

Attached: eye.gif (540x304, 1.8M)



user, that's a dude.

Good thread.


Attached: 1343748187014.jpg (112x200, 14K)

You do know that’s actually a guy, right?

these contacts actually exist too you know

>with dirty PE hands
with dirty PE hands, yeah

>if you can't beat them, join them
It's an admirable effort.

Wouldn't contacts scratch up your cornea if you take them off like that? I'm squeamish when it comes to eye injuries, however little they may be.

Attached: 1454604270386.png (424x514, 523K)

That makes it even better.

This would look trippy as fuck when she's in a brightly lit space (e.g. i.e. outside on a sunny day) and her pupil shrinks. Her eyes would appear to be black at first, but upon closer inspection but there would be a strange green line in which the natural colour of the iris would slip by, kinda like pic related.

Attached: file.png (1000x659, 10K)


It was all a lie!

Contacts aren't sharp.

scratching would be the least of your worries taking them off like that. you would pop your eye like a pimple

Its bad to do it like that
But not as bad as some people think

I've taken mine off like that for years. How are you supposed to do it?

Attached: animucontactlens.jpg (856x480, 50K)