You may not like Violet Evergarden, but you can't deny it being the absolute kino of the year.
You may not like Violet Evergarden, but you can't deny it being the absolute kino of the year
I deny it being the absolute kino of the year.
How can it be kino of the year when Yamada has a new movie coming?
It's certainly is AOTS.
Whats your favorite shot?
>Let me just leap off the plane and destroy 4 armed soldiers in 2 seconds.
This still annoys me, Probably the only bad thing about VEG but it's pretty fucking bad to just pull that out.
I agree
>of the year
Bitch only redline and some older stuff like platabor beat it and those are movies. Kyoani is pegging the industry to death with this anime.
Violet holding Aiden's hand. It's so simple yet so damn good as it showcases all of her development; her new hands are now comforting a dying soldier when her old ones did nothing but kill them.
She's been shown to have superhuman abilities countless of times, but that annoys you? How do you even watch anime? 80% of them involve special powers and impossible fights.
i almost agree, you have to consider that shes a fucking war machine BUT
>muh 4 vs 1 it's not gonna work
>they all had weapons
>not even trying to fight back
this shit made me drop that scene entirely
Are you a speedwatcher?
>loli Violet manhandling soldiers is fine
>but teen Violet doing the same is bullshit
Ok buddy, whatever.
So the over the top first 9 episodes, the lack of carismatic main character, the stupid first arcs, the forced soap opera, the lacluster first 9 episodes and the series trying hard to be Kino's Journey alike, but at most reaching a Shigofumi tier... weren't bad?
Sure, AOTS.
Try harder
Like VEG?
Is this Sup Forums?
>So the over the top first 9 episodes
Please point out where it's over the top. There was maybe one scene in a flashback
>the lack of carismatic main character
You obviously haven't been following the show.
>the stupid first arcs
Episode 4 was the weakest episode
>the forced soap opera
Its about people living or feeling the after effects of war. How can there not be drama?
>he lacluster first 9 episodes and the series trying hard to be Kino's Journey alike
Kino's journey explored societies and ideas
This is a character study of violet.
Yes, glad we can agree
Most likely.
That shot of the wine being poured was pretty kino
Kumiko with the bully.
Hurr Durr, my oniichan is a drunker.
Hurr Durr, lady without feeling, please help me by writting two sentences in a letter.
Hurr Durr, my mother don't understand than i can't live in this village, because i was rejected. Oh, noes, look all the drama.
Hurr Durr, the princess don't know how to express her love. Please, autistic girl, help me express muh feeling.
Hurr Durr, i can't write shit anymore, please Autistic-san, help me remember my child by jumping on a pool.
Hurr durr episode 10.
Oh. so you were watching the show. Glad to hear it.
Really good and exciting bait.
So, Ishidate best KyoAni director now?
Then who is?
still yamada
He's only better than Ishihara who completely shat the bed with Chu22, Phantom World, and Hibike S2.
Yamada + Ishihara combo > Yamada > Takemoto > Ishihara > Ishidate
Yamada is a meme and result of her directin can be seen in Tamako market. Hibike was Ishihara doing everything while Yamada gave "creative direction". Her work on Silent Voice and K-On are respectable, but she is exactly what people critizise KyoAni for - "comfort zone" and doing same staff as she ever did only Highschool girls anime. Do you believe she could have handled ambitious project like Violet Evergarden properly? Zero chance. Takemoto maybe, not Yamada.
She has her strengths, but as package not nearly as experienced as Ishihara/Takemoto nor talented as Ishidate/Kigami
Ishihara is good director, but his ambitions are low and he is restricted by KyoAni never being able to do what he'd actually wanted to (ecchi harem comedy). He is barely even "director" in many years- he mainly took over role of producer/organizer in KyoAni. Even Chu2, he mainly was busy with making production work leaving much to others and his key role in KyoAni atm is being most experienced proffessional training others and assisting them.
Reverse it and it will be about right
Yamada. Ishidate is their worst director.
>ecchi harem comedy
I might have to give Phantom World a shot then.
