You are magically transported to the world of Joshiraku and you will become one of the joshis

You are magically transported to the world of Joshiraku and you will become one of the joshis.
Who will you become?

Attached: joshiraku.jpg (1280x720, 154K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gan. Just to punch Marii everyday.

Marii so I can be a cute boy again

I want to be-cum Marii.

Marii, because I'm a man.

Kigu, she's pretty much exactly what I'd look like if I were a real girl.

Attached: __haroukitei_kigurumi_hello_kitty_and_joshiraku_drawn_by_pikuharu__d5bf5a3ef9cfbcd694b626f6beebc6fb. (600x800, 271K)

>exactly what i'd look like in real life
>literally 50 lines



Kukuru, because excluding things like my being 2D, Japanese, female and so on, I am Kukuru already

I'm a Gan man myself.


>all the gans and mariis in this thread

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Kukuru ftw

I'd rather become her than ever fucking have to deal with her shitty personality

Become Tetora, then marry Kukuru.

I miss Joshiraku

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me too

Attached: [Farfie] Joshiraku - 02 (BD Hi10-720p AAC).mkv_snapshot_19.34_[2016.12.15_16.24.26].jpg (1280x720, 431K)

You must be this Japanese to laugh.

Attached: not japanese enough2.png (453x525, 242K)

Tetora because she contributes the least


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Ftsu a best
