Dr. Stone

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Commencing dump

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I just can't get over the fact that Boichi says he hates drawing dudes and only wants to draw women, but they all look like this.

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Cotton candy has only been around for 100 years or so. It's amazing how much mankind has invented in that time.

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That was a sweet chapter.

oh this is cool

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This is apparently petite.


Hope he makes toothpaste soon

>has an orgasm

>Now that the stonemen are addicted to candy they're his forever
A cute Kinrou

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>Winter is coming.
>Village is already saying they need to prep for it and hunker down.
>Meanwhile the meat heads are busy larping as cavemen.

I don't get the rush to defeat them, they're all going to die in the first big snow, either by freezing or starving.

Nah dude, they'll just make a big fire and then huddle around it for months like penguins.

We Souma now?

Dr Stone continues to impress

>Work village to make science weapon
>Give them treats along the process to demonstrate how cool science is
It's a good plan.

Has Japan always been this into cotton candy?

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so she is actually wearing underware then?
a thong maybe?..

Fucking genius.

Looks like it's a part of the dress

>best man delivers again

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It was coke with gen
Now it's cotton candy with Homura? Senku can conquer hearts of men and women alike with his new science food

food is a huge deal when all you have is dirt

this point was allready made a few chapters ago actually if i recall

Tsukasa will probably fall for something like mocchi. or another kid snack that he shared with his little sister.

The brute camp can get meat, but they are probably too dumb to get salt for seasoning. And yes, we get pampered by good tasting food in this day and age.

For a guy who had a preference for women, he’s pretty unimaginative about them. Though of anything, Inguess that’s the reason.

You just know Taiju and Yuzuriha have been fucking like rabbits in Tsukasa's village. In fact, I'm sure that village apart from Tsukasa himself is one massive fuckfest.
Tsukasa is saving himself for Senku.

Nice chapter

Taiju couldn't even bear to ask Yuzuriha out after 3700 years of keeping his consciousness alive by mentally screaming out her name. Then he outright told her he wasn't going to ask her out as an "Adam and Eve" deal, he wanted to ask her out after they had revived everybody. They'll do things properly.

and now they both have been surrounded by caveman cock for 6 months. taiju has no excuse

While his guys look hot desu.

Senkuu truly is best boy right after Gen.

I don't know man, I'm really getting into Kinrou.

Dr. Shokugeki

Ginrou plz

Carlos, go unga bunga yourself.

>Winter is coming.
>Village is already saying they need to prep for it and hunker down.
After they are done with the phone, Senku should at least teach them masonry, pants, food preservation and centralized heating. They could make walls and houses for the village, a stone bridge, even a port, use the winter to prepare for war (making weapons and armor), make the village an impregnable, not easy to burn, fortress.
It's a pity that, being a shounen, he will probably teach them how to make a snow-making machine instead.

i swear to GOD if best boys smile is not protected

>tfw this manga got translated before bc

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Yep, i saw how this would play out with thier reaction to ramen
Hook them in and they're his for good

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that´s foreshortening right?
that´s why his hand is so tiny

I accept that you can make gold wire with the way Senku demonstrated, but a micro processor is still literally impossible to make with stone-age tools

He'll likely just make a walkie talkie. But the bigger issue is power supply. His battery would have to be pretty big, and that's going to be a problem if he intends to sneak it into enemy territory.


My dick.

Cooking is one of humanity's greatest inventions.

No need for battery.

Just need a signal flare to declare the start of a transmission and hand power the power through a dynamo.

You lost me at the cellphone bit, sorry

>Boichi says he hates drawing dudes
Maybe because it's less work for him to draw simple ayylien looking girls?

Magma will never defect because of this. Hell Tsukasa's empire is purely built on fear towards him and his charisma but almost everyone would prefer to have an easier lifestyle (from science) than living in the stone age.

Cooking is a major part of any society's cultural identity. To be unable to eat the foods you're accustomed to eating is to slowly have a part of yourself shrivel up and die. I'm surprised the tribe was so receiving to cotton candy considering the sweetest thing they've had are fruits and that the texture isn't like anything they're used to.

It's something new and it taste good. What's not to like?

