One week until hiatus. Get ready.
Hunter x Hunter
Leaked page from next chapter
I want to fill Kalluto full of my baby batter!
Close, but not quite.
Are they... Insane?
Pretty much this. First, the Killua example of strenght plus the lack of En range shows only the lack of study/training in this specific area since it's displayed as an advanced application. Second, the 4m En mostly serve to complement his Iai technique and we don't know if 4m is his maximum reach.
Uh, you dont get to kill my friends
Dr. Feitan, I'm Ou Ken-I
A good explanation on why they are so likable.
The Trope gives no shit and takes none. They aren't braindead regarding the element of surprise, but they are not wussies about hiding behind everything they could have.
If the Troupe was with Tserriednich, for example, they'd teach him nen without a worry and confront him in case he went against them. No pussy rule-hiding, if they die they were too weak and that's it. Fearlessly darwinistic.
all I see here is a goofy smiley face
He says it's his limit, but he doesn't care because all he needs is within sword range.
Why is Togashi racist against black people? He's killed:
>Loupe Highland
Is Togashi racist Sup Forums?
Likable pals but I wouldn't mind if they all died either, from a place of morality.
Uvo doesn't look black and Loupe was seemingly the only one of the three that didn't die, please read more carefully!
Uvo isnt black what are you on?
this manga got so fucking good again when Togashi stopped putting boring as shit Kurapica in every chapter finally.
may that fuck not return for at least a couple hiatuses
>filler chapter
replying to bait
You’re annoying. Fuck off falseflagger.
>filler arc
>Loupe Highland
When did he die?
It's hard to think about morality when so many characters in this manga are psychopaths. Killua should die painfully too, from that perspective.
Isn't Loupe the only one of the three who survived? Also Uvo wasn't black you retard
Killua is not a psychopath. He has a good heart like the rest of the protagonists.
>filler posts
>Loupe Highland
loupe didnt die you retard
So if you kill tons of people but have a good heart its all fine?
*tips fedora
Bet you can't even pull yourself up 10 times hanging from a bar, faggot.
He doesn't do that anymore, which I think is a clear difference.
>filler manga
Same could be said about the Spiders. In fact, it could be said more about them than him, as they do their business for cash.
Still guilty of past deeds.
Mind if I borrow this for the autism chart?
psssh The Yorkshin mafia had a random bazooka guy.
This is literal woman logic you know.
How did you survive Yorkshin?
Repentance must be considered.
victim of his environment, bro
not long after befriending Gon he retired
Roll over Beethoven, the new "C" babe is Cashew.
The Troupe are victims of their environment too then. They were poor boys. They dindu nothin'.
Does anyone have that image of a toilet with ominous aura around it?
I have an idea.
Now you got it
what the fuck are you on? The Spiders don't give a fuck about cash, they already said it in Yorkshin. They just like to steal stuff, unlike Killua's family who literally kill for cash
Do it
She's just gay Shimano.
close enough?
Hisoka has to show up next chapter. I can't go another year or however long this upcoming hiatus lasts without seeing him once.
>kill someone
>"Hey, you can't do that!"
>"Oh, I'm sorry. I understand now! I've changed my ways."
>"Phew. Thank goodness."
When women are allowed outside the home.
Hisoka is juggling for tips on the second Deck. Screencap this post.
Isn't that almost exactly how Gon's described?
The troupe could get their dollars legitimately with their talents, unless they swore on restrictions to be absolute cunts in exchange for nen.
And if you truly repent, are remorseful, and don't do it again, you have changed as a person.
Nigger nobody cares about your women troubles
Hisoka was out of the manga for over 8 years once, you can wait.
Nobunaga did say he reminded him of Uvogin.
And you know someone has truly repented and is truly remorseful and will truly not do it again and has truly changed as a person, because they say it, and why would they lie?
For a newbie with limited knowledge about Nen, he did a pretty good job.
People can truly repent and change
but you only get 1 chance so better not miss that ship
The author just HAD to be a kiddie diddler, didn't he?
Fast, Togashi just came to your house and asked you which new power should Hisoka have in this arc, what do you say?
What the hell are you even arguing? That Killua is still the psychopath he was at the start, but he's just lying? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
The whore-nen thing creates a superpower by itself.
What's her name?
And once he's been in the DC, he can get back and forth as long as he can build little shacks.
He willingly cut off his remaining limbs and replaced them with Nen constructs made of rubber and gum. He can change their size and stuff on the fly. He can bounce good. And they are still as strong as his original limbs, but now his total mass is much less, so he's faster.
None. Asspulling powers isn't cool, he already has his gum antics.
this. Shit's nightmare fuel
He obviously had a clear idea of what kind of power he wanted, knowing it would give it to him. When he went into the bathroom, he didn't know for sure it had worked, but he KNEW it had.
