>they just straight up kill him
But why? I thought symphogeahs didn't kill people.
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user, I...
Satelight chickened the fuck out and bring back the dead Alchemists at the end of the season only to kill them off for real because they wanted the Geahs to be pure
I miss them.
It was worse when they "killed" the girl who was just driving safely in an empty road to save her friend in the following episode.
I don't even.
Don't forget best girl either. Fuck how they handled the Autoscorers and Alchemists, they both died too early.
>Ignite Modules too
GX was a mistake. I dislike AXZ less at least.
Phara was too good for this world.
Enjoy seeing how it happens user!
If you can't wait, Trump fires nukes at them the very moment they show up to kill them all off
2018 live event raws when
Seriously, that scene was so hype. Their song's lyrics are literally about burning away their lives as fuel for FREEDOM.
Glad the alchemists are gone so we don't have to pretend to care about them.
I know it's been a while but really?
Fuck you, Prelati was precious and didn't deserve the fate she got.
How they managed to make the worst new girl the only permanent member still baffles me.
GX had better villains and a better finale. Adam didn't even manage to be the final endgame boss, just more retarded Hibiki.
>hibiki forced her parents to get back together
It will always be funny
>tries to warn her friend
>gets ganked by the geahs before she can
I laugh everytime
>GX had better villains
>i have to destroy the world lmao! with my lackeys with no personality at all who are little less than plot devices to motivate the create of super saiy-- i mean ignite device and then die to it to demostrate the power of shitty wubwub!
I thought GXfags were dead.
So she finally got the dikki.
Where did you get this from?
Soundfile from the mobage.
About time they added H-scenes to the mobage.
1) she had a better song than the villains from AXZ
2) she was cuter
3) she had her own clone
4) she was actually the final villain and didn't burn out like Adam did
5) genocide
>Keeping the Misaki Kuno character instead of the Inori Minase character
There is no justice in this world.
>1) she had a better song than the villains from AXZ
genocide is a shitty meme
>2) she was cuter
she looked like roadkill
>3) she had her own clone
who is the worst girl in the entirety of Symphogear
>4) she was actually the final villain and didn't burn out like Adam did
oh boy, a shit character is the final boss, that sure is great
>5) genocide
more like genomeme
And none of this takes away from the fact that she was simply a bad villain. If the best they could come up with "she wants to destroy the world!" then they shouldn't have bothered.
>A character that's a literal clone of another has a different VA
Why do you hate cute clones? Also GX saw the return of the last action hero.
Everything about GX proves this franchise is creatively bankrupt and exists solely to sell CDs of the current cast. They had Minase from S1, which was her first real job as a VA, and they all basically tutored her in voicework until she began getting real roles. Then they put her on a badly written villain and kill her off for good, all while she immediately after became one of the biggest VAs in the industry. She literally learned how to sing confidently by getting tips and coaching from Aoi and Nana while voicing Carol. So fast forward to AXZ and what happens? New alchemists brought in to do one-and-done songs and virtually no plot other than excuses to have off-couple duets, and Minase doesn't return marking the very first time in Symphogear last season's villain didn't return to do something the following season, despite teasing it with Elfnein's entire reason to exist and all the fucking fanbase wanting her voice back. Symphogear has been creatively dead since G. The only reason to continue watching is to see if they actually make Hibiki and Miku kiss when they eventually end the series for slipping CD sales.
>and Minase doesn't return marking the very first time in Symphogear last season's villain didn't return to do something the following season
And this is a negative? Nobody fucking liked Carol.
>and all the fucking fanbase wanting her voice back.
I didn't.
Misaki Kuno's voice is ear cancer, coupled with the fact that she can't act.
You're a retard. As expected of the current Symphogear fanbase defending the abysmal state after AXZ. The point was they had a junior VA, coached her into becoming one of the biggest seiyuus in the industry, then killed her off in one season by putting her on a bland character, then did not bring her back despite the fact she's a huge name seiyuu now, all because AXZ existed to have the 6 main girls sing duets with new partners. The thought of marketing Minase never once entered King Records' fucking brains.
>As expected of the current Symphogear fanbase defending the abysmal state after AXZ.
I did no such thing. Try reading what's actually written.
