Boku no Hero Academia

Chapter soon hopefully.
How will this arc play out?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no spoilers
>the most laziest and generic topic posssible
>kacchako shit

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>not Baku no hero
one job op

Do you think kacchan will ask to me to dance at the festival?

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>tfw coming down off an acid trip

i hope its cool

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Learn how to use the catalog fucking shonenfag

Are you actually retarded? Kill yourself

Did the gooks die or what?

Nigger Clover is trash you retard

Wait until page 10 with the previous thread for fuck sake

Ask for Sero's help and he will.

>Not even small pics this week
People really don't give a fuck about BNHA..

>N-No not in front of Deku!

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Sauce me up

I love this pairing

dekutoga's already decided

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Does Katsuki ever stop being fucking annoying? I figured eventually he would mature, or they would manage to find that point on the line where his edgy bratiness ends up being funny, but he's still an annoying bitch

>or they would manage to find that point on the line where his edgy bratiness ends up being funny
I think we're about here desu.

That's not a question retard.

About time

everyday til canon

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If you've been cayching up with the manga then yes, he's been mellowing out for a while. He's still angry as fuck, but he's becoming calmer and more considerate in his own special way.

You caught me.

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He's a lovable boy. You just suffer from shit taste.

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please kill Mirio!!!!!!!!!!!!!

w-wrong thread?

Boku no Bullying Academia

I hate you.

But keeping Mirio alive means he can suffer more

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male tsunderes are tops m8

It’s time

I can't believe Gentle is fucking dead

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There are exactly two actual good ships in this series and it's Todo-Momo and Deku-Tsu. Anything else is repulsive.


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You forgot about the best ship.

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>Deku finally has a long range attack

So what will Deku learn next?

You read my mind.
Also Fuck yes. My boy is kicking ass.


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>using the whole chapter for a shitty fight
Pathetic. Just pathetic.

It’s our first real Deku and Jirou interaction

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Hey, there were flashbacks as well.

I expected a copout. That they wouldn't actually fight. I'm glad I was wrong.


>mfw gookscans took a year to come out this week

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Poor Deku.

what are these gooks fucking saying?

Jirou a cute

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Somehow this time Ochako is completely gone from Deku's flashbacks.

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So Gentle's quirk is making invisible rubber walls from thin air?

>Deku tried his new device on the villain he conveniently met in the street
Wow who could have expected it. So exciting.

fucking this


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how the fuck do I see these

That’s a smug Tail Man

Nah that's probably La Brava's quirk.

What's his IQ?

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Jirou is the traitor confirmed.

>Deku only gives a fuck about Eri and the band
Ochakofags and Tododekufags on suicide watch

I guess her name is love rubber

Is he faking la Brava's quirk being his? I thought he was rubberizing stuff

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I hope Deku is impressed by her notebooks

How awesome would this movie be?

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I feel like Hori is getting better with paneling.
Hype as fuck.

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looking at this face tells me Gentle ain't losing or getting arrested anytime soon
his quirk is too high quality

This is already looking like it will be one of his more impressive looking fights

>two tranny characters
>black hero with a white wife
is the author an SJW or just too westaboo?

>two tranny characters

So is it literal rubber, just like thread assumed?

Well! I must say, Gentle's/La Brava's Quirk seems pretty EFFICIENT.

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Really? I found this average.

Tora and that bad guy with huge lips and glasses who got killed by Overhaul.

>looks good
>not confusing
>nice use of motion
It's really good, closer to Toriyama's style.


this page is fucking noice

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Deku looks really cool in this chapter and the color page. Fucking based.

>two tranny characters
>one dies
>black have never shown in manga before

Please, stop

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I got a hearty chuckle at the coal burner. He's a Marvel fag so that shit isn't exactly foreign territory. I sincerely doubt BNHA influences Japan all that much so it's whatever really.

I wonder how SJW Funimation will make this dialogue in the dub.

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>mfw when Deku accidentally kills Gentle

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Truly the youtuber of MHA
Nah I noticed too, the writing of the overhole arc wasn't the best but even it had some nice pane king, our boy Hori's improved

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Please kill Mirio!!!!!!!!!!

This shit was pretty funny tho.

Tora? really? I didnt see it that way

So Pikatard was kicked out of the band

Funimation will change it into some politically correct bullshit.

Tora was a chick user.

Dont joke with me user, no way

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>still no ochaco in the flashbacks
fucking kek

I hope Funimation completely misunderstands that Tora used to be a girl and became a guy, and they completely botch the meaning by trying to be PC.

I was only referring to what Tora said. I got a good laugh from it.

>looks good
>not confusing
>nice use of motion
>closer to Toriyama's style.

I don't feel like finding the page but it says on its little character page. Went to Thailand and came back like that.


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Guess i skimmed over that part
fucking spooky

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Compared to earlier clusterfucks yes it's closer to Toriyama's style.
It's nice even if Hori doesn't have the endurance or skill yet to get to that level.

RIP old man