He's just Sieg 2.0 with edgelord tendencies
Fate/Extra Last Encore
Nah. Sieg was a boring Gary Stu.
This nigger is an irritating Gary Stu.
They're both shit compared to based Shirou
Basically. He needs to act more hateful.
I like Sieg
>Dead Face could have chosen to look like female Hakuno
>Chose the male one
What a faggot ghost
kinda feel like they are trying to recreate madoka with the fate name and even blandest mc
It's literally Shiki 2.0, can't wait for him to reach Buddha and have all the Yang energy shit brought up.
"Male incarnation of a female character's hatred and desire for vengeance given physical form forced to endlessly repeat their failure for a thousand years"
I don't see how Fate/Dark Souls is anywhere near as bad as the shitshow Apocrypha was. This is actually so far my favorite fate anime adaptation. It's anime-original instead of being forced to mangle a hundred hour VN and the videogame format means it's very conducive to battle-a-week progression.
If you don't enjoy weird genderbending and stories about fakes becoming real you don't enjoy Nasu's work because that's literally all he fucking does
It'd still be shit
Shiki was a good and nuanced character you dumb cunt. NIKKUI is a empty canvas for selfinserting .
I hope Im getting memed by a pasta
What do you expect when he's a videogame character made with that express purpose in mind?
Also you need to specify which Shiki you're talking about
But Hakuno is actually a pretty distinct character
The game one I mean
In his mind he is. Almost all of the PC dialogue is internal and barely voices any of it in Extra/CCC.
Kill yourself Nasu cocksucker
This is my angry face.
So we can all agree Fate/UMU is best Fate?
Well in a visual medium he can express his emotions. Instead of occasionally looking upset.
It's pretty good but I like Prisma more still.
She's the only thing keeping this show above ground zero.
>tries to help everyone
>likes sacrificing himself
>talks about himself and never hides anything
>challenges the world and never accepts anything
>brain used, not even once
>selfish, though this part is developing
>detached from the world and shows little care
>feels emotion, but only negative ones like sadness, hate and anger, this is also developing and he occasionally shows positive emotions
>would never sacrifice himself
>too accepting
>rarely talks about himself or his feelings, though this part is also developing
>fair smart, had to use his brain in a little capacity in all his fights
I don't see the comparison. It's almost like all you did was look at their general, quiet demeanor, and decided they're the same. Because quiet characters can't exist, after all. All characters must shout and scream like shounen protagonists.
Who cares. both are garbage.
With Sieg you just described the prerequisites for being a Main character. Now you have to give it a something that makes him stand out. Not blend in.
With Hakuno you described an autistic teenager.
Quiet or unemotional characters should rarely be a main character. Otherwise you get a shitty M. Night film.
But the whole point of watching a Nasu story is the autism. Hakuno is frankly boring and 2 dimensional so far, but I have faith that Nasu can still turn it around. He was always slow at developing protagonists.
Is Nasu autistic?
Is Nasu actually writing this? I thought he's busy working on FGO these days?
Yes, and this is working on FGO, series-length advertisement.
What? He is pretty likeable. Sieg was boring as fuck and a mess.
FGO has been in filler for over a year now. No real story. Just filler, written by other Type-Moon writers, Nasu taking a break. In that break, he was SUPPOSED to be writing a general plot for Part 2 of FGO, but he wasted the year writing FGO's Fate/Extra event, as well as this Fate/Extra anime.
He likes the Extraverse.
He wrote a book and now they are adapting it
The problem is that we can't read the book itself so all we are left with is adaptation and we all know how these turn out
Dont mind OP he just has no taste
And then he comes back and writes utter tripe
>Oh you beat Goetia, but the A Class Masters are better than you.
>Oh and your servants are gone
>Oh and no more Maaya Sakamoto for your shopekeeper.
What has Hakuno done to be so likeable?
Hakuno has done less than Sieg in the same amount of episodes and FELE is only gonna be like 11 episodes
>Hakuno has done less than Sieg in the same amount of episodes and FELE is only gonna be like 11 episodes
And yet he is more likeable than Sieg. A character doesn't have to do something specific to be likeable.
>you beat Goetia
You did fuck all. It was a lot of Servants fighting the Demon Pillars, Solomon, Mashu and Fou coming together to weaken Goetia. The A Class Masters, so long as they can do ANYTHING, they'd be above you.
