''It's time for your walk dog.''
''It's time for your walk dog.''
Dogs don't have knees
Aw aw aw
bow wow
bow wow
bow wow
bow wow bow wow bow wow bow wow bow wow bow wow bow wow bow wow bow wow bow wow wan bow wow bow wow bow wow bow wow bow wow bow wow
*pee at her leg*
*humps leg*
The image is fake. Dogs can't look up.
Respect yourself, idiots.
Up dogs can.
What is she a sumerian? Who calls their dog "dog", you fucking retard. Take your money back, i don't neeed it B.I.T.C.H
What's an up dog?
>he nicknames his dog
Not much how about you?
Here, a plastic bag in case my dog goes for a shit while you walk her.
Rin is a cat person
Reverse seeing eye dog
That skirt size is boner fuel
Next man to say an up dog joke gets fookin belted
Down, girl. It's not like we're yanking your chain on purpose. We just share an appreciation of vertical hounds.
>up dog
Uh? What's up dog?
>"your walk"
>my walk
Think again
What makes you think you can come in here and bark orders?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Your master, now get walking pup
FACT: Rin doesn't look as hot without her schoolgirl uniform
Artist's rendition.
Japs are so polite they take their shoes off before trampling their enemies.
Rin is a sub though.
Rin is a dominating force.
I love that nukige and its blatant use of design cameos.
Seriously, there's a faggot who believes that a trashy girl can even be compared to the absolute perfection that is Rin? If not because I've seen him spamming his trashy girl, you could've tell me and I would've not believed you.
Don't talk bark to me