Love this newfag meme. How "yamada" fags who think she is big deal flooded after hibike, reminds of post monogatari shaft newfags. Ironically, after her most successful work, K-On : that meme was still not popular.
PW is weak source material and it was not really his work as it was structured in a way each episode director had complete creative freedom and each episode had different type of story/mood/setting,Ishihara did not direct a single episode personally and only storyboarded one. As said, he works more supervising production than director nowadays. It is fun, but not great. For instance Takemoto handled Maid Dragon better.
Just wait for Chu2 movie BD in july.
Ishidate + Ogawa > Yamada + Fujita
I let it go because her being a war machine was ridiculous in the first place.
>the series trying hard to be Kino's Journey alike
What in the god damn?
That said, Ishidate must be most uncreative and impassionate KyoAni director when it comes to production of anime (unlike Yamada), as his passion is animating and visualisation, getting involved in production on low level
>How should we chose soundtrack?
Yamada: It should fit this list of conceptualized meanings and referece this list of obscure movies and create this specific feeling.
Ishidate: Whatever, ost is not important.
>What character designs should we use?
Yamada: Character designer-san, please integrate in your designs this this and this.. and oh yeah this. So that left eyebrow of the character had similarity with mona lisa and breathed adolescence
Ishidate: Do whatever, just make it look gorgeous.
>How should we direct this scene, director-san?
Yamada: there should be subtle associative symbolism and legs shots, more leg shots. The scene should evoke a feeling no anime viewer could percive, but i could talk about in interviews.
Ishidate: By the book. What don't you understand? Just follow the guidelines. If need to make character happy, make it happy. If need to make sad, make it sad. Subtilety? What's that? Viewers are not paying for that nor remember that. What they watch should have strong impression on them.
>How we should animate this?
Yamada: ar... well.. Fujita-san, could you do that? I'll go check if there is new interview to make.
Ishidate: You should.. ah, fuck it. Give the pencil to me. You should draw storyboard like that and.. hmm.. let me make this keyframe. Wait, i believe i should do this cut personally. Digital stuff, can you make it like this? Let me add this effect. Damn it, what does it mean KyoAni does not welcome overtime?!
Good bait, if I liked the show I would be pretty upset by it. 9.43/10
I like the show and it wasn't upsetting at all. If that's good bait the standards have gone down.
I'd still want to shake Ishidate's hand for at least excluding the giant axe.
Hey I'm trying to give user advice here. If he were to re-write it he could hook way more people without all of the hurr durr. Frame your bait more seriously and you get more (you)s because people will think you're serious.
I like it when Ishidate was interviewed about his Phantom World episodes, which are one of the best and really had scenes that are memorable and with strong impact - like Reina's Rabbit house or Haruhiko that turned to kid, in Mai's home journalist was trying to get out of him - how did you do it, what inspired you to direct it like that? What meaning did you put into it?
Ishidate was like: Huh? What meanings? Ishihara gave me script to direct, i read it , understood nothing so asked him "Why are reina's parents rabbits?" "Dunno, writers wrote it like that. Just direct whatever", "Ok."
I'm not so fuck off
>being mad that somebody replies to your post
Maybe Facebook is more your style.
Not sure if it was his decision or Reiko Yoshida convinced him. But his concept for Violet anime adaptation was "no goofing around" but making perfect cinematic well crafted show - so volonteurely put a lot of restrictions on creativity and execution, as that means no room for KyoAni humor, original content that would not fit novel, chuni stuff, or experimentation.
It is purely proffessional and mature work taking itself entirely seriously.
What kind of bait is this?
Regardless, Yamada would've trashed VEG entirely. An ambitious young adult project like this one is beyond Ms.Teenager Love.
I won't argue with you here. I sent you dm on twitter and on instagram
Even Antarctica had more memorable scenes than this miserable heap of oscarbait garbage.
Save this post so when SoraYori fags complain about VEG fags insulting their melodramatic piece of trash you can show them who started it.
Thanks pal. :^)
I wish people like you could just die.