G > Original Recipe >>>> Power Gap >>> GX > AXZ
Fite me.
You're too retarded to do anything but shitpost about GX to deflect how fucking bad AXZ was. Both seasons show a clear state of mind from the studio that is fucking cancer.
>to deflect how fucking bad AXZ was.
Try reading what's actually written.
That's me but switch AXZ and GX.
>G > Original Recipe
Opinion discarded.
G had awesome cliffhangers every week.
The first episodes of the original series gave you this.
Best boy.
>baaaaaw I don't like Carol so I'm okay with the studio being fucking retarded and putting their biggest asset onto a character I hate and then throwing her away because they only thought to milk CDs of the existing cast
Hey retard, just because you hate a character doesn't mean they didn't fucking waste A STAR TALENT THAT THEY THEMSELVES CREATED on said shit character because they sacrificed all writing and characterization for plot devices to excuse the cast singing as many songs as possible. In fact, your mentally retarded bitching about how it's good they didn't bring Carol back despite being by now an A+ list seiyuu who would certainly sell lots of CDs if they made Carol likeable and market the show really well (because she can talk about how Symphogear made her who she is today like she has in the past) shows you're content with the studio's current aimless brand of throwing shit against the wall and churning out CD after CD without any thought for the future of the franchise until it gets so bad they kill the franchise off entirely.
You are just obsessed, dude. Last (You) for you.
And you're just retarded for thinking AXZ isn't as bad as GX. I hope you enjoy next season's 4 songs per character and no fucking plot.
Gekka Bijin > BEYOND THE BLADE > Zettou Ame no Habakiri > Gekkou no Tsurugi
Seigi wo Shinjite, Nigirishimete > Genkai Toppa G-BEAT > Makenai Ai ga Koko ni Aru > Gekisou Gungnir
Makyuu Ichaival > TRUST HEART > GUN BULLET XXX > Bye-bye Lullaby
Melodious Moonlight > Genocide Saw Heaven > Oukyo Shul Shagana
Dangerous Sunshine > Overkill Scythe Hell > Gokuren Igalima
Stand Up! Ready! > Ressou Gungnir > Ginwan Airgetlam
>Zettou - Ame no Habakiri that low
Fuck your post and fuck you.
It has stiff competition. I think all of Tsubasa's battle songs are better than all of Chris' battle songs, for reference.
Biki is edgy now?
They are.
It felt out of character but it was still better than "refuse to punch anyone" Hibiki.
Oh and also Gekkou no Tsurugi has the best 15 second section of all of them with the sick Koto solo.
Oh boy, it's time for best girl posting.
I miss the seriousness of S1. There's no danger or surprise whatsoever anymore, because you already know they're never going to kill off a character that actually matters.
All that's left are more and more ridiculous powerups, although the combination attacks in dimensional prison from AXZ were kino everything else was "hurr durr my powerlevel went up because guts" bullshit.
I want another Kanade moment.
>Literally turn into a motorcycle: the attack
Come on now. The best parts of AXZ were FIS saving the day without linker and the alchemists' last song.
that's an SR-71 you philistine
Chris is beautiful and I want them to feel loved
nice edit except for the expression
stupid Chrisfags
3rd best girl, good taste user
heart-attack warning
Kid Chris almost makes me wish I was a Brazilian.
when the fuck is the next season announcement?
that's not nice user
Yeah, I miss when they didn't get along so well and Hibiki had a berserk mode. It was a better conflict than the villain of the month.
It already happened. Spring 2019
I didn't think it was possible to contain this much wrong in one post.
fuck everything
Name for the new season? It better be something stupid.
Her last words/thoughts when she got lasered out of the sky by Kadingir were for her parents.
And then Symphogear became successful and it's impossible to feel as invested anymore
that whole scene with the buildup and aftermath is one of my favorites from the entire series and cemented her place as best girl
so much packed into less than a minute of screentime
That's super fucking lame. Oh well.
I better get started on convincing myself that they'll bring back Kanade and Serena this time.
her swan song is the best from S1 as well
Nehushtan was criminally underused; even though it looked retarded, the attacks/abilities were cool.
Symphogear also has an abysmally low doujin count, and most of them are garbage/yurishit to boot.
Do you like heavy weapons?