cause I can't figure it out

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It's because Itachi was one of the more popular characters so to try and make him seem even cooler he made him into a tragic hero

>She was waiting for him all that time, and when he finally shows up, she doesn't judge him or anything

It's like Sakura, they're just retarded girls attracted to psychopaths.

He wanted to win.

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>got to knock up kikaijima

he basically won

Non canon

It's implied, like pic related.

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can someone tell me what happened? I thought dude was dead, did he just lift that big ass rock and live like a hermit for 20 something years?

> inb4 Chrollofags and Hisokafags
> thread turns to a "Oh-My" thread

He got saved by White Zetsu under orders from the real Madara.

Half his body was gone though, so he merged with Zetsu to an extent while he healed.

>I'll simply just bring the spirit kingdom to me

he's based

It is not implied at all

>the baby has white hair like Kumagawa did when he was a kid
>the baby's name is Mogami, a mix of the first parts of Mogana and Misogi
>the baby's name means "best", in contrast to Kumagawa's status as the worst
>Kikaijima doesn't reveal her new surname, saying that using her old surname is fine
>Kikaijima gets an entire panel where she looks away and remains oddly silent when the rest of the group is talking about how they haven't heard from and can't locate Kumagawa

You have to be mentally retarded not to get it. The epilogue even goes into detail why, he stopped wanting to leave records behind.

Which, in typical Nisio style, ends up being a meta-joke about how there's no definite information given of what happens to Kumagawa and no definite information given about whether Kumagawa is Mogami's father. The ambiguity only enhances the meta-joke.

Other characters have had white hair
Kikaijima explains her son's name as her putting her child as the center of her life.
Someone would have surely said something if her name became Kumagawa, but even all the people who work for the government and the police have no information about Kumagawa. It would be quite the lead if her named changed to the person they were searching for.
Kikaijima was always blushing throughout the manga for no reason.

Is Itachi the Ace of Naruto? Or Vice Versa.

>Other characters have had white hair
Very few have had natural white hair at childhood that we know of.

>Kikaijima explains her son's name as her putting her child as the center of her life.
A double meaning shouldn't be that surprising given the amount of wordplay in this series.

>Someone would have surely said something if her name became Kumagawa, but even all the people who work for the government and the police have no information about Kumagawa. It would be quite the lead if her named changed to the person they were searching for.
She likely never formally changed her surname to Kumagawa in the family register. Again, in accordance with Kumagawa not wanting to leave records behind.

>Kikaijima was always blushing throughout the manga for no reason.
She didn't just blush though. She didn't talk about whether she'd heard from him, when everyone else was; she chose to remain silent and blush.

Again, in accordance with the meta-joke about it being made purposely ambiguous as to whether he's the father, there's not going to be anything definitive here.

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>Again, in accordance with the meta-joke about it being made purposely ambiguous as to whether he's the father, there's not going to be anything definitive here.
I think it is fair to say that Nisio did leave some hints behind for that end. Kumagawa was always meant to be a mystery

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Best shounen villain of all time

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the mangekyo got activated right when all the boulders were going to crash him.
white zetsu and madara did the rest.

his mangekyo activated at the same time as kakashi, when rin died

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Obito had 7 Bijuu right? He could decimate the entire shinobi army just by spamming bijuudama at them and since Naruto and Bee were still away, who could stop him?.

Nah, the cry is brought up from the bell test and every Japanese fan knew that something was wrong from the 'live an unsightly life' line.

i remember this yea but i though he also was able to escape by using his jutsu. why was white zetsu near there?

He's not even THE villain of his show.

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This is the best villain in Naruto. No villain except for maybe Pain felt close to this level of intimidating. This motherfucker would kill people left and right and was just a vessel of hatred waiting to explode. In relation to power levels, he was mega strong and felt like no one would actually be able to defeat him. His backstory is also one of the best and they actually manage to make you feel bad for this bloodthirsty kid.

Obviously, he's pretty weak when compared to the later villains of Shippuden, but hot damn was he scary during the Chunin Exams.

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Wasn't it some bull like Madara caused everything to happen because he was playing the long con?

Not him but tobito is a hustler

He fauoght for like a day straight and played every one like a fiddle for years and even got one step ahead of Madara fucking uchia

that i don't remember. i thought he used the kamui, escaped then ended up in that fucking cave with madara noticing him. cause madara also controlling that seems like a huge stretch. but you might be right, considering how retarded things became.

>but hot damn was he scary during the Chunin Exams.
>That scene in the forest of death where he makes three grown men beg for their lives, then instantly crushes them to death and makes the skies rain blood
That shit was so fucking alpha

Gaara was fucking hardcore

And he was still pretty cool and got some great moments after he got TNJ'd too, like his speech to the shinobi forces and when he meets his reanimated dad. Man i never really thought about it before but Gaara is probably up there in my favorite Naruto characters

hey guys, i've travelled back from the future to tell you that this is the greatest villain shonen has ever seen. all of Sup Forums in 2028 agrees

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Literally who

Truly /ourguy/

Sup Forums won't be around in 2028 user.

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