Operator loli's show airs in two weeks. Where is the PV?
Operator loli's show airs in two weeks. Where is the PV?
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Probably tomorrow at the latest
I really didn't like SAO at all, any chance i like this? Is it sufficiently different?
did you see the gun gale online arc? it was a little different than the usual SAO but in my opinion the worst arc of the whole series
this entire season is going to be in GGO
I haven't read it, but it's written by SIG Sauer rather than the original SAO author so it might be decent.
I'll watch it mainly beacuse it's girls with guns drawn by Kuroboshi.
It's written by Kino's author so it should be different from the main series. I'm just here for the loli and 3hz.
>Operator loli show
Haven't heard that name in years, oniisama.
>but it's written by SIG Sauer
The show was collectively written by every single employee in the SIG Sauer American firearms manufacturing company?
>guess I'll come out of retirement for this one....
The dude reminds me of Katou.
>some say I'm back....did I ever truly leave?
Beatrice put down that gun, it's too dangerous for you.
Put the gun down Beato, or you're going to end up hurting yourself with it.
Go away Ange, this is Beato's show.
LLENN is fucking cute but Fukaziroh better get more screentime, she's fucking best in Fatal Bullet
I can't believe we both had the same idea one post apart
Little miracles like this make me happy.
>and 3hz
This is what I'm conflicted about, I don't give a shit about any SAO, but just want to see what this studio does next.
Blackfox should be getting a PV today, so you have that to look forward to.
Has anybody here read it? Is it up to par for Sigsawa?
She uses a P90, I'm sold.
Do you like operators operating operatingly, gun trivia every five seconds and a tiny rabbit girl going nuts and talking to her gun?
I from a different author so I'll give it a try.
Why does she wear pink in a battlefield?
In my opinion it's both the best arc and the worst arc. It has things I like in it (basically anything involving Sinon, and not just because she's my waifu but also because she's probably the only well written character in the series), but at the same time that amplifies the shit parts of it (Kirito is at his worst in the arc, GGO itself is a poorly thought out game with some mechanics that must only exist for the sake of Kirito being able to swing his dick...I mean sword around, another in a long line of really bad antagonists from a series that I'm pretty sure has no good antagonists, etc).
P-chan is in fact best girl.
Because it's a video game.
Style > stats
Because turns out that in a desert wasteland with eternal twilight pink makes you fucking invisible, she does wear camo ponchos when she's not in a desert though.
>she's fucking best in SAO
Fuck off
Spoilers, she's only a loli ingame. In real life she's tall enough to stand out in a crowd, and she has a complex about her height that she wants to solve by playing a short character ingame. Also she's either college or post-college, I can't remember which. I think she might even be a NEET.
>he doesn't pick the girl character
>he doesn't dress her up real cute
in-game is all that matters
> a series that I'm pretty sure has no good antagonists
Yet another anime-only secondary
She truly is.
>a loli dual-wielding grenade launchers
Sold, gonna be fun watching her get her legs cut off constantly in the second part.
She's a college student playing GGO during her break.
Not for long. I can't even imagine the amounts of shitposting
More like I fell off Alicization a a volume or two in.
I'm glad I did too, it's nine volumes long and reading synopsis of what happened for the rest of the arc makes me glad I didn't continue.
>not reading it for the sole purpose of reading through Solus!Sinon (which is undoubtedly one of her best designs)
You're a disgrace to all Sinonfags.
Fuka is going to take Sinononon's place as an undisputedly best SAO and there's nothing we can do about it.
Hes a retarded sinonfag just ignore him
To be fair the series was only 9 or 10 volumes in when I read it and I didn't feel like coming back, but now that I know Sinon has a major part in it I might rethink dropping it there.
She's in for the duration of the two final volumes. In which everyone gets screentime. Even Klein and the More Deban Club.
So I have to read through seven volumes just to get to her?
Might still be worth it.
What's it like having a waifu that was discarded into a bland MC's harem pile after her story arc was finished and done?
