Is this anime overrated?

Is this anime overrated?

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No, it's erased.

nah. it's actually a pretty good watch. i've never heard anyone call it one of the greatest animu flicks, so I wouldn't call it overrated.

Just a big troll.

yeah i agree. the general consensus is that its a really good anime but no the best ever.

I haven't watched it, I just know the cuck scene that makes this board angry

It's a good anime and is rated as good anime so no


It's not cuck if you never had her to begin with.

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MC cucked by the nerd - the anime

Sup Forums overreacted to the made up NTR.

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why were people so upset that hinazuki didnt end up with satoru? he was an adult when she was a middle schooler. hes not a pedophile

For it to be in the top 100 on MAL, it certainly is. It starts off being interesting and just goes downhill fast. The ending is notoriously bad. 6/10 at best.

First half is good, second half is bad.
That's it, there's much better trainwrecks out there.

What is ever explained why the teacher was killing people in the first place? Or why he "loved" satoru for some inexplicable reason and couldnt kill him? Just a lot of this stuff in the anime makes no sense and a lot of people are just generic hurr im comically bad durr.

Hardly, no one really discussed about this anime. It's a good anime with great production values.

Because people self-insert as Satoru and wanted Kayo to wait for him for years to wake up, when actually it's so unhealthy and Kayo won't be truly living the life that he saved if she's going to spend it hanging in his room.

Satoru's mom deciding to transfer Satoru away from everyone so the kids can enjoy their life instead suspending it for the Satoru is a great decision by her.

The best trainwrecks are the ones that first start great.
Everyone can make a bad story, but it takes skill to fuck up a good story THAT bad.

Generic groundhog day time travel isnt a good story.

I liked the manga. The narrator switch near the end made me cum.

I thought the consensus was that it had a really good first half with a subpar second half. If that's the case, then I'd say it's rated properly.

Digits confirm
Truth be told the Kayo home violence subplot was 10/10 while the overall plot about the killer really paled in comparison.

The interactions between the boy and girl made me forget how retarded the story was, so it has that going for it I guess.
They should have just make a SoL of life with an abused girl befriending a boy and his mom. No time travel BS or poorly-handled murder mystery.

Could have been interesting but played into 0 of its strong spots and ended up turning to shit less than halfway through, let alone that incredibly bad ending. I’d rate it 5/10, just because it tried.

The manga was very close to be finished when the anime was made, so the anime had to work from the author's notes on the last few episodes. The villain's backstory didn't end up making it into the anime because of it.

it's shit.
not to mention the author has NTR fetish.

The setup was good, the child abuse side plot was good. The execution of the mystery was garbage. From a meta point of view there was no possible suspect besides the teacher, but the MC never actually did anything to find it out. The time jump back to present day in the middle made no sense (but got us more best girl, at least). The teacher just revealed himself out of nowhere in-universe and tried to off the MC, and everything from there on seemed rushed as fuck. It's like the author got 1/3rd of the way into the story, then realized they didn't have a clue what the fuck they were doing and jumped to the ending.

All Anime is overrated.

The live action series is unironically a much better adaptation.

that's not what ntr means