>peeling onions
Now that's forced drama
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
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You eat onions without peeling them first?
Onions are fucking gross. Yuck!
Yoris are like onions. They have layers.
You don't?
Onion skins are tasty
What the fuck, you can eat onion skins? It's like paper.
>k-on wannabe #9999
Of irony, maybe.
>peeling onions before cutting them in half
>he's such a brainlet he doesn't realize the irony of his own post
if you kept on peeling you'd know that sorayori is better than k-on
Lack of experience.
There's also lots of folks who cut off both ends before hacking the onion into little bits.
but it's better than K-on
Where did all of these K-On worshipping fucks come from anyway?
I doubt they even watched K-On!.
It's probably like NGE now. It's so old that faggots just hold it up as a masterpiece.
Yes, very cute.
So this is the kind of newshit infesting the board huh.
stop trying so hard
I don't get it.
That's not how onions work.
I can only assume that you have never cut one?
Wait, you don't? The papery outer parts are pretty hard to cut through so it prevents your knife from slipping if you peel it first.
You should sharpen your knife.
I can agree with anyone who talks about the number of mail. More then one per day is a bit too much.
Probably. But it still seems easier to me to peel it first.
It's really not.
Isn't that the whole point? Also maybe you send more than one when the news just hits you, and then as time goes on it just becomes habit.
Jap mails are their equivalent to text messages
People send dozens of those on any given day
>pealing onions using only hands
is this even possible?
How else would you peel them?
Cut them up first.
Then you can easily grab the peel and pull it away from the onion without nearly as much trouble.
Based Hiyori Mizuki at it again.
Can't somebody tell him to save these images as png?
I see Hinata, I cum.
I did a thing to the URLs, tell me what the effect is.
Is this like what you would get it you converted it to png or is it higher quality?
The artifacts are still there. I didn't make a pixel by pixel comparison, but it seems like a conversion.
Thanks for the effort though.
>Hey mom, can I go do this thing a friend's parent died doing?
>Of course sweety, have fun!
>drawing cute Megu art
Hell yeah he is!
The perfect picture to summ up this drivel. Fucking saved.
Get a proper sharp knife. It makes a really big difference.
Thanks Ronco
Found the fedora
This show will always stay in irrelevancy, due t it being nothing more than an average melodrama that escalated its sales using Antarctica and cute girls as bait. It is truly sad to see a series with such high potential, but such low-quality execution. There are may examples of forced drama in this anime, such as the passport loss, Shirase telling Hinata's former acquaintances to "piss off" and the overly exaggerated crying at the end of the penultimate episode. Shame, it could've been so much more if it was given a better writer and character designer.
Who the fuck cares about relevancy you normalfag? It's not like it needs a sequel.
>It's probably like NGE now. It's so old that faggots just hold it up as a masterpiece.
That's pretty much it, a large chunck of modern Sup Forums doesn't watch anime and forms their opinions through shitposting and e-celebs.
K-ON is for some reason seen as the moe CGDCT trend setter (which is wrong), so every new anime with a full female cast must be a K-ON ripoff.
Don't give the forced melodrama shitposter (you)s
I only got around to watching the new ep today. Has this been happening all week?
>misusing the word "normalfag"
Nice try at evading every criticism, but your attempt ended in failure.
It's been happening for weeks. Stop posting if you're not going to do it right.
Onions make me gag. I get nauseous if there's surprise onion in anything I eat. Onion's fucking awful.
What an incredibly bad opinion.
>has characters
>this makes it k-on
You fucking mindbrains need to off yourself before you contaminate the gene pool further.
Your very existence is wrong.
I only really discuss the shows I watch rarely anymore, seeing as Sup Forums is becoming the same cesspool of bait and fanbase wars that Sup Forums. Sorry if I'm not up to date on the latest shitposting culture, fag.
>those quads
wtf i love onion now
>there are people on Sup Forums that unironically enjoy this forced melodrama
Why haven't you gone back to YouTube, yet?
