Violet Evergarden

I very much liked ep11, it really showed how much Violet has changed over the course of the series. This is definitely one of my favourite episodes.

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This show is definitely AOTY now.


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>inb4 80 replies 9 IPs

In before:
what is love
FMA did it better
saber clone a shit

It's really good but are they ever going to give us another feelgood episode? I'm starting to get depressed by all this dying shit. I guess, at least the dying mom episode ended on a good and happy note all things considered, but man, come on, Violet.

>tfw no milktruck farmgirl wife to make lots of babies with
Why are we here, just to suffer

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When I saw her I wanted nothing but Violet to fucking get her man home safely and in good health.

its a shame so many people dropped it already

>It's really good but are they ever going to give us another feelgood episode?
The way thing are going I doubt it until the sequel/movies.

Who else thinks that Violet is really fucking cute in Aeroplane gear.

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If those losers are unable to appreciate a good show then they're the ones missing out.

Violet is cute in any outfit, but she looks the best naked.

Well that's what they get for being incompetent cognitively challenged underage fags.

>looks the best naked.
How do you know user?

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I'm Gilbert

>Another Hugbox

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***,*80位 ヴ
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she's so kawaii

What does Violet's armpits smell like?

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No bullying allowed.


You're a godsent


Damn, look at those sublime curves. How is this level of perfection possible?

It's only the first season. Who knows what awaits us this year

>Still care about sales

>Sales = quality
Just wank with the kind of yours in this safe hugbox.

It's still a really good show compared to all the other stuff airing this season.

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Are you implying there's something this season with more quality than VEG?
Because there isn't, not in production value, not in visual storytelling and not in characterization.

Why do people call this a melodrama?

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only retards do

It's a meme from shitposters.

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I want to smell Erica. She seems like a girl who smells good

I want to smell violet.

Maybe i don't understand or I'm retard, but what's bad about melodrama?

It's because the characters are more or less cardboard cut outs. There is no depth or developmnent to any of them and then they have this drama which should be stretched out over a couple of episodes instead crammed into one. The drama is exaggerated and lacks any subtely or nuance or any grounding in well defined characters. People call it melodrama because by definition it is. Now I would also go on to call it shit but that is another thing as the two are not interchangeable.

shit pasta

>drama which should be stretched out over a couple of episodes instead crammed into one.
I also hope we get 2 more seasons of Baioretto

I know this is bait but i'm going to reply to you anyway. All of that bullshit has been disproven in previous threads if you legitimately think this then you haven't watched/properly understood the show.



That's a good way to get yourself shot. Instead of ducking for cover when you're being shot from an unknown location, just stand in the open firing in a general direction. Not to mention these guys have the reaction time of a few dead fish.

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They seemed to be very green, and the only veteran looking one got shot first.

They don't seem like very professional soldiers, they're probably just greenhorn conscripts that were made to babysit the ass-end of some mountains and never expected to be in a combat situation. Plus the rebels were clearly depicted as being experienced veterans.

Anyone else love the show but think this ep was one of the weaker ones? Violet parachuting out of the sky to single handedly take down the armed squad was pretty silly. But it was even more silly that the same squad which has no qualms shooting wounded retreating soldiers, and moreso even hunting down wounded retreating soldiers, just walks away. Their actions from earlier in the episode would indicate they'd just shoot Violet in the back and finish off the wounded soldier the moment Violet let her guard down. She was unarmed after all.

I think the episode could have been better if she never interacted with the hostile squad and instead found the wounded soldier bleeding out in the snow and ended up starting their interactions there. Would have given another 5 minutes or so for character interaction between the two, which I felt was rushed due to time wasted on the very very silly combat portion.

This. No man should be ripped away from his thicc kyoani waifu. That's what made it really hit me hard.

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I felt nothing watching this episode after almost crying @10. This time around the sad bit in the end felt really forced and out of character for Violet. The dead guy was a nobody to her and she only knew about him for what seemed like an instant. Ep 10 worked well due to the documentary sort of view, but during ep 11 the more natural reaction would've been frustration instead of sadness.

Why does he have his face right up to the scope?

IRL a lot of Russian scopes require you to press your eye in to the scope. Western ones require you to keep your eye some distance from the scope.

So either method is correct depending on the style they were trying to capture.

That's because they have eyecups to prevent scope bite.

>Violet parachuting out of the sky to single handedly take down the armed squad was pretty silly. But it was even more silly that the same squad which has no qualms shooting wounded retreating soldiers, and moreso even hunting down wounded retreating soldiers, just walks away.
I have no problem with this. kek minor detail.

This episode was to compare how violet has grown compared to the "Aishiteru" scene when Gilbert died. Violet was freaking out because she knew how to kill but not how to be comfort. Aidan was a surrogate Gilbert. She now knows much more about love and loss. She can offer some comfort and compassion, even though she is putting herself in danger by going out into the live battlefield.
Violet was a soldier and she knows how it feels to lose someone she loves in battle so she took the job without telling her higher ups (Claudia). She wanted to help someone due to empathy. She also states at the end of the episode that she doesn't want anyone to die anymore. This is completely contradictory to her original purpose: she was recognized as a tool to kill. She has grown so much.
TL;DR. Violet has learned alot about human emotion and compassion

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She was freaking out for the obvious reason she even stated which was that she couldn't bring the soldier back alive. Whole part where she starts fighting again was also thematically counter productive for her character. So to recap, the episode was bad, the combat parts were pointless and at worst, harmful, and the directing left much to be desired.

Thematically counterproductive would be for her to kill the soldiers, you imbecile. Seriously VEG threads should have some kind of lock for people with below 120 IQ.

What do you consider "thematically counterproductive" or what do you think I meant by that? Let's hear it with your 120< IQ.