One Piece

How will she react to the cake?

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>"Gah! This tastes like fucking shit"

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What'll happen to Zeus? Is he going to be Namis slave forever?
Might be cool

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Get knocked unconscious from the deliciousness. Her Devil Fruit then loses it's active effects (Like with Sugar and Doflamingo), and all of the souls/lifespan that she stole leave their Homies and return to their original bodies.

Pedro's stolen Lifespan returns to his dead body, bringing him back to life.

>Nami is a thief
>She steals her powerup straight from a Yonkou's soul

>What'll happen to Zeus? Is he going to be Namis slave forever?
I don't like it actually, makes Nami way too overpowered

Franky will build somehting to keep him locked up and power-up the Sunny

maybe a big ass super durable barrel

Would be a surprising twist, but i don't think it will happen

>I've only had Zeus for a day and a half
>But if anything happened to him I'd kill everyone on this ship and then myself

The marines are coming, probably greenbull only.
Big Mom's crew will be so devastated that she will have no choice but to ally with the strawhats in the final all out war.

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Moriah coming back to face Kaido, y/n?

The BIG girl will pass out and the evil MOM will take over the body after revealing she just half-possesed Linlin because she's almost as dumb as an animal.

then Caramel will half-posses Luffy and become Evil Hat.

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If nami actuslly gets to keep it couldn't big meme just undo her powers and use another cloud? the one thing i dont like about this arc is it introduces a bunch of new fruit powers and doesn't really go into how some work. granted the reason is they will be back and get more into detail.

What makes you think she can undo Homies at a range? She's only ever used her powers with her hands. She has never affected anyone without touching them.


>We didn't even get a hug
It hurts so much...

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I still fap to Aum Mader raping teen Sinbad, but this isn't Magi user. Nobody's possessing anyone.

I realyy wish he weould get more side stories with namable marines

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Might aswell post here too.
Usopp makes his grapest face and Birdcage will be shown tonight. 52/118
Bring snacks.

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I want Bonney and Moria to turn Luffy into a literal Garp with the power of everyone's shadows.

also, the new boku no pico academia chapter makes you wonder just how powerful Luffy's awakening will be. Whitebeard could literally shake the air, so Luffy making air itself bouncy wouldn't be that dumb. It would solve his weakness to sharp haki attacks like Doffy's tentacles.

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How many times must LuNa get btfo before they understand?

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you will get the double agent arc with aokiji

People say Katakuri was the first enemy to respect Luffy, but wasn't it Blackbeard?

Remind me again, was Garp a Vice Admiral or Vice Fleet Admiral?

If he was a Vice Fleet Admiral, then he was more important than the 3 Admirals, no?


Im betting on fujitora because he cant go to any marine base anyway. Green bull is probably at the reverie

Who is ready for the GERTH next week?

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What can Hancock do to get Luffy interested in her?

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He's the role that actually exists user

Vice Admiral.
He was too lax to take promotions higher up and Sengoku knows him too well to offer any.
Kong propably knew this too.

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extremely likely.

LuHan wont happen either.

Reminder that Jimbei is yonkou level

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BB respected Luffy, Magellan too as far as i remember

Why do people treat Vice Admirals like trash when they're literally in line for the position of Admiral and are the captains of Buster Call ships?

So there was NEVER a Vice Fleet Admiral in the story? I could've sworn Garp was one.

Thanks for clarifying.

VA he refused to be promoted a bunch of times

Why did he ignore her bros? I thought you said she was special :((

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No. No one has ever been a Vice Fleet Admiral. That's not a role.

Was Katakuri the first antagonist to acknowledge Luffy's dream of being pirate king?

>Level level level level jobber jobber jobber jobber job job job job jobber jobber jobjob level level job level job level level level job job level level level job btfo btfo btfo btfo

Why can't you faggots just leave this bullshit in 2012 where it belongs?

the rest of pedro's lifespan inhabits Carrot's body because she has no soul, and then we get a piccolo-nail thing going on.

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Time to get receive some good bunny pounding, Daifuku

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Sanji doesn't have time for T H O T S

linlin's subdued body will reject her own soul but before ascending to heaven, perospero will manage to trap it. the search of a new host for big mom's soul begins

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Marineford trashed on VAs, Admirals were doing most of the heavy lifting

I chortled.

