How's it coming along?

How's it coming along?

Attached: 1446077892784.gif (497x372, 120K)

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About to finish Patlabor TV.
Not sure what to watch next:

Attached: 1515433044593.png (609x604, 308K)

Just finished konosuba. Can't wait for S3.

Pretty good. Caught up on Tomo and Mousou Telepathy. Can't say I really like them, too much padding and roundabouts.

Anne is amazing.

Attached: Akage no Anne - 04 [BD-rip 960x720 x264 FLAC].mkv_snapshot_12.13_[2014.12.27_09.28.43].jpg (960x720, 82K)

After sitting on my hard-drive longer than the average Sup Forums poster has been on Sup Forums, I finally watched Garzey's Wing, it was shit

Attached: 1509682641874.png (704x542, 494K)

After watching Joe think i'm done with anime, just gonna simp to romance manga now


Been only watching airing anime for like 2 months.

I want to catch up with Ryoou no oshigoto today
>tfw all I can do for my birthday is watch anime and play vidya