Why are there so few manly MCs?

Why are there so few manly MCs?

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I got your manly MC right here.

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The average viewer can't self insert to manly MCs.

Its easier to self insert with Shinji Ikari type protagonists than with Yagami.

Why do you make this show every day?

If you want gruff, bulky dudes, you don't want anime. You want the gay porn channel.

cos japaneses are smoll

>self insert
Y'know for most people its about story.

Everyday? Its a serious question.

No I want MCs that have the balls to fight back and dont puss around.

Yeah its hard to be a pure aryan giant.

because those who slowly turn from beta faggots to manly chads are better.

>No I want MCs that have the balls to fight back and dont puss around.
There are plenty of those though.

because that would trigger everyone because no real alphas watch anime
I think it would be fun though

But this guy ran away from home after being BTFO by his sister

Maybe every other day? Someone asks the same damn stupid question and gets answers they don't like.
We still have angry protagonists that punch things. We still have varied character designs. We still have muscular character designs. We still have adult protagonists. I don't know which particular thing you're complaining about, because no one is ever specific about what they want from a "manly" character.

They are cousins.
And he came back alpha AF.

watch more anime

what are you talking about, OP

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Well its not me who does that. I dont care about what people say its opinion and I am on Sup Forums for interaction and not to get my opinion praised.

Okay my definition of manly is someone who
>wouldnt back down from a fight
>stays calm and collected
>could pull a gun on you with no problem
>has a sense of right and justice
>is a natural leader
>can talk and manipulate
>isnt afraid to betray people
>can seperate his quest from his feelings
>knows when his time has come
>has the 7 virtues of a good man and never rests on the 7 sins
Manly isnt about looks its about actions.

>10 requirements
>expecting more than a handful of individuals to pass
You are retarded.

Also, half of these contradict each other.

A typical MC is an everyman, not distinctly "manly" but certainly not Shinji Ikari-tier like people like to say.
They usually just want their brand of wish fulfillment while complaining about wish fulfillment.

The last one is 14 things though, so it's actually 23 requirements. OP is more than twice as stupid as you're giving him credit for.

b/c nihon is full of betas. that's why their women are promiscuous whores.

>>expecting more than a handful of individuals to pass
Thats just the ones I came up with. And no there are many characters like that just they arent MCs and also nothing contradicts each other.

And you want all of these fulfilled in one character? Your list sounds like a pre-flight engine check by pilots instead of actually interesting character.
Sure I'd rather take a decisive male with actual character over some spineless bland beta cassettte tape but if he has no flaws at all or is just beta's fantasy dream come true like your checklist then that's just as bad.

>nothing contradicts each other.
Betrayals are not virtuous.
Pulling guns on random people is neither good nor virtuous.
Getting into fights for no reason is not calm and collected or virtuous
>there are many characters like that.
I sincerely doubt that.

>you will never see Kaze no Stigma end

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Explain the West then.

Because watch a show made before the year 2000

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>adds his wrong interpretations to make his shit seem right
To betray someone you either have to be manly or a snake.
Never said anything about random people I said that if needed he has no problem pulling out a gun.
Again never daid anything about random fights. You should read properly before saying things.

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It's simple. The West is full of promiscuous whores, that's why their men are betas.

>Remember watching Kaze no Stigma years ago and liking it a lot
>Try to rewatch it
>It's horribly bland and boring with tons of forgettable shit
>The main girl is one of the worst characters ever
The only thing I liked about it was the stuff with the MC's dead girlfriend.
This is why I'm better off not rewatching older anime I remember enjoying. The exact same shit happened with Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple.

>To betray someone you either have to be manly or a snake.
>it's not bad if a man does it
You argue like a child.
>Never said anything about random people I said that if needed he has no problem pulling out a gun.
No, you said "you". You never implied a need.
>Again never daid anything about random fights.
Wrong. Your statement means that he doesn't back down from fights. That includes meaningless ones.

You should learn to phrase things the way you mean them.

I thought he ran away from his clan because his father thought he was a failure?

Some of them its about the right mix.
And many things can count as a flaw too.

>To betray someone you either have to be manly or a snake.
>To kill someone you either have to be manly or a lion.
>To steal something you either have to be manly or a bird.
>To talk complete bullshit you either have to be manly or myself.

Never had this problem. And it's still better than most of the modern stuff. Maybe your taste just became worse with years.

>can fight (doesn't have to be the best)
>never gets btfo
>not self-righteous but isn't pure evil
>has an attitude or personality or something
and most importantly:
>doesn't give a fuck

Fuck off Animesuki fag

no, it's about the premise and characters

>>never gets btfo
So, plot armor?
>>doesn't give a fuck
Ever? About anything?
That sounds like a shit character.

Or maybe you're just an easily pleased pleb.

>plot armor
yeah I guess so
>doesn't give a fuck
I mean he's not swayed easily or opinionated

Betrayal has a why and this why makes a man.
Do you pull a gun on everybody? No you do if needed. Common sense thinking.
Same thing with fights. Do you just go around beating people up. No.

So long as he still has a few things that he really cares about it's fine.

>So, plot armor?
No, a character who never loses.

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>Do you pull a gun on everybody?
We are not talking about me. We are talking about your "wouldn't back down from a fight" fictional character.
>Do you just go around beating people up.
No, but some people do. And apparently your character does.
Rephrase your criteria in a way that fits with the rest of the points and stop trying to reinterpret them.

>says I should stop reinterpretating things
> interpretates everything wrong and wants to push it as right
Dude you lost it right the fuck now.

So he does back down from fights, if they are against people that don't deserve a beating or if nothing is gained from fighting them?
The first? Both? The second?
Either way, he would back down from a fight [if*]. And thus your phrasing is wrong.

Not backing down from fights doesnt mean he forces fights. Not backing down means that if a person challanges you to a fight you will accept not that you run around a force people to. Thats what you dont get.

Lack of common social structure knowledge or stupidity aside you shouldnt put your own shit into what people say/write just take what is there and nothing more.

I'm tried of seeing relatable male characters, we don't need more Shinji Ikari type characters.

>Not backing down means that if a person challanges you to a fight you will accept
Even if nothing is gained from it or the person challenging him does not deserve the beat-down?
That goes against the virtues of patience, kindness and humility.
Rather, it is an expression of pride (which is one of the 7 sins).

Let me make an analogy for you.
A mentor/trainer fighting his own student is useless. The mentor has nothing to proof the student doesnt deserve the humiliation but the mentor still fights him because it teaches the student to be patient and humble.

Most of the time the manly character archtype is the MCs teacher/mentor.
Everything he does is there to change others. Even if it seems to go against his own virtues or is a sin.

>it’s a muh manime thread again

You stupid faggots are just not watching the right shows.

>Even if it seems to go against his own virtues or is a sin.
So you are giving up on the last point about being virtuous and never sinful?
>Let me make an analogy for you.
That works if the character in question manages to turn every fight he gets into into a lesson. Otherwise, it's just one particular kind of fight and the others still have the same problem of being meaningless.

Yeah you didnt read my list.
Not resting in the sins doesnt exclude that he sometimes has them. Come on thats english you should understand that.

Every fight is a lesson. You learn many things besides streanghts and weaknesses.

>Every fight is a lesson.
Unless you die because you opponent "could pull a gun on you with no problem".

No even in death you learn.
The dying learns human cruelty and unfairness.
The shooting one that nobody is prepared for everything.

Is that the sort of sophistry with which you usually excuse your escapades of immorality?

>Not resting in the sins
No, this is not English.