Yes, if Kirito and Asuna bored you though, it'll be a lot to go through.
BUTT Eugeo is there so it's alright. And Eugeo is in fact best boy.
How much is there to read so I can be ahead of the loli game?
Pretty bad. She deserves better than that.
god i want to do lewd things to that tan girl
Not too bad honestly. She gets way more development in the games and Kirito feels like a character for once in those games.
Helps that she's a total fucking cutie and romancing her is even sweeter.
It must be. I like her a lot as a character too.
Truly? I never bothered with the games but if you're not baiting me...
Which games does she appear in?
Like 4 volumes are translated right now, they're pretty short too.
>Which games does she appear in?
Every single one of them.
Not joking, even the ones in set in SAO since she got telleported there because of interference from the outside world prying into SAO which left her from her Medicuboid therapy into SAO.
pink is the new desert camo
>Asuna just sitting in the background when Kirito picks Sinon up.
The best.
In the manga they actually call it good camo.
The manga is black-and-white so they can get away with bullshit like that, but I want to see them say that in the anime.
Red desert.
Wouldn't surprise if they changed a few things like that.
Mate, it is good camo in a fucking twilight desert wasteland, everywhere else she puts a camo poncho on, the main reason she chose pink is because she wanted to look cute though, same for her P90's color, hell, that's the main reason she even started playing VR shit, she wanted to find a game where she's a cute loli instead of a tall Kino clone.
That makes it even better
>the tiny hats
>written by kino's author
>got a loli
Picked the fuck up.
So basically it's an old hag that knows lolis are superior so she uses one in game, sounds fucking great.
Maybe 3Hz are embarrassed by it so they're not releasing one
it just a virtual reality game in an anime, bro
No, it's about a female college student that got bullied about being tall her whole life so she wants to see how it's like to be small and cute.
Watching it for operator Beato and that's really all I need
It's not operators if it's SAO buddy.
It's CoD tier chaircommandos with a dash of Japanese beta MC thrown in at best.
The SAO title is an anchor that drags down any potential this series has. It would have been better off as a standalone. Prove me wrong.
Didn't you know that the main character plays a loli with a P-90?
Yes and? Worshipping French 5.7 shit doesn't makes it better.
Stupid nips should get to HK levels of awesomeness.
Might watch it if the badguys are all H&K
It is basically a standalone though
I'd fuck woman in black. Is that Kirito now?
Kirito wishes he looked that good
You've got two lolis ready for the dick and you had to chose her?
Are you okay, user?
noguns detected
Wouldn't gain any traction.
is that Speed o' Sound Sonic?
We PUBG now user. Get with the times.
Yeah it's a man (female).
Besides Sinon getting mentioned like 3 times it basically is a standalone, but if SAO's name alone is enough to trigger idiots I'm glad it's there.
Yeah, except Pitohui is a real life legal loli so he's the actual winner here as far as fucking lolis is concerned. The fact that she's insane is something he'll learn when it's way too late though.
Too bad she's a school shooter in real life
Why are her boobs so big here?
They're actually kinda small compared to the titty monsters that are FOREVER SUGUHA and Asuna after she actually got the nutrients for her tits to grow.
>implying the IRL characters matters
They do actually as good chunks of the plot happen offline.
I step on landmine, didn't I? I hope I at least still have my dick afterwards?
How does getting the shit beat out of you daily, getting treated as a slave and then finally getting roped into playing a self-built death-game with her sound? Oh and she's a sadist in bed.
Her pink is supposed to be similar to British Long Range Desert Group's Jeeps during WW2
They attacked at sunset when the sun painting everything in a pink hue in the desert
No, thanks. I'm not ready for this.
This series can't be any worse then Stella Women's Academy, can it? Oh what do I care I will watch it all the same.
Fucking hell.
I have a reasonable amount of faith that Sigsawa will apply this concept well. This isn't being written by Reki.