Every anime released is just Waifu fapbait and it makes me upset...

Every anime released is just Waifu fapbait and it makes me upset, when is there going to be just one anime where it doesnt have anime girls with giant tits bouncing around, as a girl thats not interested in girls all of this is just garbage and its sad all of you eat this up.

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Watch fujoshit then

I know this is bullshit because girls love giant tits. Everyone loves giant tits. Gays love giant tits

You seem to have used "waifu" to mean favourite female anime or manga character out of a certain series. Oops!

Don't worry, I've got your back. I suggest that you should learn what it means, by lurking more. Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example r/anime.

Thanks for reading!

False, gays can't feel love.

Watch Cross Ange. Literally the a masterpiece without all the bullshit you mentioned.

>every anime released is just Waifu fapbait with big bouncy tits
YESH! Which anime ya talking about? Gotta get muh fap hand rdy :3

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No thank you

You must be fucked in head to not find anime girls attractive or appealing. It has nothing to with your real life sexual orientation.

Abe is confused. Who doesn't love big boobies?

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>You seem to have used "waifu" to mean favourite female anime or manga character out of a certain series.

That's pretty much how it was used here like 10+ years ago.

You are homosexual

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If it’s not them bouncing their boobs in front of the screen every minute, what’s there to complain about?

or envious

Don't post with your secondhand knowledge.

Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night both have great story and no cowtits

Men of taste prefer delicious flat chest

You first.

Why don't you have a seat over there?

You must be either joking or pure retarded

Not joking or retarded. Seibah does not have cow tits

Sakura has cowtits

Overall I feel like Sup Forums has a pretty shitty taste. There is a vast amount of really good stuff out there, and what people are talking about here? Garbage. Garbage.

I half agree with you. People here only discuss popular stuff and forget most of the gems. It's like the entire board is invested by casualfags who only watch what's popular and come here to bring down the quality of board. It's the same usual threads about same fucking shows from past.

Not really and Sakura is more or less irrelevant in Zero and UBW.

So you guys want Sup Forums to be a 7x24 Cowboy Bebop circlejerk? That sounds lame.

Did you even read what i said in my post you fucking chimplet. My problem is that people only discuss same fucking popular shows all the time. Even most people here take simplistic checklist approach towards anime just like your plebbit and MAL. There is lot of good stuff in past that don't get talked at all cause this board is full of casual retards who just watch whatever is popular in the community just like that bebop you are talking about.

Do note how these threads always begin with some generic overused Sup Forums reaction pic from 2-3 years ago.

So you want a [insert name of a random show no one watched and no one cared about except you] circlejerk? That's even worse than the pre-2000 one; at least many of those shows are actual classics.

Why the fuck are you trying so hard to misread my post. Did i ever mention anything related to circlejerk? Are you saying that we should continue this popular shows shitposting culture here? Is there anything wrong with discussing more good stuff instead of same usual popular trash? Casuals like you should just disappear.

>ughhhhh stop liking the things I don’t
holy shit shut the fuck up retard, go to another chan or reddit if you don’t like Sup Forums. Nothings going to change just because one retard is upset with a couple threads about popular shows

You should like both flat and cow tits but if you like flat more then you're better than those who only like cows. Bless you.

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>People here only discuss popular stuff and forget most of the gems
>My problem is that people only discuss same fucking popular shows all the time
This is false btw. Sup Forums mostly discuss seasonal anime wether it's popular or not, Sup Forums takes pride in being a cool contrarian that doesn't like popular stuff too so you get cool points if you're watching "hidden gems"
If you make a thread about something you like people will post on it too. You can make a thread about any anime and there will be an user or two that watched it no matter how obscure it its. Just don't speak like Sup Forums should talk about the things you like who the fuck cares about the things you like anyway.

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>>ughhhhh stop liking the things I don’t
Somehow you spectacularly manage to misread everything i say. You seriously need to fuck off to plebbit or MAL cause there are the same causal losers like you who only suck the popular anime cock and propagate this shallow checklist mentality towards approaching anime. You'll fit right in with those retards.

She is curvy yeah, but people look at Faye Valentine, who has her boobs literally on display and jiggling throughout Cowboy Bebop, and nobody ever said that was just her being everyone's waifu.

Plus, Sakura actually has a solid reason for liking the MC, being a part of his family and they even have a good section for this in the movie. If anything, it's Rin nursing a crush for years and never even talking to Shirou that should label her more of an "ideal waifu" character than Sakura. Rin even had the trope of "MC nailing the school idol".

No, only popular anime threads stay alive unless the anime is airing right now. I am not even talking about obscure stuff. there something wrong when only popular shows is discussed the most here

I love how you refuse to see how things truly are, instead clinging to your fucked-up view of the board.
Are you that mad we aren't discussing that shitty 2006 show you loved so much?


>as a girl thats not interested in girls
You lost me.

>as a girl that's not interested in girls
Literally the worst sort of girl.

what anime did you want to discuss anyway

No, the worst was the one with a NTR+forced single motherhood fetish.

This but unironically.

I dare to assume that's because anime has been shit for literally decades and there are only like 4-5 decent anime since 2000. And wow what a fucking surprise that Sup Forums doesn't know shit about anime and has a shit taste!

>replying to this bait
Sup Forums please.

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