Kimari is a dumb yui clone and I hate her dumb hair
Is this going to be the new buzzword for a while?
Kimari flows between dopey cute and unexpectedly beautiful and I just love her.
As long as you keep encouraging it.
Remember when seeing a little (you) next to your name wasn't the same as successful trolling? I used his post to ask a question, and I only ask because it's popping up in more than Yorimoi threads. Obviously I know he's just baiting.
I get the drama but what about the melo part? What does it even mean?
You must be low test.
Definition: a sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions.
>A melodrama is a dramatic work in which the plot, which is typically sensational and designed to appeal strongly to the emotions, takes precedence over detailed characterization. Characters are often simply drawn, and may appear stereotyped.
Is this implying bad or what? Plese tell me more I don't get it.
And this is why complaining about melodrama in anime has always been retarded.
Not inherently. Though some people use it as a criticism because they appreciate more subtle storytelling, which is fine.
In this case though it's the hot new bait.
Anime in general meant to be emotional thing. That's why we watch it, right? So this's a (melo)drama. Bur we also did expect it to be emotional since the first episode, and the whole plot with the "missing" mom was clear as day. So there's nothing forced abot that.
It can be. I think a better way to think about it is melodrama is drama that only works if you turn your brain off.
That's incorrect by definition though. That's not melodrama, that's just bad writing. Melodrama is just exaggerated. The definition is just a few posts above.
It's also why calling Yorimoi melodrama is pointless. Sure, at times it has been exaggerated. But the reasons the characters feel and act the way they do is established and established well. In other words, ignore the bait.
Can you have a melodrama with good writing? I think all of the things that make writing good like consistency, deep characterization, logical progression, and not sensationalizing events are the inverse of the definition of melodrama.
>being contrarian on the internet
For what purpose?
melodrama nowadays has an entirely different meaning that it did in the past, it basically means "drama i didn't like". you say something is melodramatic when you don't like something but can't make an actual argument because you're retarded or autistic
>consistency and logical progression
These things can coexist with melodrama. At risk of sending this conversation into a spiral, deep characterization isn't necessary for a good story. A good character isn't always super complex and nuanced. Of course the more the better, but sometimes they're just a vehicle for a greater theme.
Really, it just depends on the story you want to tell. A little bit of melodrama never hurt in a story about teenage girls going on a life changing journey. If you're trying to do something like a psychological character study you may want to leave the melodrama out, however.
It was their first anime
If it's consistent and logical, then how can it be exaggerated? Wouldn't something consistent and logical by definition not be overstated?
Is this what they call "kino"?
If you really want to be anal about it and boil down the terms to their simplest meanings, but these concepts aren't being applied in a vacuum. Just because a character cries a little harder than you think they should doesn't mean the show has lost consistency or logic in its writing.
Imagine being this retarded
She's the first suitable successor to my wife Hirasawa Yui.
I think this show is logical and consistent. I wouldn't call it melodrama.
And I would say it has been melodramatic at times, despite agreeing that it's logical and consistent. So it looks like we've reached an impasse on the very meaning of melodrama.
The anime tends to play up the crying scenes a lot
Like I mean that last shot, iot was understable for Shirase, but they were bawling their eyes out more than her out there
Again, they are teenage girls, they'll cry more over less.
This, and I'd disagree they're crying harder. Shirase was breaking down. Of course they'd cry that their friend is coming to terms with her mother's death.
go to antartica and get lost.
implying you weren't crying as well and you aren't even in the show
This. I mean the girls would've been feeling the exact same thing as you, but it's real for them.
The feels...
You fail to understand how emotional girls can get especially teenage ones.
I remember back to the final days of High school (and even primary school) and there were numerous girls bawling their eyes out as though they would never see each other again.
It's perfectly acceptable and understandable that her dear friends would be crying also sharing sympathies with her sorrow.
>too new to even say newfag
I'm surprised we even get newfriends anymore. I was sure that everyone who wasn't already here avoided us like the plague.