>Oh and your servants are gone
Their work was to complete Grand Order. They did. Thus, they go. That's how it was supposed to be, from the beginning. The actual shit writing part was how their Saint Graphs remained, so they can be re-summoned.
>Oh and no more Maaya Sakamoto for your shopekeeper.
You don't know that. She's still there, at least for now. But I hated the shop dialogue due to having listened to it a billion times, so I can't blame Nasu for it.
Nasu did nothing wrong.
Not a lot. But being more likable than Sieg isn't hard. From general hate fueled rage, to his simple but nice relationship with Saber. From his way of observing and understanding things, to his general curiosity. From seeing him unusual origin to his creepy scenes of seeing and talking with the dead. I find those enjoyable.
You mean like how most masters act? Most masters rely on the servants to do the fighting.
Play the game, secondary.
>the hateboner for Hakuno even though the last two episodes are giving him a decent amount of development
Some people just can't be pleased.
Kerry fought and won multiple times.
Kariya fought but failed.
Tokiomi fought Kariya and won.
Kirei fought and won a couple of times.
Hotwheels fought but lost.
COOOL kid fought normal people, not sure if it counts.
Waver didn't fight, but did help out by locating Assassin's hideout with his magecraft.
Shirou fought and won multiple times.
Rin fought and won a few times.
Sakura fought a lot.
Kirei, again, fought.
Bazett was a fighter first and foremost, did fight in HA.
Kuzuki fought.
Illya fought, at least in the anime, and saved Shirou in HF.
Medea fought.
Zouken used Sakura and Shinji, but wasn't a hotshot in fighting.
Out of 16 Masters in two Grail Wars, 12 or 13 fought, depending on if you count Illya. All of them contributed to the fight with their magecraft, only Ryuunosuke didn't. Masters do a lot of shit.
So in twelve episodes he starts to develop at episode 8 or so.
Tiny bit of development != instant fan favorite.
I love Hakuno, but even I find your post bullshit. In the last episode, he got some development, but all he did was fall. He's hit rock bottom. That's not fun to watch. Unless he can rise up again in an entertaining manner, it won't amount to much.
Nasu story, that's to be expected. Even Shirou wasn't much besides muh seigi and swords until his confrontation with Archer, which came a full route and 10-11 days into the VN.
You first need shit happen to you to develop your character.
Out of curiosity how many masters fought against servants in solo combat.
Did Chyuu die?
>instant fan favorite
Didn't say or even remotely imply anyone had to think that. Shirou didn't get much development until the later half of any route. That's quite some time in. I will disagree to the end that the episode before last didn't have any character development.
Yes, just like how in the fuck long VN we only see Shirou start kicking into development in the later half.
In Zero, no one. Five of the seven Masters died, but all were killed by other Masters. No one fought a Servant solo.
In Stay Night, 7 out of 9. Shirou fought a lot. Rin fought Medea. Sakura fought a few times in HF, most notably Gilgamesh. Kirei fought Medea in UBW. Bazett fought a few times in HF. Medea is a Servant and a Master, so she obviously fought other Servants. Only Illya and Zouken are left out. Urobuchi and Nasu's writing styles are too different.
If Nasu cared about work then FGO wouldn't have to repeat events until April also Mahoyo 2 and Tsukihime remake would have been out by now. He probably hired some nameless loser to write LE just to pass it off as his own work.
Forgot to add Kuzuki. He fought Seiba and Archer.
You got a feel for Shirou likes and dislikes before then correct?
Usually would've happened at most by episode 3 or so. To get a feel for his hobbies or personality.
Don't forget the muh power of the bonds was a lie too xDDD
>Yes, just like how in the fuck long VN we only see Shirou start kicking into development in the later half.
Stop with your fallacy secondary, you can't convince any readers with your false assumption but your fellow secondaries.
From the very beginning of Shirou's monologue in vn(skipping the prologue scene) you should have seen the end and beginning of his character.
Same thing with Sieg's characterization from ln apoc.
>shiki was a good and nuanced character
Imagine being enough of a TMoldhead to actually believe something this moronic
>they tell you shirou will get somewhere in the beginning
>it means he was already developed from the start
Now wonder why it's flopping harder than Apocrypha.
