Crunchyroll: Pros and Cons

Just wondering what everyone here thinks of Crunchyroll producing/ buying streaming rights to anime series and what changes they may bring to the industry

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Buy a banner already.

Sup Forums is a bunch of retarded hipster fags that hate any sort of official release of something because they whine about dumb shit and would rather pirate their anime/manga from some spyware site that uses the same translations as the crunchyroll subs, but still pretend like they're superior

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Kill yourself nigger, I hope Amazon and Netflix kill the CRniggers. Piracy is superior.

I you should stop making these crappy threads.

It's shit.

Those are cancer too.

Torrenting is objectively superior to streaming, though.

>moderation is still nearly nonexistent Fridays and into the weekend
So how about those "janitor recruitment drives", huh?

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works great on my playstation tv. no need to pirate and move files to my topbox in the living room, when I can just load up my vita and start watching.

I pirate shows I give a fuck about, but shit like ReLife, Darling, Citrus, Babysitter and Boruto get the crunchyroll treatment.


Enjoy your ban user.

I wish the cu/ck/mods would enforce anti ad banning.
At the end of the day (((they))) recently started paying again, oh well.

Fuck off shill.

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Rather buy bd's than stream tv eps.

It has problems. A centralized services for this stuff means that Crunchy can start dictating what is produced in full, even if they don't give the money to the studios. Studios will start to try to cater anime to the specifications that Crunchy tells them will sell, which might mean less of things people like.

nice try

Can we talk about le dubs movie?
Was Bateman hallucinating all along, especially near the end? Cars cannot explode just with several poorly-aimed shots.

Thanks for your input, Crunchy. Next time get subs and video quality that isn't complete fucking garbage.

it's left open to interpretation as to whether or not he was hallucinating, or if the power and influence he had made people just not want to deal with the fact that he's a psycho.
The sequence with the car exploding lends credence to the "it's a dream" theory, but him visiting paul allens apartment and the knowing look the realtor gives him, as if she knew about the bodies lends credence to the idea that it really did happen but was covered up.

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>Adam Zehner from Funimation argued that flat fee contractors like Netflix have a place in the anime industry, but they work better later in the anime's life. Funimation and CR will work on marketing the title and maximising its exposure.

-no guilt about the legality of your actions and the effect it has on the industry
-orange and white colors reminds you of a creamsicle
-might as well use it if you were just going to stream anyway
-can watch anime on your phone in case of an emergency shit happens

->stream quality screencaps
-newfags will never access higher level internet skills required to become a wizard
-lower barrier of entry allowing normalfags in too ruin everything like they always do
-they don't have every anime airing though this has gotten better
-costs money to watch anime soon after they air

>paying for streams
I did it for a while and it fucking sucks, the catalog is shit, the app is shitty, is just not worth it, I was basically just paying for the convenience.
Decided to set up my own media center connected to RSS feed of all my favorite releases which automatically downloads high resolution episodes that I can watch anywhere and from any device, I can even send torrent files to my remote server.
Fuck CR, fuck plebs.

This right here is a terrifying thought. Though there is a chance such a thing would lead to the bursting of the anime bubble. Though there is another outcome of studios telling Crunchy to fuck off and going with an alternative route

Simply put Crunchyroll needs the studios the studios don't need Crunchyroll.

Loli thread?

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