Boku no Hero Academia

New chapter is out. R.I.P Gentle, and in the future, Kacchan vs. Deku 3

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Chapter is as boring as the raws indicated. Cant feel invested in a arc who's worst outcome is "oh noooo all our hard work didnt end in good shit".




Gentle's quirk is so fucking fun.

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Yes Hori never stop drawing best boy.

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Yes, but what about vigilantes chapter 26?

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>Guy that turns everything into a bounce house
Pretty bad matchup for any melee focused hero but I don't see him being so threatening against heroes that fire off elements like Todoroki.

Doubt that Deku will win this first scuffle.

>it's a Deku chapter
As per always, when the focus is on Deku I wish it was on anyone else. Gentle was so much more compelling this chapter, I love him

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>pop step drags everything down while knuckleduster backpacks: the spinoff
26th I believe


>tfw the absolute madman is a meme in universe too
Hori if you lurk our threads tou better make dekuxmei cannon

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Gentle can basically skywalk from One Piece, huh.

Hori is a man of taste, he will make harem ending canon.

I didn't even realize that until I saw

Not every arc has to have stakes , so far this was the best chapter of the arc

Yep, he touches the air with his feet and temporarily turns it into a trampoline to propel himself farther.

>My quirk has the properties of both rubber and gum

He technically creates a shield out of air by making it rubber though, so its not even terrible against range either unless he is in high movement like with the air shot.

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>Deku's claim to fame is literally "Are you that fucking madman"

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I thought it looked like the spider friend from Donkey Kong Country 2

It only has the properties of gum though.

>Gentle's face
My sides.

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rubber only actually

I wonder how long something remains elastic after he uses his quirk on it.

t. Bakufujo

It's what I imagine Luffy's Awakening to be.

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I hope more low tier villains shit themselves when they see Deku as nightmare fuel now. Love that shit.

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That is what I meant.

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It doesn't stick so you're thinking of rubber. Bungee Gum is powerful.

>"Out of all the kids to bump into today it just had to be the madman."

Deku is going to become a great hero.

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Are you rooting for Deku or Gentle, user?


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Yeah since all awakened paramecia are "turns the environment into x thing" and Luffy would greatly benefit from the raw force and speed his bouncing would gain if every surface became a trampoline. He'd be a human cannonball.

>bakogafags SEETHING

After this chapter is impossible not to root for the madman

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I wonder if he can rubberize people's bodies.


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Why couldn't Endeavour be like him

Gentle seems like the worst villain so far.

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Gentle so he can crash this festival and be the one to make Eri smile.


I'm rooting for them to become friends by the end of this fight

Looks like something straight off tumblr

>Trips confirmed
He's just a joke villain. He isn't meant to be taken seriously unlike Shigaraki, Overhaul, etc.


I wonder if Gentle is actually aware of just how badly he would fuck UA by successfully infiltrating it
I want him to succeed but he should be aware of just what thin ice UA is on in the public's view, shouldn't he

Eri a cute!

Yeah he's a complete scumbag for robbing convenience stores and crashing a school festival.

So much shit taste in one post

Also, if that's his quirk, what the fuck is La Brava's quirk and this heart mist around him here?

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>Triptard has shit taste
What a surprise.

Labrava's quirk gonna be OP right.?

They're clearly going to make up by the end

>Deku needed 3 pages of flashbacks before Hori decide he should fire the Delaware Smash
I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up expecting this fight to good paneling and choreography.

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I'm not gay or anything, but Deku makes my heart flutter.

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make out*

>I wonder if Gentle is actually aware of just how badly he would fuck UA by successfully infiltrating it
He knows it would be bad for them which is partly why he targeted them but he's probably not fully conscious of the magnitude.

I would have liked him way more if he didn't say he was doing this for society and the school kids.
It's fine if you want to make it big, but don't pretend lime you are doing it for a good cause.

If Gentle isn't unconscious/dead from the last panel Deku already has the properties of rubber and gum.

I don't give a fuck about Deku.

I'm hoping Deku convinces him to not break into UA and they become friends. Gentle doesn't deserve to be arrested!

And here people were saying that Deku would eventually learn a technique like that, but Hori would call it Skywalker.

It looks like Gentle is here to show Deku can fight against smaller scale villains on his own. Most villains he's fought against so far were above his level hence why he's always pushing himself against his limits.

>Deku has to use all these gadgets to stay relevant

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Stop right there criminal scum.

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Deku will now become an Internet meme.


Nah he has more personality and more interesting quirk than Overhaul, so that already makes him better.

Considering the habit Deku has of imitating every person he fights, you can make a pretty safe bet that he will be able to do it.

The madman meme becomes a meme in the actual story, sweet.

>Deku's face
I love this manga.

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Is this meme degraded to the point that everything rubber and elasticity related things will be treated with "O"?


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Tokoyami confirmed retard.

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what does bungee gum do again?

>Deku gets internet famous and gains a hoard of fangirls

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>race: Nihonjin (that means Japanese, for you gaijins)
>gender: herokin
>sexuality: elastic
>disability: quirkless
>prefered pronouns: Deku, Deku's, Dekuself

good, t b h

>Obi-Wan Queenobi redeemed

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but I thought it's supposed to be today or tomorrow?

>the only clip that gets uploaded is him getting REBOUNDED
>dumbass kid gets pranked (gone wrong) (real)
>becomes Gentle's most viewed video by millions of views


I thought it was every two weeks?

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Mai will force him to do promotional videos of her babies.

What is this face conveying?

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Is Midoriya a fan of Borat?

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But than one cant really blame anons if they shit on this arc desu. If the villian is by design already made so that we shouldnt take him serious there is no real reason to care about the events anyway. Kind of a bad thing for a manga desu.


That the cafeteria is only serving hot soba dishes.

Technically it came from Bakugo
Unless he is the real wife

>there is no real reason to care about the events anyway.
Besides the message that Gentle successfully crashing the festival would send to the public?
>even this small time youtube criminal can break into UA
after two villain infiltrations at school events already, someone like Gentle breaking into the main school would be the death of their reputation.

Nobody likes faggots as heroes user. So they need to fake this shit so he and Bakugou can be popular despite their sins.

We've always gotten low stakes arcs between every arc that has the Villain Alliance
>Intro arc
>Sports festival
>Stain (VA)
>Student vs teachers exam
>Camp attack, Bakugou rescue (VA)
>License exams
>Yakuza (VA)
>School festival

It would be nice if Bakugo got attacked by genderbending villain.