Why don't Lain threads ever take off?
Why don't Lain threads ever take off?
Other urls found in this thread:
because nobody seems to understand this show
Because they're being made on the daily. They were taking off fine with discussion until it became a daily thing with the same person asking the same questions even after getting answers and lo and behold, they now die in 5 posts.
Is there really one person who repeatedly makes Lain threads along the same vein?
Cause it's not isekai/moeshit/shonen/heram. That's all you're allowed to talk about on Sup Forums
no it's just pretentious deepshit which is worse
Not an argument. Explain exactly why it's pretentious.
the same as the others of its kind
>i'm so cool so let me explain how the world works based on a few conceps from some shitty philosophy manual
it's been YEARS since we had a good SEL thread
So a show can't create its own world with its own metaphysics? A show can't convey a message based on what its creators believe? Have you even watched Lain or are you just making assumptions based on other posts you've seen? How exactly is it trying to be greater than it actually is? Lain uses some concepts from real life to create its own world, and it comes together and isn't ostentatious.
No especially in 13 episodes, do something more grounded and substantial instead of wasting my time.
What exactly isn't grounded or substantial about it?
didnt you see the thread of the noosphere user?
because its shit
>I posted it again mom!
i need a translation of the scenario of serial experiments lain. I cant believe nobody did it. this series is just too famous. It also has a cult. How is it possible nobody translates to konaka's analysis of the series? comeone
I need a translation of your post.
Literally the same post every time, all lowercase included. You have no argument, it's literally just spam. You're not funny for doing it, and you're not doing anything but wasting your time watching for threads about things you don't even like.
I guess it's because it's pretty uncontested.
It has a bit of a niche theme that doesn't really attract too many people
and secondly the creators stated that it is weird on purpose as to leave the viewer with a greater freedom to interpret in a way they see fit or relatable and that has the side effects of negating the usual waifu wars or powerlevel skirmishes you are used to on forums.
lastly it seems we are spread pretty thinly because I see my self as more of a Sup Forumstg/ kinda guy and I just pop in here once in a while and I guess when anons don't see lain on Sup Forums they go to /c/ and don't find those threads very riveting and just fuck off.
So yeah we never really go into the end where cyber jesus willed himself into the base reality what the fuck was that about?
muzzies pls out now
What's with all the lain threads?
people love lain and want to connect but don't know how to start so you keep getting this subpar grassroot threads
Everything that can be said about SEL has already been said.
Not really. There's still things that aren't translated, still important interviews people don't bring up, and still facets of the show people don't incorporate into their theories.
i still dont get how the collective unconscious, which is just a paradigm, can be connected to something concrete like the Internet
Not a Lain expert, but I think the Wired runs through Earth's electromagnetic field or something, which is where everybodies brains are swimming around in.
It's fiction, + both can be considered to have concrete elements, else they wouldn't be "real" concepts. The collective unconscious in Lain's world is literally connected to every person and is also composed of all memories that exist. You're supposed to consider both to be "network like".
Lain more like lame, yeah got em
>flcl, boogiepop, kino and devilman are back
is it time?
Did you miss Konaka's tweet a couple days ago where he said he's going to try to get Despera going?
I finished it today and I still don't really understand it too much.
Wired runs through electric cables
but it contains the past, the present and the future,right? Else dead couldn't be brought 'back to life'
Eiri of the wired was just a "false"human, not the real Eiri, also
Memories. Eiri was the real Eiri, it was just his consciousness without a body.
Because you guys have a whole chan for yourself.
watch it over again, but first, watch this
so it wasnt the "real" Eiri,though
just a snashot of his memories
Because it has been discussed to death and most of us moved on, the only ones that are left are the ones that STILL after all this time still can't get a clue, that and newfags who know even LESS, so imagine that.
That is one of the cool things about the show
The Wired is the core mechanic so to speak but you never really see how people get on it and sure it's via your pc and people wnat better PC's but I remember when the delivery guy dropped Lains stuff off he remarked about how much more and deeper you could get into the wired with it.
though we see it as a computer with one or more monitors in use it feels more like the Empathy box used in Mercerism communion in the book "Do Androids dream of electric sheep?"
you need the computer to get to the netsphere but once you are there you are you no real menus or monitors required
OP you neglectful parent you are the reason threads like this die.
You bring nothing and don't engage in anything either you necrotic couch potato
My body is ready
Despera can be saved only through Netflix
I hope Konaka understood it
Honestly I wouldn't mind that at all.