Houseki no Kuni

That pearl lady, she rused us, chapter 66 was suppose to be a Jade chapter and not a moonie gem chapter....

PD:Translations when?

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That's quite the shrine you've got there... it's a shame they're not THE FUCKING RAWS!

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raws pls giv

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Is there still hope for a Jade chapter? Wasn't it just some random user that said it was a moon chapter? Or was that PAS?

Phos is dead long live LaPhos

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All hail

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Amazing work JadeAnon. We'll get a Jade chapter one of these days!

A bright and phosyperous future awaits.

It couldn't have been a Jade chapter, there would literally be nothing Ichikawa could write about.

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What a pretty boy

>pretty boy(girl(owl))

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But Rutile is the owl.

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I wish a second jade would come off that hill, maybe this time it would be interesting

Indeed, I see you are a man of culture as well.

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Actually, there is one interesting use for jad

I think Jade is the perfect candidate for my next set of experments with these adorable and cute gems. Jade seems bright and resposible, bit not much else. However, she is the perfect candidate to a slow grind. She is a tough individual and would be hard to break, however with an industrial grinder this wouldn't be hard at all.

I would start at the feet. I want to be able to hear her plead and scream, as well her looks of horror and despair. After all, that is what I'm really after. Anyway, the grind would 1 inch every 2 hours. I would assume this process would take about 5 days, if I would finish it. I would slowly destroy her memories, more improtantly when would never be able to lead the gems again. She knows nothing about anyone after all. I would grind her legs and lower body, as well as her arms then encase her body in molten led, just to ensure no coming back for her.

I would then watch as she is hauled back and the others attempt to greet her. She wouldn't know them but she would know that she should . Sensei would know that she couldn't do anything useful anymore, and would stuggle to find her a new job. Imagine this, the once proud, kind, and responsible Jade is not an unmoving scrap metal. How useless would she feel. I hope it's real useless. I hope she remembered that she was once respected but now she is a joke of her former self. I wonder if she would be jealous? Would she curse sensei? I hope so.

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This might be a bit batshit, but could the moon *itself* host inclusions like how our gems can?
Lapis head north pole, whole moon is body, gold arms and shell legs poking out on the south pole?
What if moon is the pearl to make Phos have those seven elements someone was on about?

Inclusions can't spread without crystal lattices that they can manipulate.

Padparadascha hype! I'm excited to see more of this beautiful mature gem!


Damn, guess that means no L(un)aPhos then. Not sure if disappointed or relieved desu


Is barefoot Paddy really taller than 26inch gold heels Phos? Paddy is massive.

One of these seems to be chrysoberyl, we can assume Phos is gonna negociate with Aechmea to resurrect them ?

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Oh we can clearly make out Yellow's past partners and Topaz as well. I suppose Aquamarine, Pink Fluorite, Bluzo are somewhere there too. Actually, is Lapis on the front there? How old was Lapis even?
This confirms the conflict has been going for a LONG time I guess. Look at all these dusted gembutts.

More sufferings!

66 story upload all pages please

Could that be Alex with the far left long hair?

>Yellow: "You're up?"

no ahoge, no bluzo

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>far left
Doesn't seem so, Alex has an ahoge and the hair splits in two.

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Are those knives/daggers?

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I bet this is a ploy to get people to buy coloured artwork later, just so that they can tell who the fuck is who

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That's what I had noticed as well, idk who that is but I like him instantly.
Though those are probably why he ended up taken

Looks like it.

Can anyone recognize any of those? I guess front left and right are Lapis and old Goshe respectively and third right is Chrysoberyl but I can't tell who the rest are and neither can I spot Bluezo and Topaz. Fourth to the right might be Red Dia.
>Red diamond might be a dualwield chuuni

They're wearing gloves and stockings so I think they're diamonds.

Going by that, the one immediately to the right of Sensei would be Green, and the one to the left would be Blue?

Damn it Ichikawa! I love the art in this manga but man some of these wide shots are frustrating. It's way too hard ti tell who's here, especially since they might be gems we haven't met yet. In most manga this wouldn't bother me because they could just be faceless background characters, but the attention to detail in Houseki is good enough that I'm confident Ichikawa has specific designs for all the gems here.

Hardness 9 (Corundums) also wear stockings, slightly shorter than diamonds'.

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In this shot specifically it's probably intentionally ambiguous.

Probably doesn't want to have to remember an additional dozen or so designs for specific gems that haven't even been introduced in the story yet

Even Phos wore gloves sometimes, so I don't think that's a very strict fashion code. Although the one on the front is 100% green dia.