Nami is old and busted now
Pudding is young with a malleable pussy

Who said that Sanabro? It was always at the end of the arc. She me proof like


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They dont get to shine much because we had the time skip that made luffy already stronger than them so people started to think that they are jobbers (even though Zoro and sanji are currently on that level right now)

Sanji doesn't have time for childish things anymore user
He has to prepare to become a father

Why didn't Nami hug Luffy?

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Where are those anons who wouldn't shut up about sanji getting a raid suit? Are they happy about the closure to the vinsmoke storyline?

What are you going to do in celebration of "The Ninth" chapter, anons?

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>Implying my big black djinn wouldn't rape the shit out of Carrots rabbit hole

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Laugh that it's not Carrot probably

He's badly hurt. Chopper needs to administer one million ccs of meat, stat.

Why didn't this happen bros? I thought sana was going to prevail... why did sanji ignore nami :(((

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>Robin touched Franky's balls
>This is canon

after all the emotional scaring piss yellow had at their hands why would he one accept it and two wear it. sometimes people just throw shit at the wall to see what sticks

I'm going to post this in response to all of the carrot salt

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>"The Ninth" chapter
But Brook already did all this crazy shit this arc?

But why did Carrot and brook hug him? Why couldn't it be Nami?
She didn't even hold his hand

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SHe didnt shoot him but we will get Sana so its all good.

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more importantly, why does Carrot only chew on Luffy? I thought she loves Sanji, why isn't she chewing on him?

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>Inolying that he could even touch her
Carrot is the Sanic of the one piece world

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there was a guy near me at the theater who sported a shaved head, small mustache and two big ass earrings and at any given point of the movie, i just expected him to rub one out
this series ruined my life

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Praline is still best girl

but sanji is ignoring nami user :(((((((

She knows Sanji would die

>more importantly,
There's nothing more important than luna fuck off.
How do I spin this shit for a LuNa moment?

Reminder that typical Katakuri fanboy who gets salty of Katakuri's loss is a fat nigger:

He isnt ignoring any of them user. Dont worry. ;^)

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They don't stand a chance.

Smoothie + backup > admiral
Snack > VA
Oven + backup > VA
Daifuku + backup > VA
Perospero > VA
Compote + backup > VA

And there would still be so many unoccupied BMP. Buster call + 1 admiral wouldn't stand a chance.

Delete thissss

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sanji hugged them, they hugged sanji back

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Ha nice try Lunafag!

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Well it seems zues needs to charge up before it can do that attack, and even then as we progress in the story the power disparity needs to decrease if we want to go anywhere. Theres more than a couple Yonko commanders and we'll need people like Usopp, Nami, and Franky to be able to go toe-to-toe with some of them.

>Sanji just goes to bake a cake, not even in any danger
>Comes back, Nami hugs him with tears in her eyes
>Luffy fights the strongest opponent he's ever fought, undefeated enemy, no word from him in hours, could very well be dead
>When she sees him he's bloody and battered
>"Hey glad ur back"

T-thats rite. We need to pretend we didnt get BTFO. I forgot for a sec Lunabro.

How come there are so many attention whoring YouTubers for One Piece? And how come they are all powerlevel kids?

because chewing rubber is fun and feels good in her mouth

They clearly don't love him enough to care.

just look at that heart placement, nice one goda

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I'd feel pretty good in her mouth too


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Both have absolutely no chance of ever happening so I don't even understand why you guys believe you are in competition. You guys are only competing with your mental health.

What do you mean "acknowledge" it? Teach knows Luffy's gunning for it and even kinda encourages him about it.

if you think that is a sana moment, then you also think it is a sabro moment. do you ship sanji brook? if so go fuck yourself because zobro is the one true pairing

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why did he ignore her this chapter bros i thought he liked her more after the hug, did he fall in love with pudding?

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I have a feeling Aokiji might end up secretly being a revolutionary, or in the very least someone who's willing to take on the WG. Part of that is at the end of Water 7 where he said to Robin that they "Passed the Test" which I highly doubt was a test administered by anyone in the Marines.

Either that or he's secretly Robin's father and thats why he refused to kill her and her friends.

whats with Carrot and chewing the ears of Luffy?

Did brook get highlighted like Nami user? Were is his teary eyed panel?

I think SaNa's only competition is SanPu and SaNa will win that too.

Yes user , he fell for Pudding. Now Sanji will NEVER get heart eyes for any other girl and will always ignore Nami. :)

>ship LuffyxNami
>read chapter
>day ruined

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she has a rubber fetish

>Damn! It fits?!
Of course it fucking fits when you completely ignore the fucking height differences of two characters. What the fuck was the point in writing that?