
Just started watching this. What the fuck is this shit?

Attached: Mahouka.png (255x240, 114K)

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Are we having this thread every day?

their west is our east.

Slavs and scandies are the true westerners.

Attached: kurwa.png (848x1200, 570K)

The "East EU" just means they are weebs.

Please dont associate fennoscands with slavs

Attached: 1520217301727.png (445x408, 371K)

Karling border gore.

>venice to germany
shitty perfect europe map

Brexit caused this.

>Switzerland is still neutral

Attached: 1484615273716.gif (640x360, 488K)

They both have mongoloid ancestry.

From Japan's placement on the world map this is accurate

No it isn't, the quickest way to Moscow from Tokyo is to go West, the quickest way to London from Tokyo is more West. The line where it's shorter to go East from Tokyo is in the middle of the Atlantic.

>east eu is the wast

"Eastern Europe" = Communists / Soviet allies
"Western Europe" = Capitalists / Murrica allies

tilt your head 90 degrees right

Remarkable observation, user.

>germany did it again
>now they have all the land they ever wanted
The Mahouka timeline looks comfy.

Attached: 1494719682412.jpg (328x466, 26K)

>all the land they ever wanted
I bet they are still missing Alsace-Lorraine.

What a cute slut.

Germany has Rosen, a big company that sells CADs internationally. They are nothing against FLT though.

S2 when? I want to see loli Miyuki animated

Onii-sama decreed east is west and west is east.
Onii-sama's word is law.
Praise Onii-sama!

Was good until they started to suck mutt cock and ignore the soviets

Did they swap ends after halftime?