Pika is unironically the best thing about this arc aside from Fuu and Cammy
togashis intent when he drew Hisoka using his Nen foot was to show that the clown is much faster now
It isn't random, sure. But it's not like the person has to program every detail in.
I wonder if a nen user would gain a new technique or if Roastena's power has a limitation of only working on hatsuless people.
Since page 7 has him explaining his power in an inner monologue, including restrictions and everything, I think it's a fair bet that Luini had everything in mind beforehand. And since he's a Spider fanboy and already knows their names, he's probably more prepared than the average Heil-ly goon for his Hatsu.
What's stopping all transmuters from using their nen as prosthetics? Lightning legs! Futa machi thread cock!
I would have added some quote to user's edit, but I think it speaks for itself.
The hardest part about making this image in general was selecting good mugshots. You always have to consider that when a Togashi character first debuts, their design is practically a prototype. It takes at least a couple of chapters for their face to normalize.
What would turning your foot into electricity accomplish?
>criticize the utility of women in an environment they weren't naturally selected for
>"wow sounds like someone can't get laid!"
Don't you have a protest or something to get to, kike?
I don't mean to knock him or anything, but from the sounds of it, you just wish yourself an ability. It's a cool ability and I can't wait to see what he does with it, but I think when you take a step back and look at the big picture, is it really that big of a pain in the ass to just learn Nen? I wonder what Togashi's math was for this ability. Like, every five lives is equal to a month of training?
I'll just go kill my one person and apologize, then.
Child porn hasn't been illegal for that long in Japan (relatively). I don't think it was illegal in the US until the 80s.
I'm not talking about Killua at all. I'm not this guy Hillary. Angela. Nancy. Maxine. Diane. Emma. Naomi. Barbara. Sophie. Chelsea. Linda.
Is that Zushifag, or just a new annoying fag?
would be much better if it was the clowns from Tokyo Ghoul
Nothing, aside from unwillingness to lose their natural limbs.
I'm sure there's some transmuter with six extra arms made out of aura running around out there.
Bless you
If you are taking notes about what could you add, i suggest Cleopatro and and explanation of Sale-Sale's guardian beast ability above the quote already there.
Mention it to the drawfag next time he's around.
How many clowns are in Tokyo Ghoul, by the way? If there's eight or so then Hisoka could have a full Clown Troupe.
I chose to believe it's the same guy, because there's really no other excuse for being so pugnacious and backwards.
I'll consider the latter for the next update, but not the former. Cleopatro is basically a non-factor right now. She'll get a profile if some prince starts bribing her or something.
What tool do you use to build this?
Is this the first time you have ever heard of repentance? Repentance is when you truly believe that you have done wrong and change yourself on a fundamental level. Some people can do that. It's inherent to nearly every major religion in the world.
Kurapika is for sexual exploitation.
As far as the portal guy goes, it looks like he had his restrictions in mind from the start since they are told from his perspective. We know from Welfin that Nen abilities don't explain themselves.
there are at least 4 that i can think right now, but probably more
At worst a drawfag could just copy-paste Vancouver over and over as he is the most memeworthy
gonna have to remember it next time there is a drawfag thread active
Hide your power level outside of Sup Forums newfag
>inb4 Togashi reveals Nobu's hatsu
>it's fucking broken
it's *slash harder*
his hatsu will be pure vow and restriction
once he draws his sword he must kill and sheathe it in a very short time. if he fails to do either, he dies. range: 4m
maybe he failed his repentance quest like me
is she really ded?
Or maybe you can "kill" someone by triggering a heart attack and then revive them with CPR.
something that stupid simple sounds like could trick danchou's ability.
I think it's clear which one of us is new.
Transmuters are really underused. Togashi likes to use Manipulators, Conjurers and Specialists for specific scenarios and Enhancers and Emitters for mooks. Transmutation is just kinda' around. Other than Killua, Hisoka and I guess Feitan, none of the Transmuters we even know of do we really have a good idea of their powers. Zeno and Biscuit, maybe.
>pugnacious and backwards
I'm sure if you convinced a bunch of retards into thinking the sky was purple that someone insisting it's blue would sound pugnacious and backwards, but I'm not really concerned with that, I only care about what's right. Your feelings mean less than nothing to me.
I understand, I was just agreeing with the guy that it's woman logic, because it's overly reliant on the idea that people are their environment more than their genes, which is scientifically untrue. I do think Killua has changed, but he's still murdered people in cold blood and he comes from a family that makes a living off it. From the perspective of someone looking to extol justice or rid the world of criminality, Killua is just another liability.
C*mmy a shit
So I am confused. How did lv21 moon tattoo dude open up the ceiling above phinks/feitan/nobu? How did he kill the dude and disappear?
The storage "room" is accessible by all means. Unless his definition of inaccessible room extends to the whole whale...