An anime I like becomes popular

>an anime I like becomes popular
>start losing interest in it
Am I becoming a contrarian?

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If you let a fan base or popularity change your opinion on something, then you're retarded.

So yes, I'm becoming a contrarian like the rest of Sup Forums.

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it's okay to hate on the fanbase but not okay to let some retard change your opinion on something

Don't worry it happens to me too

Sup Forums made me hate f/zero

>not using hipster
Yes, you are, you disgusting faggot

i've never been happy to hear that a manga i like annoncing that they're getting an anime. 1 don't watch anime, so all it does is allow ADD mouthbreathers get involved and cancer up discussions. Its especially bad in cases like OPM, where I knew retards and ironic weeb youtubers would lap it up, and there'd be spergs making saitama memes on every site you click on
i fucking hate anime

I agree that one should seperate the fanbase from the product when evaluating the quality of said product, I still find myself being unable to enjoy something when I've had fanbase cancer taint my mind. That doesn't mean I think the series is bad, but it hampers my experience with it.

I'm the same. I thought Devilman Crybaby was pretty good, but knowing the tumblr landwhales like it too irks me to no end. I'm especially afraid that Netflix will start pandering to them too

I'm a little scared of that too, but so far that hasn't happened. We'll see I guess.

One Punch Man is the saddest case in recent years.

In your honest opinion, are the odds in our favour or are we screwed?

I mean I'm just some fag on the internet but I think we're gonna be ok. So far Netflix hasn't been very involved with the actual production of anime, so if it stays that way I think we'll be in the clear.

no, you're becoming a hipster grognard.
other symptoms include turtlenecks, goatees, thinking your next pair of glasses should have thicker rims, stroke, nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea and a taste for avocado toast in poetry cafees.

That's not what a grognard is. A grognard is a wargaming term.

>not jojo
OPM is bad but nothing compared to the mess they made out of Jojo.

>the virgin contrarian
>confuses pretention with discerning taste
>gets mad when an IP he likes is successful
>loathes resulting fan communities because he actively participates in them

>the chad connoisseur
>enjoys high and low quality productions, judges them according to the goals and markets they targeted
>overjoyed when an IP he likes is successful because that means he played a small part in helping a creator achieve their dream
>disregards most fan communities aside from drawfags - may even drop a commission or two

Fuck off.

Welcome to Sup Forums

I'm a simple man. If something I love gets an anime and the threads are still good, I love it, since I can discuss everything to my heart's content with people, and I get to see the characters to come to life.
However, if the threads go to shit after an anime adaptation, I just avoid them. I may not have anyone to discuss things with, but I continue reading the source material and watching the anime by myself - I don't let my opinion on things be changed by things like shitty threads.
It's just a pleasure to have a good, quality talk about something, you know.
>the virgin, the chad
Fuck off from Sup Forums anytime with this crossboarder nonsense; you could've phrased this opinion of yours without stooping so low.

.t absolute virgins