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Yes they are.
Reverse traps are still traps
I like reverse trap on trap.
Yes, of course. What other obvious questions do you need answered?
traps are gay because the dick
reverse traps dont have dicks so it aint gay
this shit aint rocket science you closet homos
They are just slighty gay, just like tomboys. Liking them isn't inheritely gay, but it means there is something wrong with you.
Oh shit! Is that "the world only god knows"?
they're chemo for the gay
Yui a best.
A reverse Trap who's literally just a girl in boy's clothes unisex actually isn't really that gay.
A reverse Trap who's full on Buck Angel, yeah that's pretty gay.
Fuck off back to Facebook.
Literally just like the borderline between furry and dangerously furry.
Reverse traps are just women that can't even pass as women. They can be cute but there's nothing special about being a tomboy. If they identify as male it's gay because there are actual men that are more feminine than that and for the most part, you're looking for something masculine in either situation because your daddy ignored or diddled you or something and you want sex with damaged individuals.
Look it's like this. Traps are gay because it's a dude. You know it's a dude and liking it means you like dudes.
Reverse traps may be girls but you like them because you want to like a dude but don't have the balls to be gay. So it's both gay and you're a pussy.
go back there
>image macros
>in 2018
Consider suicide.
>reverse traps dont have dicks so it aint gay
What if I am a gril?
gb2 gaia
Girls can't be gay baka user.
>implying liking manly girls is gay
>implying any man wants to put up with the bullshit of feminine women
A girl who has the courage to ditch her female get-out-of-jail-free card is bound to have a more pleasant personality than a vapid whore with a silver spoon in her mouth.
best boi (female)
Depends on the artist
>no dick
it's straight
well, there are no grils here so I guess we'll never know
What this image is essentially asking is,
is it gay for girls to love other girls?
no one walked away happy in that show.
Yes. And they're even fucking better
If it has a dick and you have a dick, it's gay. If it has a pussy and you have a dick, it's straight. if it has both and you have a dick, it's bi. if it has a pussy and you have a pussy, it's gay.
Futa-on-man is straight and futa-on-woman is gay.
there's not enough porn of tomboy haruhi
Of course, and the world needs more of them.
It's alright to fuck reverse traps user
Excuse me, but Kino is not a reverse trap, xve is a brave and stunning non-binary individual. Please respect xver life choices.
Delete this right now please
go back there
Apparently the author hasn't read the actual novel (source for the anime). Kino is referred to as a female in the novel.
This is very much wishful thinking.
delete this
> x = -x
1) faggots are gay
2) girls can't be gay
3) it's not gay if it's cute
this is why secondaries need to be shot in the head
you're right if this moron of a person read the source they'd realize that kino is just gay instead of being non binary.
only gay if you don't post links to video
Reverse Traps are CUTE!!!!!!!!
>Apparently the author hasn't read the actual novel
they never do
they never do
Mainstream anime fandom labors under a fairly ridiculous version of Plato's cave. They can't fathom the idea that most anime aren't meant to stand alone, that they're usually abridged and incomplete adaptations meant to advertise and supplement the original story.
Reverse traps are gay upfront then straight later.
Traps are gay once you fall for them but straight before you fall for them
They're both gay but have different approaches and different end games, one being gay the other being straight but in the end you gotta either like both or none at all
Gay is not the reverse of straight, but the absence of it. Faggot.
x is still x even when flipped
Traps aren't gay because you're attracted to the feminine features. Reverse traps are because they have masculine features.
>Reverse traps are gay upfront then straight later.
You're not suppose to want to fuck the reverse trap until the reveal.
Yeah but one is a boy and the other is a girl.
Yeah but you don't know that until the reveal.
Traps aren't gay
Femboys are gay
Reverse traps are not gay because they could still pass as a fucking chick if they changed clothes, show me ONE(1) reverse trap that actually looks like a dude holy fuck I hate this term, androgeny in anime is only ever fucking feminine, show me a renji looking niggas who says they're actually sporting a vagina, I dare you, I double dare you fucking bunch of homos
>childhood friend didn't know until she went into the girls bathroom in highschool
Is this h?
No, it's a long running seinen romance comedy.
A'ight, I'll admit I was wrong.
So who has the vagina between the two, Nd how to the rest of the females drawn by this author look? I wanna say the blue hair one
Kashima usually wears a skirt and still gets mistaken for a man.
Well reverse traps still identify as women, so it's not gay to have sex with them. Except if you're a girl.
Kashima is best girl
Bullshit, it's not gay if you're a girl. Everyone just likes cute boys and some cute boys just happen to not have dicks but that can be solved very easily anyway so ultimately it's not homo.
Oh absolutely.
Have another.
What a nauseating post. Sup Forums can do better without it.
I had no idea that was a girl.
Can you not post some dumb facebook shit on here? What makes "traps gay" is them engaging in sexual relationships with men, because they're men. Reverse traps are fucking girls, so no shit it isn't gay, you fucking retard.
>some cute boys just happen to not have dicks but that can be solved very easily
Genital mutilation is not a solution.
It isn't gay because it's lesbian.
Reverse traps are for shooting.
You don't need to mutilate anything though.
Have you actually seen the result of phalloplasty? They look nauseating.
Kashima is hot and its not gay to be in love with her since she prolly has a tight pussy
Because plastic dick replacements don't exist.
Hotaru is great.
Chihiro and Keima did.
>reverse trap x girl
>not gay if you're a girl
No, but it is homosexual and gross
Yes because they're still girls.
>homosexual and gross
So basically lesbians.
No, I already explained this. ALL girls feel naturally attracted to cute boys, and a few of them just happen to be female but it's not gay because you're attracted to the idea that she's a boy anyway so it's fine. At most it would be bisexual if you really want to lick her cunt so much but not gay.
She was adorable in the last chapter though
This doujin is so good
You're like those delusional homos that keep trying to convince people that traps are not gay.
It's gay/lesbian/homosexual as soon as you know she doesn't have a dick.
I thought this was a cute guy at first.
I was also relieved as fuck that I wasn't gay.
>Perfect reverse trap MC
>Fucking godawful story
It's not fair
>Reverse Traps
It's called a tomboy.
Wrong. There are some reverse traps that aren't even tomboys.
There's always one retard.
>Already cute romance has a reverse trap side character
I wasn't ready for this.
I watched the whole show just for her.
this movie fucked me up
>reverse trap on trap