>they tell you shirou will get somewhere in the beginning.
>it means he was already developed from the start.
>user responded me with straight out context from literal source material. >Better derail the counter argument so I won't be stupid
Shesh, the more you respond the less informative you look, sasuga user.
I've read the entire VN multiple times. I haven't seen this scene because I've only read the original and I don't recall this. I assume Realta Nua? Also that user is right That's not character development.
Umu's dramatic monologues are the best part of this show.
>You got a feel for Shirou likes and dislikes before then correct?
More so than Hakuno, yes. But it's still nothing special, and the majority of his "likes and dislikes" end up infuriating the reader. He technically gets development in Fate route. He shows his likes for Seigi, but also Seiba. He dislikes not-Seigi. His development essentially turns him into a Level 12 White Knight. That's a bad thing. More characterization isn't necessarily a good thing, if the reader doesn't like that.
The only fun traits of Shirou established for Archer confrontation is his dedication and fondness of those around him, like Taiga. As 2 dimensional as Hakuno is, between I personally prefer him over early Shirou. Outside of HF. Even early Shirou is good there, probably due to my fondness of him carrying over to the new route after UBW ends.
>I've read the entire VN multiple times.
>assume Realtà Nua?
No this text exist in original, I played both original even in Android and RN patch yet you're assuming this image is only RN exclusive now that's a pottery. the fact you stated it yourself that you read it "multiple times".
> I haven't seen this scene
Maybe because you shouldn't read it through wiki.
>That's not character development.
can you even try harder covering your fellow secondary's ass?
I even straight out laid out in filename the route and chapter. And the thing is this image carries no narrative value on the actual introduction of the game the first time you played it. Only after you played it through UBW route could tell its meaning behind those text.
Now as you say earlier you read it multiple times yet you speak like a secondary.
No matter how many times you say I haven't read it, it doesn't mean I haven't.
>only after you played it through UBW
Yes. I know. It's been a while so maybe I forgot but regardless you're a projecting faggot who refuses to address it. Once again, showing a picture or text implying there is a development leading to something more interesting, is not character development. Off the top of my head, a recent example is Final Fantasy XV and Shuumatsu Nani (long as fuck name). They both show future plot points and characters that have changed a lot and then it cuts to introducing them and they're nothing alike. This isn't character development. It's an easy and effective way of garnering attention and hoping to widen the attention span of readers/watchers. Would you like to explain why any of that is wrong or would you like to keep screaming secondary and pretending you're making a counterargument?
As apposed the current state of Fate Mc's yes it is special. Its is a very low bar.
Was this actually confirmed for 1 cour? It doesn't feel like it can wrap up in 3 eps.
>Once again, showing a picture or text implying there is a development leading to something more interesting, is not character development.
With the entire texts you've posted this is the only thing that is relevant from previous post since you keep yourself inserting from forming a response and half of it are either nonsense pile of shit texts and derailing it from my point.
Yet is still completely wrong because you ignored the contexts and build up behind those words.
Also you can't give a valid reasoning every time you insert yourself as it turns things more subjective and stupid.
>nonsense pile of shit texts
Like whining about secondaries and not addressing what anyone said to you until now. Oh wait, even now. Glad to know you don't want to admit you made a mistake and will keep on with this stupid half-assed logical deduction.
>Also you can't give a valid reasoning
Jesus Christ. This game was literally made to make stupid people like you feel smart for "getting it". You've completely ignored the posts and assumed which were mine, going on about derailing when the original statement was that the development is a lot later on, which is an indisputable fact and everyone else in this thread but you agrees. You see foreshadowing of an event and immediately think that's genuine character development. You're a deluded fanboy that doesn't want to admit his error. Have fun whining about secondaries and making assumptions about things too hard for you to understand.
Yes and?
>but I have faith that Nasu can still turn it around
Isn't this show only going to be 10 episodes?
>Main characters and their interactions are unadulterated garbage aimed for self inserting otaku
>For 8 episodes nothing meaningful has happened beyond UMU oneshotting the villain of the week
>There are two episodes left to shoehorn Gawain and ending in
>No Redman
This show cant be saved
Why'd they make Robin Hood such a faggot?
there is the special broadcast. So technically there are still twelve episodes