Are there any anime that are better dubbed than subbed? I would suggest Cowboy Bebop as being one, but I can't think of any others.
For those of you who prefer dubs, what is your reasoning? Laziness? Not trolling, just curious
Are there any anime that are better dubbed than subbed? I would suggest Cowboy Bebop as being one, but I can't think of any others.
For those of you who prefer dubs, what is your reasoning? Laziness? Not trolling, just curious
I prefer dubs for the more frenetic shows like Gurren Lagann because it’s easier to keep up with the pace of the action without reading subtitles.
And honestly as long as the dub isn’t hot shit it’s just nicer to hear things in your natural language and not worry about the accuracy of fan subs
Black Lagoon, Death Note and the original Berserk anime and Golden Age movies are my top 3 favourite dubs of all time.
That's a fair point. I feel like I have been watching subs for so long though that I can often tell when the Japanese and the subs don't match up exactly.
You also lose some subtext with both subs and dubs, such as if a character were to refer to themselves as "ore-sama". It would usually be translated as "I" either way
No. There are shows with "passable" dubs, but there are none with "better" dubs.
But at least with subs you have the chance to hear the original japanese
My favorite way to watch dubs is to watch them on Netflix but simultaneously enable English subs so that I get the dubbed dialogue but also get to read along with the subs that would have been paired with the original Japanese audio :) the worst of both worlds
I think I'm in the minority but the dub for Attack on Titan is fucking amazing and way better than the sub
Gotta disagree. Bryce Papenbrook's too grating as Eren. Josh Grelle should've been him and not Armin.
Watching Garzey's Wing or Mad Bull 34 without the English dubbing is a crime
Bebop's isn't really better, it's just good enough to be a valid viewing option
Black Lagoon and Berserk have abysmal dubs, but Death Note's was OK.
I really enjoyed the Kare Kano dub
I'll agree that Eren for me seems to be the weakest performance. His titan voice is kind of laughable
Yu Yu Hakusho, Bebop, Berserk 1997 and Beck are better than the sub IMO.
.... I actually do this unironically. Should I go kill myself now?
The dub's entertainment value is off the fucking charts.
DBZ and Ghost Stories are the two that come immediately to mind
Vinland Saga
What anime is this girl from?
The cult classic romantic sci-fi comedy Dang It Ron Paul.
>he still hasn't watched the anime adaptation of Ace Attorney
>playing visual novels
>reading games
Knights of the knackers
I prefer dubs because I speak no Japanese at all and it's harder for me to empathise with someone whose speech is all Japanese, like I get nothing from the sound. Weirdly I don't have this with European languages like German and French but I do for Japanese. I don't really like the sound of spoken Japanese language
The FMA:Brotherhood, Gurren Lagann and Kill La Kill dubs were all decent, but I felt like the NGE dub was a bit robotic at times (Especially Kaworu but I guess that was because he literally wasn't human)
Trigun was good but I think I like the subbed voices more for it.
Great taste. I'd add Code Geass, Samurai Champloo and Gurren Lagann
Guts is fantastic in English.
I havent seen Code Gayass in ages but I remember what I sampled of the Eng dub being very mediocre and dull compared to the wanton overacting of the Jap dub
There are only a couple dubs that I could say are as good as subs, but I can't say which subs are bad because I don't speak moon.
>Princess Mononoke
>Evangelion (just Asuka really because the chick who plays her is like a crazy narcissist and it fits perfectly)
>TTGL (I guess, maybe, KLK sucked though)
>s-CRY-ed (If you are looking for the opposite of "good" in every capacity this is the show for you)
>Akira 80s dub
I love Code Geass and Gurren Lagann.
Kill La Kill was good, not better than the sub but good. Fate/Zero is another all time favourite and of course Full Metal Alchemist (both versions)
The dub completely changes the tone. Where the Nips got a hammy, over the top mecha, we got a detailed, intricate tale of politics, prejudice and one man's heart wrenching quest for revenge
Oh and Uma Thurman was in Nausicaa so that counts as good by itself.
When it comes to the whole sub vs. dub issue I tend to be very agnostic. Subs, dubs, I'll watch them all, whatever conveys the story the best.
Red Garden is a show that takes place entirely in New York City so it makes sense to watch it with the English dub, and it ended up being one of my favorite shows, Le Chevalier D'Eon is a show set in France and that also had a good dub. On the other hand when I went to watch Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, knowing what the setting will be I chose to watch it in sub and loved it.
I made a list once of all my favorite dubs, the ones I think are the best, and damn near all of them were produced by Bandai, and I've always wondered why that is.
