
So how's the TV series? Is it a fine/ok watch? I'm not expecting something world-changing like you guys want from every show.

Attached: beatless.jpg (568x416, 59K)

its kinda boring with death march/overlord tier animation.

>Recap again this week
At least they have already announced it in advance.

The animation isn't the best but the setting and girls are very good and I still enjoy it a lot.

average LN trash

Almost everyone dropped it. Including me. That's about as much as I can tell you.

So basically the show wasted RedJuice's illustrations?

It's not visually compelling and the robot waifus give the impression of belonging to an action anime, while the actual plot wants to be more about sci-fi ideas, philosophy, and intrigue, with just a little bit of action. So far the action bits have been the most interesting, some of the ideas are cool but I'm ambivalent about the execution. Plot-wise it got more interesting lately but it's the kind of thing I can't judge until it reaches the conclusion, because it feels like setup.

The book was obviously better, shame it didn't get translated.

Is there anything new in it or is it 100% recap?

The next episode preview

It's garbage. I think I watched 3 episodes before dropping it.

Boring but watchable. I watch it in the background while posting on Sup Forums.

>death march tier animation
it's not THAT bad.

It tries to get into high concept philosophy about humans and robots living together. But philosophy doesn't translate well into daytime TV anime. No one watches anime to think unless it's NTR.

It has a solid setting and cute manipulative robutts so I'm definitely enjoying it a lot.
The barrier to entry is pretty high though and I almost dropped it twice (I'm glad I didn't though.) The first 2 episodes make it look like a hot mess and just when it starts getting good it forces you to deal with recaps.


>It tries to get into high concept philosophy about humans and robots living together.
And fails.

It's a pretty average sci-fi LN adaptation. If you're not expecting anything it's pretty decent.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Beatless - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.16_[2018.03.16_16.56.09].jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

Next episode title

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desu I forgot everything that happened before the first recap so now is a good time to watch that one

by the inevitable intermission_03 I'm sure this one will have value too

I dropped it when Kouka didn't show up enough.

Any robot romance in this?

Something like that.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Beatless - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_24.19_[2018.02.23_16.47.33].jpg (1920x1080, 126K)

Sagrada Reset of 2018. Hoping it gets as good as that one near the end.

self-insert beta mc ruins everything AGAIN, other than that its not that bad of a series

but sagrada was great since second arc

all of this, but the op keeps me going

Wow episode 11 is another recap? I was looking forward for more kouka

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Beatless - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.42_[2018.03.23_15.43.28].jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

I lost interest and dropped it. Cool OST though.

ah man its a fucking recap I forgot shit fucking

Only analogue hacking.

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Not sure why they make such a big deal out of analogue hacking. If I get that sweet robo pussy in exchange they can hack me all they want.

but user you don't! That's the thing, especially this guy and all the antibody members. None of them got a piece of Kouka and the one time there was a chance the stupid nerd rejected her

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>but user you don't!
They can't refuse a direct order from their owner.

>produce Kouka
>get the design perfect the first time
>then make all the other laciaclass hIE look worse
What did memeframe mean by this?

>They can't refuse a direct order from their owner

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Lacia a shit scheming cunt bot

How old is he anyway?

17.97 yo

anime of the season

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Beatless - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.16_[2018.03.17_05.24.55].jpg (1920x1080, 169K)

what's mc's and lacia's relationship like?

Kouka a qt

Even ironically you have the worst taste.

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he immediately takes all her baits

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there's no competition

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Beatless - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.39_[2018.02.17_15.45.30].jpg (1920x1080, 150K)

Death March animation was pretty excellent for the first episode and a half.