What should he do?
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
take him to my wife, shes lonely while I am on the cuckshed in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
Don't speak to any of your saviors like that again
>dbs' main final heroes are a dildo and a cuck
what did they mean by this?
fuck off cuckdroid
The Goku and Vegeta show?
This is the Freeza and 17 show now
Is that fucking General Blue?
They look exactly the same...
So he was right all along?
You know what.
This entire fanbase was better before Battle of Gods came out. I'd take the dubfags over Superfags at this point
Fuck off dubfag
The dub is hot garbage, and the fags who defend Superman-Goku are better than Superfags who create only unfunny reddit-tier memes.
imagine how jaco must feel with that guys flacid cock sticking to the back of his neck.
now you are thinking about it
reminder that I deeply love Whis and he loves me, we take turns sucking and fucking each other while Beerus can do nothing but watch in disgust at our passionate yet dirty love making
more like General Blacked amirite
That's why the Kai dub is better than the Z dub
>You can't dodge this post mid-scroll, I win!
> Mortals are disgusting
> Kill all mortals except kitties and shrimp
He looks better with Black's skin
>piccolo grabbed whis arm
the madmen
What are your thoughts on Future Gohan? Is he better or worse than current Gohan?
hes Gohan, doesn't matter what timeline hes from. Hes the same Gohan as ever, if he could he would be a scholar.
DB God Hierarchy (from lowest to highest):
> Kami (Planetary Guardian)
> The Kai Kings (North, South, East, West)
> Grand Kai and King Yemma
> Kaioshin
> Supreme Kai and the God of Destruction
> Angels
> Zeno Attendants
> Dicasty's fan art
> Grand Priest
> Zeno
> Gohan
Am I missing anything?
What a nice thread
Jobber just like his present day counter part.
You know who.
Say what you want about Gohan, but at least he achieved his main goal
He looks like Gohan
I love Gohan!
Yes finally achieved his goal of becoming one with the ground.
Where are the retards at?
What do you think Belmod thought when 17 suddenly appeared from under the rubble?
Tardforce reporting in, where my tardbros at?
what kind of effects are those?
What's wrong Caulicucks? You were so active last thread... did our image slot stealing really made you that mad?
Right here jobforce.
yet another thread ruined.
Took you long enough Caulicuck, did you finish rebuilding your cuckshed? Because it's about time we destroy it again
You mean you want to get btfo again like last thread?
Can't wait for chadhan to reveal he was actually hiding in one of hits timeskips until the last second to defeat jiren and frieza.
Where we stole your image slots as you deleted all your Caulifla pics while we posted GODhan?, we destroyed you
>lying like this
pathetic, I wont even bring out the images. You're not worthy.
Takahashi is better than Shida
What was the lowest point of this arc?
Caulifla's introduction
This whole fight
Cauliflower/kale/kefla and every minute they were in the tourney.
Nice delusion jobforce but you were the first one to do that. Are you going to have another meltdown and go on full damage control again? I think so.
>you were the first one to do that
The absolute state of the cuckgang, trying to rewrite history
Personally speaking, I'd say Tien's or Piccolo's ring out.
I'm glad Krillin and Roshi managed to contribute before being knocked out, but Tien got the shaft. And I just think Piccolo's ring out was really stupid.
but that fight sucked ass.
You retard
Except it didn't
Besides MUI Goku vs Jiren, I really enjoyed NINGENS MONKEYS vs Goku Black and Zamasu round 1
Jaco is pretty great
it was shit, but had nice art thats about it.
the demon realm
>JOBforce so assblasted they can't even come up with replies and resort to spamming the same images
Uh oh I think I broke them.
>wasting effort
>when these images are enough to provoke a caulicuck meltdown
>p-please reply to me Chadhan sama..!
no pan cosplay
So shall I continue?
The entire thing.
Gohan needing help to beat a weak opponent
I don't think I prepared for tomorrow guys, this place is gonna be out of control.
>what it feels when Caulicucks try to stand up to the CHADforce
>projecting already
Chalk up another win for the cutegang!
not even worth a picture reply t b h
>denies having a meltdown
>when they deleted more than 5 images last thread to try and have Caulifla as the last post and they failed every single time
Oh lordy, the cuckgang can't stop losing
Nah it had actual good choreography, teamwork, SSG domination, fusion, and the best kamehameha in the series
>confirmed not finishing until December (maybe more if the manga is still in Yamoshi arc when Yamoshi movie arrives)
I was talking about the episode where Goku 2v1 the dykes.
The Kefla fight was alright, not superb, it had a great finishing tho.
What's going on
Caulifriends and gohanchads, why the animosity?
No seriously, these two characters never interacted
Hey I did some Rice-kun too, I'm not into your retarded wars
I'm coming for your ass Jiren
I'm including that part too.
Actually, the best part of the fight was when they were still un-fused. Kefla was good too