I honestly just prefer which ever language I end up watching first, because in my mind, those characters have those voices. I think the space dandy dub is pretty good is really good,
Hmmm Gungrave? Honestly only character that I'm iffy on is Mika but she's about the same level of "annoying voice" in japanese too.
Idk about better but Trigun dub is good fun. not perfect but the characters still feel right if that makes sense.
My other go-to dubs are already mentioned.
It's literally impossible to not watch Mad Bull 34 dubbed. There is just no other way.
Hellsing Ultimate and Black Lagoon. Every character is fluent in English and speaks only it for essentially the entirety of both shows, the mangled engrish of the subs completely takes you out of the experience.
Anderson in original nipspeak is intolerable.
You can't notice the subtle nuances in the performance in a language you don't understand.
Don't forget Griffith's lovely singing voice.
>no mention of GITS SAC
I am disappoint.
Crispin Freeman, Richard Epcar, William Knight all bring their characters to life fantastically.
And of course, the always delicious Mary Elizabeth McGlynn as the Major is fantastic.
The one concession I'll make to that ultra weeby argument is usage of honorifics and pronouns is sometimes awkward to translate into English. Lots of manga scanlations just give up on trying and leave in the -kuns and -samas and shit or put notes in the margin when someone does something like use an outdated way of speaking or the "wrong" one for who they are addressing but that isn't really feasible for subs.
Best example I can give is in netoge where the blonde girl roleplays as a delinquent dude and uses "oresama", the translation I watched used "my bad self" as the closest analogue but I've seen other shows where they just use "I" and miss the point.
There's still no excuse for the enormous amount of hate that perfectly adequate dubs receive and what I just mentioned isn't subtle or nuanced at all, it's just humor lost in translation
Usually, subs are the best. Especially because most dubs are half-assed. But sometime, there's that golden dub that just can't be missed, like the one for Nerima Daikon Brothers.
First of all, don't be shitting on Norio Wakamoto. Second of all, Revy's engrish is adorable especially compared to her god-awful English VA.
Ghost stories is really great dubbed. From boring to hilarious.
I thought Ping Pong had a really good dub. I watched the show again with my parents and decided to use the dub because old people. It was a really good experience.
Oldfag french-québécois here. Because I was just a toddler when I saw my first anime ever as it aired on french TV, I can only watch UFO Robot Grendizer (GOLDORAK) in French.
Dat nostalgia rush, man!
I totally forgot
Golden Boy
Dubs fags are cancer and cant let go the past, lazy retards.
Nothing inherently bad with dubs though, but i rather watch it subbed with added notes.
>but i rather watch it subbed WITH ADDED NOTES.
>Revy is supposed to be fluent in English
>the fact that she butchers it is considered a charm point
>but when English VAs slightly mispronounce Japanese words it's inexcusable
Yu Yu Hakusho,
Picked the fuck up
The dub for the Berserk movies are so good, they're my default voices whenever I read the thing.
I feel like the only people who would even enjoy dubs are americans. It's like you guys can't even bother to put in any effort when doing anything and you prefer inferior interpretations of original instead of just watching an original.
>subtle nuances
Pick one.
>can't even bother to put in any effort
There are a lot of such people everywhere.
FLCL, School Rumble, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Ouran High School Host Club, Panty and Stocking, Soul Eater.
then why are all the best Eng dubs made by Brits?
I watched Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Ghost in the Shell in dub. I have no regrets
>when English VAs slightly mispronounce Japanese words it's inexcusable
Who are you quoting?
well thats because the show was utter shit and the studio that dubbed it told the VA's to not give any fucks about dialogue right?
I sort of have a rule. If the anime doesn't take place in Japan I'll favor a dub if it's even half decent.
I guess thats fair. I can't really come up with any examples of anime with a western setting where the dub wasn't very good.
What's the consensus on Eva's dub? I never had a problem with it
I couldn't get into it because of the dub. I think it's something about the shitty/goofy 90's voice acting.
It took me a while to get into it, and the actors definitely needed some time to settle into their roles.
At this point, I'm perfectly fine with it for the series. The EoE dub was a clusterfuck of bad decisions and horrible translations.
I will say, while Spike Spenser really sounds like the pathetic kid that Shinji is, he really misses out on how angry Megumi Ogata delivers a lot of her Shinji lines.
the first episode of the dub is pretty rough, but it gets way better as the show goes along. I'd recommend sticking through it. In particular Ritsuko's dub voice performance is great. And Rei's dub voice is kinda sexy if you really listen to it.
Shinji English voice actor is perfect
He sounds like such a whiny bitch, 100% perfect fit
I just couldn't get over Shinji and Misato's VA's, I think I dropped it after the first 10 minutes because I thought it was so incredibly bad. I'f I find the time I might try it dubbed again or just go with the sub.
