You have 10 seconds to be tsundere

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Flip off



go fuck yourself nigger

I-It's not like I hold Sup Forumss opinion in a very high regard compared to other websites. You b-bakas...

I-I-It’s not like I enjoy your company or anything, silly user.


Fuck you, no I don't.


fuck off


Facebook tier thread. Did I win?


Tsudere is the worst trope in anime

Wait. If you say you like OP, he wins as you turned "dere". If you tell him to fuck off, he still wins because you are a tsundere, just as he expected.
How can you win against OP?


Go die in a ditch.

I-I'm not a tsundere b-baka!


Be a deadpan kuudere you baka.

What are you? 12 years old? Fuck off.



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Keep your facebook non-Sup Forums images out of Sup Forums.

You‘re getting soft?

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I-I only replied to this thread because you made me! Baka!

I-i too think this is a facebook tier thread and anons shouldn't reply to it.

You just wrote the blurb for my new LN, "Yappari OP wa faggot de gozaru".

>127 filename
>People pretending to be oldfags think this is newfag cancer
>People pretending to be oldfags weren't around here years ago

>implying he didn’t just change the filename
lurk for two more years before posting

No one called OP new. Read the thread.

Yes, because people actually do that. Fuck off newfaggot.

That was the implication from all the pseudo-oldfag fuck off facebook posts. Read the thread.

only newfags are obsessed with oldfags.

>That was the implication from all the pseudo-oldfag fuck off facebook posts.
That's some inspiring interpretation skills you've got there.

it's not like i wanted these dubs or anything

>heh, u-us oldfags, am I right guys?

I don't care that Yuru Camp is gone forever!

Shit thread

It is an objective fact that that filename is from years ago and it is an objective fact that threads like these were common back then. If you whine about this kind of thing as newfaggotry, you are the pretend-oldfag cancer killing this board.


Again, no one called it newfaggotry. It is only you who is bringing up oldfaggotry as some form of defense.
facebook tier does not mean "new". It just means "bad".

>you are the pretend-oldfag cancer killing this board.
I hate to break it to you user but...

I am always the worst girl.

It's the exact same reactionary posting that the exact same people post in response to threads perceived as newfaggotry or normalfaggotry, and you know that was the implication. It always is.

That I'm right and this board is in a sorry state of angry retards who won't have fun out of fear that they might turn into the newfag cancer they hate so much and instead just post porn bait all day?

>That I'm right and this board is in a sorry state of angry retards who won't have fun out of fear that they might turn into the newfag cancer they hate so much and instead just post porn bait all day?
holy shit youre the problem, retard.

>It's the exact same reactionary posting
Yes, of course. But that doesn't mean that all things that don't belong here are the same thing, and if you can prove they are not the same thing then they must belong here.
That's retarded reasoning.

Keep telling yourself that. You'd have an aneurysm if you could see Sup Forums even just a decade ago.

I-It's not like I wanted to reply to you!

you’re a hypocrite, and most likely a newfag lying about his age

I think he's just autistic and in rage mode because he thinks he caught us doing something we are not doing.

it's not like i don't want to kill myself or anything

What's next, are you going to pretend that those old screencaps that you're not allowed to post anymore because of reddit never existed?

user, you're my hostage now. I'm not letting you go to the other side! B-But don’t get the wrong idea, baka! It's not like I'm doing this because I like you or anything!

fine, i guess i'll comment on your thread


Calm down. You are creating this problem by conflating two very different things. Take a break or something.

fffine! maybe i will let you to stop me but not because i still want to live or anything!

They're evidence of "fun" threads and posts actually being made a decade and longer ago and not being deleted or spammed on sight. They're very much relevant.

Fine, I’ll post in here, but only because it’ll be sooo gone if I didn’t, that’s all!

Why would I be tsundere for an OP like you? F-faggot.

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These threads were around here in 2010.
How fucking new are you? And when was the last one of these threads had?
I don't like them or anything, by the way! You're just wrong, dumbass.

impossible, captcha alone takes 20 seconds to solve

you are 3 minutes to late but congrats
you did it

are you an intellectual

are you trying to hit on me?! as if I would ever go out with someone like you! although quality and age do have a correlation, just because these threads were here a decade ago doesn’t mean they were good, baka user!

user, no one is calling them into question.
But I'll shut up now. By continuing this conversation I myself have become part of your shitty derailment.

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It's not like I want you to fuck me in the ass or anything, I just accidentally wore this mini-skirt without panties today.

Umm, A-user-kun...!

It-it's not like like I want this job or anything...

mods have 10 seconds to delete this thread baka

fuck off, im not going to be tsundere for you

I refuse. Guys who like tsunderes are all sickos.

No, you piece of shit!


W-Why should I? I-It's not like I want to you know?

I-I don’t want to be a tsundre

I don't want to!

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