Buyfag thread

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My new figgie

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>it's a 1/8 when all the other figs in the same set are a 1/7
What the fucking fuck?

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get out

stop whining retard.

lol got im

>What the fucking fuck?
Nobody is forcing you to buy it.

Damn really got me there shit

I already picked up the other two in the same set and am pissed the scale is different

How often do you dust your figgies?

Please support your local hentai industry by purchasing cute girl merchandise.

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Not him, but I'm honestly curious about the 1/8 1'7 thing. It makes no sense.

Just wondering, how many figures do you buy a month? Like last month and this month, for example.


Somebody post that big breasted jap doujinshi author.

one every 4-5 months

Yoko's face looks really bad. The other semen demon looks good but she's from a shit game no one knows about.

Oh ok. Then you should have the funds to pay for her then. Don't complain.

go shitpost somewhere else returd

When will she get a new figure? This one isn't very cute.

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Because if it were 1/7 it would be close to 30k and nobody will buy it, you idiot.

I mean why the fuck not its already 24K

March collage when?

people are already bitching for Binding 1/4 native scales which cost 26k, who's going to pay 30k for a single 1/7 scale?

It's still the 23rd retard. Or 24th since we're usually in JST.

>replying to bait posts.

The price and scale is hardly a problem, since Johanna actually looks great. Makoto's awful pose, shitty hair and weird pussy are much larger issues.

everything looks like shit to you, better to not collect anything at all.

>everything looks like shit to you
>Johanna actually looks great

I guess the fig is for someone that wants a fig more so of Makoto's Persona than Makoto herself which I am really bummed about because they gave Ann and Futaba great figs

>didnt pay for 10 orders on amiami
>still not banned
im treanding on thin ice here.

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the face is shit right? I'm trying to see if I can regonize if a figure looks bad from images.

Does Amico actually ban people for canceling anymore?

Are you autistic? Just because I don't like how some of the figure looks it doesn't mean I hate everything.
Yeah, but even if you do want it because it's a Queen figure, that would be the absolute last pose I'd associate with her. Here's hoping we eventually get a decent scale with her regular school uniform when the anime airs.

$40 get. Who needs solid meals?

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That Yoko looks like a shemale cosplaying Yoko

it really fucking sucks too because I would have bitten the bullet and gotten it but the price, pose, and head are just really off

Can't decide what's the ugliest thing in that picture between that Yoko, that keyboard and fucking rainmeter.

You say that because you didn't see that user's face.

Thankfully that's not in the picture.

The ugliest thing here is your face.

I was on a similar boat, but I can't pay over 30k when including shipping for a figure with so many issues. While I never did like the pose, I was willing to give it a shot depending on the price and final prototype pictures, but for that price I don't expect some of the shortcomings it seems to have.

honest question, do cons smell like sperm?


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We will never own this.

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12 year old me would certainly love this.

Would would I ever want that?

Nice, the other figures in this line have been great.

Worst pokegirl.

Okay....I did not see this I am definitely not getting this...was this a mistake? was there a defect in the prototype? what in fuck all hell am I looking at?

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Comiket smells like sweat, in summer there's a sweat cloud in the air

Is that a logitech mouse? Like, one of the $5 ones.

Oh, cool.

Nice, I can buy her and make a custom Cockona.

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She's not author by the way.

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It's just a shitty sculpt. For a figure with such a striking pose it's kinda mindboggling that its main focus point would look so bad, but it does. Even her hand on her right leg looks odd.

Is this this thing she sitting in is water filled?

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Are the short panties actually an issue?, did any of yours came like that? if the latter happened to you were you able to fix it with hotwater/hot air?

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What figure is this? Anyone got an MFC link?

shit, I didn't want to quote anyone.

Painting looks really bad what the fuck

It's 25k right now, you can't afford her.


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Cute NEET.

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I don't use the panties on mine. Looks much better, and you probably won't expose her with the ass turned to you. Her cunny is really well sculpted too, even has a "moisty" shine on it.
I didn't even bothered trying to put the panties on mine.

Anyone?, here is a video I found, her underwear seems to be too short.

Joker isn't bad looking either.

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>02 Figma

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It looks quite bad.

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It's actually an S. H. Figuarts. That's why it looks like liquid shit.

Darn, that looks bad.
I hope the mechs look good.

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hiro now please
he's boring but the trio has to be complete

Arrived today. Looks gorgeous, with a nice ass, delicious tits, and a precious smile.
My kind of figure.
The big ridiculous weapon is a first to me, but I'm starting to like it. It looks cool, and I might even play the game.
Got her on a sale at surugaya. Expected it opened, and while the box indeed wasn't sealed, the blister still was and she had all the little plastic wraps in her. Do nips put the plastic wraps back when reselling?

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>comes with the cockpit


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As you can see in the picture, the base is also really big (maybe to balance the heavy-ish sword thing and the girl?).
The sand is nice too, even looks like actual sand kind of.
This figure is really growing on me, I think it's going to be one of my favorites.

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Not sure if this from Wonfes or AniJap.

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Anyone else force their gf to work overtime so you can afford more figures?
Also post your most awaited figures.

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Okay cool but what's the name of the figure or the MFC link.


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>tfw no qt gf who draws and sells doujins

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so I wanna buy some detolfs, but can they fit into a small sedan car? I can have ikea ship them to me for $30, but how good are they at shipping?

Proportions are kinda weird in this one.
The french guy who appears on PTE from time to time works for the same company that did the OPs for Ninja Batman and JoJo's.

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That eye placement is fucking me up

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Also got these two dakis of my wife. The one on the right is a """""2way tricot"""""" bootleg, because I wanted to see what they're like. Looks and feels pretty good by the way and it was just 6k. I have an official daki of her, and I would say the fabric feel almost about the same, possibly.
But the one on the left is a doujin one and HOLY FUCK, it's on a whole other level. The print is high quality, the fabric feels like heaven, it does feel like something premium. My shitty pic can't even dream in portraying it right.
Fuck. It's worth every penny.

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>I might even play the game
If that's Alisa from God Eater, don't bother. I love her design and she has plenty of great figures, but I tried really hard to get into the games, and they're shit and she's shit as well.
Looks pretty cute though. Kinda wish I could buy figures even though I'm not into a series/character, but I can't do it.

I've only been to north america conventions and it smells gross. jam packed full of body odor and depending if there's actual AC or not you'll sweat easily too

They did it
The fucking manholes

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good shit
good filename


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Hitomi a cute!

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