You suck a fat log of shit. Allison Keith's Misato is perfection.
Shinji's VA is the one that improved the most as the show goes along, and Alison Keith's Misato matured a bit too, but I always like her raspy voice she gave to Misato, I think it's cute.
they're two of the best in the dub in my opinion, especially Shinji because he really does sound like the whiny little pussy Shinji is
Came here to post this one.
I'll probably give it another shot but I just thought their voices sounded too cartoonish I guess
the ONLY anime I willingly watched dubbed and liked was panty and stocking
I like Ritsuko's dub voice too, but I notice some accent in there every once in a while. Southern or Texas, something.
I don't like how dry Ritsuko's Rebuild dub voice is though.
The big three are all better dubbed:
One Piece, DBZ, and Naruto
Also Samurai Champloo and '97 Berserk.
I watched it the first time I watched Eva because I didn't watch subs back then. I tolerated it, but looking back, it's pretty bad compared to Japanese dub. I wouldn't rewatch it that way, not that it matters since I don't watch dubs anymore.
English Goku > Japanese Goku
Only pedos disagree with this
Ghost stories
Also american dubs are known for being lacking good actors (there is good actors but most of them are tied to cartoon studios and the on the overhaul scheme the voice acting level is average at best) meanwhile plenty of people posting here are not american of native english speakers and plenty countries especialy in Europe are better used to translate and redub shows since they do that with almost every cartoon, tv series and also movies so animes are just a routine check for them and the level of dub generally surpass the american dub. (there is still example of botched dubs tho)
Baccano always shows up in threads like this, and English voices with the correct accents seem like they'd be a good fit for the show, but I didn't like the actual acting.
The only one I didn't like was Jacuzzi, he was an intolerable twerp throughout nearly the whole show.
After reading a ton of subs, I've been pushed to listening to decent dubs. The main problem I have is when the subbing quality is complete shit and absolutely doesn't match up with what the characters are saying and this drives me bonkers. When a character is clearly saying "I'm going to kill you" and the sub reads "I'm going to beat you up with my final attack" it just sucks. You aren't translating manga, FFS.
Every medium has their problems at times. I guess I should listen to raws.
Dub: Raspy but cute voice, great at shouting orders, commanding yet with also a sense of vulnerability, decent crying performance, good for comedic lines.
Sub: Basic Japanese female voice, sensitive and yielding.
Dub: Amanda Winn Lee can do a higher-pitched breathy voice, but also has a deeper sound from deep in her throat giving her performance more depth and feeling.
Sub: Generic little girl voice #7,623
Dub: Fantastic performance from Tiffany Grant who genuinely loves the character, cartoonish sounding and over-the-top at times, but also expressive and emotive when she needs to be.
Sub: Super high-pitched, shrill, annoying girl voice that does not sound realistic at all and makes your ears bleed.
Dub: Really corny and cartoonish, but gets better over time. About halfway through the show the character has alot of emotive scenes that are at least adequately performed.
Sub: A voice so weak and frail that it sounds feminine most of the time, especially when screaming.
Dub: Strong and powerful voice of a smart scientist woman with a successful career in a position of leadership, a bold performance that matches her smart-ass, kinda bitchy personality.
Sub: Soft-spoken and low voice, lacking confidence and pride.
Dub: Cold and distant, but with an intelligent and cunning sound, like he has something to hide.
Sub: Generic deep male voice #5.
For a great comparison of Gendo's voice, compare the sub to the dub of the cemetery scene in episode 15.
Also, ADV got creative with many different vocal effects in some of the more abstract scenes, and it adds alot to the atmosphere of the show. For a great example, compare the scene of Rei's introspection in episode 14; in the dub for that scene they added some effects to her voice that contributes more to the mood of that scene than what they did in the original, which was nothing.
I always get the feeling when watching old robot shows that the writing in certain subs is better than what the japs are actually saying due to the shows being written for kids and the subs for men
>the subbing quality is complete shit and absolutely doesn't match up with what the characters are saying
The dub scripts aren't likely to be any better, although I guess at least you wouldn't know the difference that way.
>I guess I should listen to raws.
If you understand Japanese you should.
Fucking hell Sup Forums really has fallen to casuals at this point.
>muh sekrit club
Yes, newfags only watch moe shit from the last few seasons. The rest of us who watch older anime grew up and stopped giving as much of a shit about what we like. The only time I preferred a sub to a dub was Initial D. NOBODY could get a fucking dub for it right.
*rather, stopped giving a shit about what other people say about what we like.
It's people like you that killed Sup Forums.