Will Madhouse fix quality in BDs?
Sasuga newfag, no wonder why do you like VEG.
I like sora yori but only the running scene and computer were that great
The running scene was very out of place to be honest. People say it feels movie like but that's mostly because of the song with vocals.
and yet you like Sora Yori at the same time.
I don't know if you're just being a hypocrite or ironic, maybe both.
Most Sora Yori's drama is even more shallow than VEG.
Both are shit.
I disagree. It's a scene that perfectly captures youth running from their problems and the people holding them back. It fits the theme of the show "high school girls without a place make their own - queue character drama and development".
dumb Sup Forums nigger
I disagree as well. As the other user said it really captured the spirit of the show.
Both are good.
Guess out of place was the wrong word, it was too grand and climactic for the context of that scene. I felt something similar to the lake jumping scene of Violet.
Can't change everyone's opinions I suppose
That makes a lot more sense and I'm more inclined to agree. It still sticks out as one of the best moments of the show and may have been a little early for such a thing.
>Even Antarctica
but Yorimoi is really good
>>How should we chose soundtrack?
>Yamada: It should fit this list of conceptualized meanings and referece this list of obscure movies and create this specific feeling.
I give all the props in the world for the Tamako OST
I was legit surprised when I found out that all the bands that played in the Cafe were not real
Yamada is only good at youthful themes anyway. Ishihara or Takemoto could've tackled VEG too but not Yamada.
Mediocre you mean. The main cast is generic and the writing is a damn joke, only episode 12 had a consistent mood in it.
If you can relate to teenager melodrama that's fine but I can't. And yes it's melodrama, it fits the definition of melodrama like a glove.
Don't believe me? Look it up.
Yamada tries way to hard to be indie. It is off-putting.
Melodrama isn't inherently bad, I hope you don't mean to use it that way.
If it doesn't connect with you fine, but it's good. Not really good, but a little more than average.
Well it is really great, i enjoy it, but i will never forgive or forget, how much it was shilled, that was just unnecessary and disgusting.
>Do you believe she could have handled ambitious project like Violet Evergarden properly?
Yes, moreso than the two newbs they put on the project for some reason. Ah well.
Let's not kid ourselves here, melodrama is a buzzword used to attack whatever drama you don't like.
I'm not saying it's bad and in fact lonely otaku love melodrama without knowing. But I'm not like that anymore and so it comes out as grating to me, my kind of drama is more like VEG and Shigatsu.
Melodrama is characters acting way over the top at every dramatic moment, it fits YoriMoi well
The crying scene you just posted is actually not melodrama.
It's perfectly reasonable to break like that by being reminded about how much you cared about your mother and how much you kept hoping she was alive.
I want to agree, because it has several times, but you couldn't have posted a worse example.
>not melodrama
I like VEG but you're the one who's kidding himself.
The others crying, though, was definitely melodrama.
I'd say melodrama is the exaggeration of drama to make up for lack of characterisation. Yorimoi's drama may be over the top but it's characters are very well defined and its strongest point.
I know I was just baiting with that image, but there's alot of actual melodrama in that show.
VEG has:
1. Gore
2. Age gap
3. Adult drama
4. Heavy themes like death of family members
And above all VEG is a character study. This show is way beyond Yamada.
Why would you try and bait people that are trying to have a productive conversation with you?
But Ishidate is well equpied for it?
sounds perfect for yamada, aside from maybe the gore
Look up the definition and then tell me which character has an uncalled for reaction to their respective situation.
There's barely any gore in this show anyway, just some blood but very tame.
VEG hasn't been good since the first trailer.
Turns out he is but of course nobody believed he was. The show turned out amazing and his decisions to gut the chuu2 stuff and make it about a human Violet were perfect.
You're telling me to look it up and then defining it wrong yourself. Overreacting isn't all that makes something a melodrama.
Most anime dramas are melodramatic as fuck. Having this discussion about this medium is silly in the first place.
Yamada has only done highschool shit though.
The lake scene in episode 7 was melodramatic in its directing.