Can two girls have sex if they really really like each other?
Can two girls have sex if they really really like each other?
What if they hate each other?
ask /u/
I wish I had a strong onee-sama to show me the answer.
That's the best kind. In before Captain Schizo derails us.
Yuri is the purest form of love
I'm asking U
censor that nipple, OP
No, that's fucking gay and it's not sex if penor doesn't go in vagineer
It's just two sluts masturbating on top of each other
Of course. Sex is about making each other cum, right?
No. Girls can't love girls, therefore they can't have sex.
Everything girls do with each other is just a pure, innocent and wholesome skinship.
>Can two girls have sex if they really really like each other?
Yuri-ism is the antechamber of hot steamy lesbian wild sex. So yeah, where there is yuri there is female/female sex.
Doesn't need to be censored if it aired on TV
Wrong bend
You don't have to censor nipples if the girl is underaged. I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
Yuri between girls (male) is even purer
So who's you're favorite het relationship?
Come on, user, OP asks a valid question god fucking tier taste though, I haven't had a muh nigga reading this high in ages.
we truly are blessed to have 100s of doujins about them
This. Isn't some countries' definitions of rape 'forced penetration by penis'? No penis, no sex.
what about forced encapsulation by vagina?
time 4 another nuke my tiny winnie soyboy
No. In my experience from being friends with lots of lesbians they have steamy sex the first few months of the relationship and then they experience something they call lesbian bed death where they lose all desire. At this point their relationship either becomes abusive or they start cheating which leads to a cycle of depression until they find someone new to fuck. Repeat until they're too old and then have a massive existential crisis.
Sounds like you hang out with a lot of assholes. Maybe they're the problem
uh mods i know you like yurishit but there is a nipple there
It's allowed newfag
Imagine being so fucking pathetic you make threads just for the sake of posting crack in them so you can try to harass and attack people who you have an insane obsession with.
Like, !Akemi, you have serious and honest to god genuine mental defects.
Literally every single day FOR FUCKING YEARS you have been spamming crack to try and harass people because you have literally nothing else in your life.
That's interesting. Do you have anything more to read about this topic?
Not rape in some jurisdictions (don't ask me which, can't remember off the top of my head). So yeah a bit of a one sided law in those places.