Darling in the Franxx

The nips are going for the superior genes route. and nobody could stop them.

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Being fat is taboo in Japanese culture (as it should be).

You can't lie to me. I know what sumo wrestling is.

He's a not sumo wrestler tho.

You can't fool me OP, I know this is Hiro's harem

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Sumo wrestlers aren’t fat.

doesn't matter what kind of genes you got if you don't have dominating raw power to take charge and take control

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even Hachi?

Last days of Milkman posting. Saturay is going to resolve it all

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They're buff as fuck but still a lot of fat

>he doesn’t know

>being overweight is genetic

you got the idea, do a better one

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Genetics do play a role

Nips love fat shaming and I absolutely love them for it.

fat people really aren't people

fatoshi is taller than milkman, milkman is only a bit taller than zorome

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cursed knowledge

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I guess now I have to pick up LWA

delet this

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Touche, user.