Hell Tsukasa's empire probably would never even come to have fucking BREAD because of his retarded beliefs.
There's always a degree of cultural bias to overcome when trying something new to eat that is completely different from what you're used to, even if it is good.

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Kohaku and Chrome spread it around though. The clan probably accept anything that they give to them and would give it all a try.

I feel as though the bigger factor was that the cotton candy was made using sugar from their burnt up sake and mirin so the sweetness probably wasn't too different from what they're used to. If it was too sweet they would definitely have been shocked by it.

I've had a friend gift me candy from his country and I recoiled from how sweet it was but to him it was normal. Our perception of flavors is molded from what we've been eating all our lives.

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Bread has to be one of humanity's best inventions.

Agreed. The village probably knows how to make some or are very close to making it given that they can make alcoholic drinks.

It's a deadly poison, by not having bread Tsukasa is protecting his empire's gains.

basically if you go without eating modern sweet food for a while, your pallete and tastebuds reset and become super sensitive to sweetness.

>Tsukasa would prefer to keep his empire as a purely hunter/gatherer society because agriculture is too sciency for him to accept
This won't last, even if Senku died Tsukasa's empire would adopt science after he dies. All that Tsukasa would do by killing Senku is delaying the inevitable.

Depends on how large his "empire" is going to be. It's perfectly possible to sustain a small scale society. Changes in climate or biodiversity that may arise from overhunting or climate change may force them to adopt agriculture. They'll also have to deal with other societies developing agriculture. Being strong is cool, but you're still not going to win a war if the other guys have a huge population and a larger army.

I'm sure realistically if you told villagers that you could take a resource they thought was ruined and turned it into something usable, nobody would fight you on it.

>nobody would fight you on it.
I'm not saying that they'd oppose him making it, I'm just saying they'd be a bit more reserved when it came to trying it out or that they might not have loved the taste/texture as much.

this panel

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>When you realize that if you had a chef you'd be able to make Tsukasa's entire empire defect

Of course this opinion of mine is purely from the perspective of my own modern day culture. The villagers might and probably could have been raised to not be picky eaters at all and thus would easily accept any new food offered to them.

Why is Tsukasa so smart anyway? Who the fuck could istantly understand that stuff was nitric acid just like that? He's supposed to be a musclehead, yet understands perfectly everything Senku does.

Maybe he study.

Isn't he some mma idol? Really doesn't seem like a guy interested in that, considering his approach to life. He gets what is needed by strength, what's the point in learning other stuff?

He plans to be better than adults, right? That includes being smarter than them, doesn't it?

Not really. He just needs to destroy the statues and preserve the balance and needs of his empire. Nothing else.

The studying was back during the modern days. There's no way he would need any learning in the caveman age.

Tsukasa seems to be one of those rare people who are just talented at anything they really put their mind to.
He probably chose to focus on MMA, but could easily figure out chemistry if he wanted to

Maybe it's different in Japan, but that level of chemistry and general scientific knowledge isn't normally taught at highschool. It's early-middle university tier.
Still, why would he study that? It's obvious it isn't in his nature.

Maybe he want to best the adults around him?

Meh, kinda sucks that he foreshadowed this early that Senku will wololo Tsukasa's empire to victory. Probably there will still be enough members who will resist it so we can have a war and also a legitimate reason for the defeated ones to concede after all instead of getting killed (or spared in the classic shounen bullshit way), but a good amount of the fun was spoiled because now things are predictable, except for which technology/food/instruments/objects they'll develop to convert the enemy.

He already knows he's doing so.

Senkuu already mentioned that when he discovered Chrome.

But he's not the best at all fields yet.

I just hope he gets more screentime, his character has a lot of potential.

By his logic yes, he is. That's the point. He's sure what he's doing is for the best. He wants to keep things UNCHANGED from here on, this isn't a setup for a greater plan. This is already his full plan.

We're talking about way back, before the stoning. He studied and trained to be better than the adults around him.

he's so happy to show people the wonders of science

I feel that after Tsubasa falls, the next major antagonist will be some other genius with high IQ that is the opposite of Senku and uses the dark aspect of science to create weapons of mass destruction