Elf-san wa yaserarenai

Erufuda looked perfectly fine like this.

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imagine how greasy her shits are

Where is my shortstack dragon's second chapter?

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In a week give or take.

This, people should stop shaming her and help accept and support her

i need it now.

>fat elves
only thin elves are worth raping by orcs

Even if she was allowed to just indulge in fries as much as she wanted, how fat can you get from eating only fries? and most importantly, how long would it take for her to just want to eat something else instead? People usually get tired of eating the same thing all the time.

Orc women are fat so a fat elf wouldn't be any different.

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Do you want to talk about why you hate fat girls so much?

So many top tier girls in this manga i don't know who's best, who's your favorite Sup Forums?

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potato, my love for chubby blondes is unparalleled.

I kinda wish Meth would've taken longer before bringing her to that size

Going back to regular after it felt kind of a letdown

I'm hoping it means it'll be a semi-regular occurrence

I'm more of a fat girl fan than a chu girl fan so Pig is right up my alley. It helps that she is also super cute.
Max weight Erufuda was good too but it wasn't bound to last.

Fish is FRESH

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>Even if she was allowed to just indulge in fries as much as she wanted, how fat can you get from eating only fries?
user you can get fat off salads if you literally do nothing all day. Plus she made it a point she likes the grease as seen by her not liking their home cooked fries.
>People usually get tired of eating the same thing all the time.
Yeah there was actually programs about obsessions with single food items.

Kuroda and Oga, closely followed by Erfuruda. Dog girl is shit tier

Rigatoni rigatoni
I want to marry the Oni

>Dog girl is shit tier
How much of this is because her "human" form is furry?

It's because orc women are so fat, orc men have to rape elf women.



being unhealthy is not fine

the have no stamina, look like shit and can't walk more than a block without blowing their knees.
i can add the inevitable beetus they will get.
should i continue faggot?

Girls getting out of breath is cute.

that's an opinion, a shitty one at that too.

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Thankfully strongfat girls exist.

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If they're thin and just have shit cardio, and only if they're already cute.

Fat girls are always cute.

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If your a rapist

those legs look fucked up, way too small, even considering perspective.

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I'd give up pork for her.

I'd pork that ork

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Marry tier:
Oga (when the biological clock starts ticking)

Drinking buddies tier:

Hanging out with tier:

Keep as a pet tier:

Being kept as a pet by tier:

unfriended for ever:

still on the fence about tier:
whatever dragon-loli was called

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I'd make that piggy squeal, if you know what I mean.

Bacon is so delicious I don't think I could. She'd have to really convince me, if you know what I mean.

Oga followed by Oku. Fish girl sux and the kansai gimmick is played out.

Hobi is fine, she doesn't deserve the hate.


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Oga's biological clock isn't ticking, the alarm's already gone off. Impregnation and shotgun marriage imminent.

Meth needs t stop introducing new girls.

I don't know about user, but I work in healthcare industry and fat people are the most entitled selfish beasts who don't realize that their weight inconveniences everyone around them. I'm not going to destroy equipment not suited for bariatrics or throw my back because they fattened themselves to slaughter weight.

>Yeah there was actually programs about obsessions with single food items.
Really? like what?

I thought we were talking about 2D fat girls.

guts or butts?

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2D fat girls take longer to draw and are burden on their creators


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You can fuck a belly button, you can´t fuck an ass.

Get a bigger dick

I want her to sit on my face


Sexy witch girl when?

Dark Elf cuddles him every night buy wipes his memory.

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I'm not usual puking elf poster, I'm just impostor

>you can´t fuck an ass
>what are assjobs

dicklets, when will they learn...

Beautiful pig too good for this world, too pure.

D-don't bully me please.

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I like Oga but the Orc girl is ok too. I like fish too.

>British or Latina?

it's gross

How can softness be gross?

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Stroke when?

If anything, her blood pressure should be through the roof with how much salt she consumes.

Because fat women with hot bodies happen only in cartoons and photoshop.

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She is extremely cute.


I like good dog.
I want to pet good dog.
I want to give belly rubbies to good dog (in any of her forms).

Yes, and the fats here are on 2D characters. There’s no real fat girls who look like Erufuda or Kuroeda. But that’s just because 2D > 3D, especially with fats.

I want that on my face

Good thing this is the 2D board then.

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God bless 2D.

Reminder to kill fat anime elves, burn the corpse and roll the flaming ball of retard into the creators house preferably at a downhill angle.

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God I want to fuck porkchop


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Flabby arms actually feel pretty good.

The skeleton. Snuff is such a huge turn-on, and seeing stripped and hanged until dead was enough for me to fap until cumming.

oga load

Holy shit those colors looks so bad.

That must be the worst opinion I've read in a long while

My favorite is the donk elf

But I'd fug oga, boss, and the satyr. Jury's out on the dragon, but she looks cute.

>ass implants


Those colors are the appeal of the manga, besides the giant tits.

Monthly chapters are suffering

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And the female body talk.

I want to cuddle with Meth.

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I think this Manga is getting fairly popular since monster musume in chapter 59 looks like it's going to have the next story rip off Elf-san wa yaserarenai


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Snake, centorea, Mero and bird get kinda chubby.
Crap is aping Meth but of course, it doesn't look nearly as good.