How did they become the laughing stock of the industry? At some point they were semi-relevant
How did they become the laughing stock of the industry? At some point they were semi-relevant
What? Anime studios still want to be them.
I think you were meant to post a Trigger logo image.
A 10 year long run streak of uninterrupted shit will make you that. The last good thing they made was fumoffu.
>At some point they were semi-relevant
Doesn't sound like Trigger.
A couple of Sup Forums crossboarders aren't "the industry". Fuck off.
>>>a couple
The only show I enjoyed from them was Amagi, it's like they can only shit moetrash or the anime equivalent of Rick & Morty.
For some reason they are a magnet for legit autists and pretentious faggots.
>Want to be like Kyoani
Laughing My ASS off
kyoani is the best studio. nobody comes close to their talent and execution.
Kyoani is more like the Zack Snyder of anime.
Even if it looks good the product is an empty shell.
The eternal patron studio of Sup Forums.
Have you watch JL? It looks like dog shit.
Kyoani is Michael Bay of anime.
They're the only studio that puts their heart and soul into their animu.
They were never relevant as they've never produced anything of worth and they've always been overshadowed by better studios.
>Worst Admin
>Liking Overrated studio
By adapting the awful shit that's dragon maids
>They're the only studio that puts their heart and soul into their animu.
Sure, faggot.
They can't put anything forth then as they are soulless. A whole decade on their backs proves it.
by being the best
Because Nolan is their inspo
I wish I could go back in time and watch that with Sup Forums again
after making shit like soydragon and reddit normie garden
They get way more hate than they deserve?
They started making soft-core Yuri and Yaoi shit.
The only place they are considered a laughing stock is here. And even within the shithole it's only a few pathetic fags that have nothing better to do with their lives than try and smear the one studio that doesn't make the kind of shows they want. They have to settle with garbage that gets pumped out by mappa or perriot.
I like Amagi too. It's funny & fun.
But, Kyoanus fags choose to defend the absolute dog shit like Knk, Phantom Flop, & Violet Everflop instead.
I'm canadian. It's just what I do.
Pretty much.
Every other studio is soulless conveyor belt tier, but everything KyoAni produces has that "love in every stitch" feel.
>they're a laughing stock because I want them to be
>ching chong streaming is suddenly relevant because they liked flop dragon
The absolute state of shills
Great thread, OP, but have you checked these?
t. Sup Forumsirgin crossposter
You're an embarrassment to our nation. Off to burgerland with you.
>Sup Forums hates VEG
>it already has a new project being worket at anyway
KyoAni represents everything that is wrong with the industry, if it depended on them the whole anime world would be a moe wasteland.
I dunno user. That looks like a nice meaty sandwich to me.
I tried to fight it but alas making terrible posts is what I do.
You only like Amagi because it was simple and fun which seems to be the only thing this shithole board likes but VEG Hibike and Hyouka are all objectively better shows.
>meat sammich
Did you just BTFO yourself?
No. Looks like a janny got to him first.
If only, he'd clean up the VEG threads.
>VEG Hibike and Hyouka are all objectively better shows.
See >For some reason they are a magnet for legit autists and pretentious faggots.
Not him but VEG, Hibike and Hyouka are the best shows they ever shat out.
Are you kidding?
Everything kyoani has made in the last 5 years is the most cold, calculated, pandering garbage.
They just have a lot of money to throw into high-production values, so people think the crap they make is actually good.
>I don't like it so it was calculated and cold
Nice try.
>For some reason they are a magnet for legit autists and pretentious faggots.
I think it's not even debatable anymore
>VEG, Hibike and Hyouka are the best shows they ever shat out.
Geez. You're objectively worse than him..
>heart and soul
>maid dragon
o i am laffin
>Waaaa, all these cute wittle girls make my pee pee hard. Im not a pedo, guys. I haet lolis
literally you
Get off the sole of my boot already.
Back to your moe threads.
You forgot the upcoming GAY Archery anime.
same. hopefully other studios can catch up to godani
>Telling me to back to moe threads
>posting hyouka reaction image
Their core audience is a bunch of militant fujos who lap up everything they churn out.
Call me when Hyouka is just moe and not a masterpiece of visual storytelling.
You mistakenly uploaded the wrong logo, OP.
>***,*81位/***,*81位 (**2,603 pt) [*,**1予約] 18/04/04 18/01 Violet Evergarden 1 [Blu-ray]
>***,282位/***,330位 (**2,507 pt) [*,*43予約] 18/06/06 18/01 Fate Cooking 1 [Blu-ray]
>**1,409位/**1,251位 (**1,168 pt) [*,**0予約] 18/05/23 18/01 【限定】Fate/EXTRA Last Encore 1 [Blu-ray]
>masterpiece of visual storytelling
To be fair insulting Kyo/a/ni should be a bannable offence.
When is this shit thread getting deleted instead?
>**1,083位/***,975位 (**1,481 pt) [*,*15予約] 2018/04/25 【限定】Darling in the Franxx 1
Hyouka is far above what your brain can grasp, boy.
Yes it's every stuido's dream to become self-sufficient entities free from the shackles of big evil companies.
He delete post against kyoanus for free
Sup Forums is out in full force today.
Free got a 3rd season.
>deleting the best thread on Sup Forums right now
Hyouka's production is just ridiculous, I like the premise too but holy shit the direction
Which shitfest thread is better, this one or this
For all the bad rep about Kyoani faces I can't name any other faces that are cuter.
Overanimation at its finest. This is what happens when staff gets overpayed.
>all the bad rep
They also redeem samefaces by good differentiated facial expressions
I miss the moe
I have no problems with their female designs. It's the male designs that annoy the hell out of me. They all look too similar these days, even more they look like yaoi fags. Gone those good days with cool bros like kyon now all we get is faggots like mochizou or freeboys with barely any interesting personalities or good character designs.
Dishonest animation!
Imagine Haruhi S3 with fujoshit kyon, damn that would be horrible
Now I truly see.
Wew lad.
He's singlehandedly ruining KyoAni's reputation by himself with his stalker cancer. Why on earth he loves his chinese overlords so much is beyond me though.
I'm unironically waiting for new Moe Kyoani and I've only saw K-on and Haruhi, and just recently desu. Already my favorite production company.
>mfw anti-kyoani spammer come to Sora yori thread to incite fanbase war with VEG and K-on as bait.
>mfw he comes from the same country as me
"Overanimation" does exist. But I've only even seen one anime that has been guilty of it and that's Nerawareta Gakuen. If anything the only KyoAni work even comes close is Nichijou, but that was kinda the point of some of its gags. Applying it to anything else is just shit-tier bait.
Why does your country hate VEG and kyoani?
it's a muslim majority country.
Not really, just overdirection.
>new moe kyoani
Dragon maid is last one. They completely shifted their focus away from moe otaku to normalfag or fujoshit pandering. Look at how disappointing their future lineup is for us moefags.
You really need to watch Nichijou and Lucky Star my dude. Maid Dragon also if Sup Forums's opinion hasn't soured you on it. These are all more comedy driven but have some genuine Kawaii as fuck moments.
>If they aren't sexualizing the girls 24/7 then this moe show is shit
Stop thinking with your dick, mindlet.