Is there even a blue diamond? I think that looks more like Lapis hair but Lapis doesn't have the long stockings

what the hell this is so lewd

it looks like they just finished having sex

This is just spitballing on my part, but maybe those are the gems who were alive around the time yellow and padparadscha were born?

Is Laphos the same person as Phos?

PAS here. Chapter's cleaned/redrawn.TL's underway. Haven't heard from the TLC. Typesetter's standing by I think. Little worried about not having heard from the TLC but hopefully things'll work out.

I bet Pad is a monster in bed.

my guess
though i wouldnt be surprised if those are all be brand new gems
also, can we appreciate the weapon variety pictured there? there's even dual-wielding gems and the one on the far right has a broadsword or some shit

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Thanks for these type of updates on your work and your work in general, you guys are great.

>There were at least 17 gems plus the ones we knew who got mooned
>The gems alive today only make up about half of gems ever, possibly even less
Goddammit! Fuck those moonfags.

the * is for those that have been mentioned only in name as far as i know

They're both really too lewd to be on the same page together.

At least it looks like it was loving and satisfying.

I think third right looks more like Chryso.

There's also a pink fluorite that were the bombs the moonies used to attack Antarc were made out of.

we dont really know if that fluorite and the fluorite red dia found are the same gem so i was a bit unsure whether to add him.
the way ichikawa colors hair is a little inconsistent (paddy's hair is an example), but now that you pointed it out i can see it.

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the lunarians also mentioned an apophyllite when they first picked up phos

>believing machine propaganda
If that coghead did his job properly and released those lunarians from existence, the war would not happen in the first place.

>there were THREE (3) dual wielders at one point
>they all got mooned, those tryhards
Kek. Also I'm kinda sad there weren't any non-sword weapons.

at some point there was a shot with all of the gems currently on the moon, including antarc, morga, goshe and ghost. but since it was part of lapis' memories, i believe, it could be not reliable.

Ghost used a scythe. Unless you're referring to that picture specifically

This one? I'm personally leaning towards there being a hundred plus gems on the moon, potentially many times more than that if something shocking needs to happen

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Is Lapis's consciousness still count at this point, or has it completely merged with Phos?

I think that's a combination of all the gems both Lapis and Phos have seen or knew that got taken away, still that's a lot of gems, I wonder how many gems did the lunarians dusted.

Considering it's ambiguous how long the conflict has been going, and that the moon is completely covered in gem dust, it's safe to assume there are many more gems that no living gem remembers. The only reason we know about Red Diamond is because sensei talked about her, it didn't seem like any of the other gems knew her.

I was referring to this one, which seems a bit clearer (you can tell where Antarc, Ghost etc, are) but it's still quite small. You can still extrapolate with the colors though

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That one gem in front of Sensei really looks like Lapis and it must be definitely on purpose. Is there any mentions of his age? Lapis might be much, much older than we thought.

The lunarian moon seems a bit smaller than the real life moon, so it might not be as bad as it seems.
It would be useful to know what kind of timescale this has all been going on for, since that would indicate the likelyhood of all the gems getting de-dusted within the timeframe of the story, but I get the feeling that some lunarian is going to be like "wow, reconstructing all 4713 of you is going to take a long time!"

Cairngreg is cute, cute!

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Guess I'll ask here in case PAS is lurking before I buy the mag (I could've sworn that Afternoon used to come out on the 25th Japan time, but now it seems to be the 24th): no chance of you uploading the rest of Afternoon issue?

I don't think they were going to do it, it's probably coming out early because the 25th is a sunday like last month

Ah well, guess I'll buy the mag anyway.

once you do, can you post the raws?

I wonder if we'll ever get a more precise timeframe. I'm curious to learn just how long this has been going on, and how many poor gems have been captured already.

>how many poor gems have been captured already
too many

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Craigface strikes again.

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It's time to take the fight to the moonies.

Haha Jadefriends are too nerdy to riot.

why isn't anyone posting the raws?
someone posted some panels, so they have the raws, post them pls

I think they got the panels from twitter, some japs are uploading screenshots.

Wait, so leaks are out? O shit

no leaks yet, just a couple of cropped panels that were posted in this thread

Eh just wait for PAS to release either today or tomorrow.

Saw this line from twitter.
>I want to bring Padparadscha and Yellow with me and organize a night attack
Former-Phos is fucked up in the head, news at 11

So the rebel gems become enemy bosses thing was right after all.

LaPhos wanting to do something doesn't mean that something will happen

>night attack
So he wants to kidnap Shinsha.

>Phos wants to attack the others
>Pad and Yellow apparently agreed to this

What fucking world am I living in?

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Both of them looked really shocked when Phos said this to Aechmea


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Man Chriso and Ruby are just to beautiful. Achmea needs to revive them first.