I want to ____ Ozen!
Made in Abyss
remove the thousand men pins from
Slap her booty and piss her off enough to unmake my body.
be sexually dominated by
bury my face in those books that are currently under the possession of
Protect and serve
Speaking of Ozen, how old is that dinosaur anyway? I mean being a white whistle for over 50 years, she must be pretty damn old.
Russian suplex
Make fun of her beef jerky body
exist in the same universe as
free Marulk from
Marry her disciple.
Approx 70-80.
sensually massage the feet of
why does lyzas husband look so basic
Sniff the panties of
T-dawg knew he was going to kill him off anyway. He only puts effort on design when he wants you to care about a death. Like Prushka
His only purpose was justifying Riko existence, there was nothing more to him
because Torka's a basic bitch boy
Nendoroid Bun and Rug
What if they found the Star Compass at the Bottom of the Abyss?
be brutally murdered by
Can you imagine the ending panel just being a shot of the Star Compass pointing up?
what exactly would that imply. that it isnt pointing towards the bottom?
watch Lyza confess her love to
>the tip hurts when touched
What did they mean by this
That's exactly why I like the idea. It invites not only a huge amount of speculation as to the nature of the Star Compass, but to the nature of the Abyss itself. I just enjoy ambiguous stuff like this.
sensitive nippons
That shit's gonna get fucked
They're really capitalizing on her popularity, huh.
Reg's nendo fucking when?
when Reg gets good at his protecc game
Likely if Bun does well, at least I hope so
So what do you think Srajo the Furtive will be like?
A normal dude who just liked bird masks but somehow everyone avoided him.
but if they did not show anything of him, so if he could have a function
>"Hey kids wanna buy some plague?"
He's gonna be a loser with social anxiety
prolly like pic related
I'm now imagining Srajo becoming a member of the group and being a bumbling fool, rivaling even Riko the Potato
Why is Hagrid so based?
Choose two
> Srajo reanimates dead monsters
> Srajo has a "plague" or "cure" power as his artifact, that inflicts similar statuses to Ascension.
> Srajo has invisibility/phantasm which basically means he can't be seen or hurt for a period of time.
> Srajo summons a fuckton of birds
> Srajo flies and glides
> Srajo doesn't speak but talks in gestures
> Srajo has a really distorted voice
> Srajo isn't even a human but is something completely different underneath the cloak.
> Srajo's idea of the plague is Narehate's and comes in to gas the entire village.
> Srajo and Wakuna have an artifact synergy that has enough power to basically obliterate an entire layer.
> Srajo and Wakuna are friends.
This is basically a recap of a fuckton of predictions people have made in the past threads. I added some of my own in there.
gets me every time
Why is she so perfect?
Hagar the Horrible is not based. He looks at Faputa's shotadick
because someone had to sacrifice
She is at perfect age!
his relic is a self keeping secret. he is totally into the abyss cause everywhere else in the world has been explored and he is looking for something different
>Srajo's idea of the plague is the yearning, the disease of the mind that makes people so drawn to the Abyss.
>Srajo has found a cure.
I'll just leave it at that.
Is there literally anything else that would happen? I cannot see Ozen doing anything other than dominating in the bedroom.
i want him to turn out like a lovable quirky hermit. he should have a cozy hovel too with experiments and test tubes and the like.
Have you not learned anything from anime user? Basic looking guys are pussy magnets when it comes to anime girls.
>Srajo found the cure, but not before going on his Last Dive
Obsessed with biology, cataloging creatures. For example, there are said to be 30 million species of insects in the Amazon with many more undiscovered. A large biome like the Abyss should support similar eco-diversity, so he goes about collecting and naming as many as possible and has personally charted out entire families.
Bigger relic dictionary than Riko.
Actually just a socially anxious autist incapable of communicating with other people so he fled to the bottom of the abyss to be with monsters he can understand (eating to survive is sensible compared to freaks like Ozen or Bondrewd). There's no big mystery, he just doesn't have a lot going on.
new season confirmed
Give him some slack, he just got out of the fourth layer. Wifi is terrible down there
>ywn touch Faputa's ass fluff
Could be interesting. He could turn out to be a very tormented person if he sees himself as diseased.
That would be a really cool change from the WW's just being stronger/better than the protagonists. He could be in overwhelming despair and end up hurting our gang that naively tries to help him.
> The massive ass "coffin" on his back is actually a bookcase
> Despite how fucked up and strange everyone perceives him as, he's actually just some dude that wants to chill and research.
> Reg uses his incinerator and burns some of his books
> Srajo goes completely apeshit.
simple, just breed a samoyed with 6 tails
He only has 10 shots left, and he has to use at least one this arc on mitty2.0. He wouldn't waste it
I want Mommy Ozen to stuff me in cute clothes!
>Regu wasting an Incinerator shot to bully Srajo
Way to go you piece of junk
>that nicely shaded pink pussy
friggin stop
You forgot
>Srajo has a fetish for dead things
>*for dead kids
Ozen is a rug muncher. Step aside, hetboys.
>Srajo considers becoming a narehate as equivalent to death
>Riko, Nanachi and Faputa thus all give him a raging boner with the force of a thousand incinerators
>Reg now has a boner buddy
>imlying Nanachi will made to Srajo
Can't wait for Prushka and Moth nendos.
>Srajo straps Riko down to an operating table
>horrifying instruments and strange vials abound
>she gets out and we find out he just gave her a couple vaccines and collected a blood sample
>Srajo pioneered the field of microbiology in an attempt to find out what was happening to cell structure during ascent
>she leaves with some candy and vitamin D tablets
>implying Ozen doesn't degrade Mark for being a boy and rape him daily
>he typed with one hand
Face it bub, Ozen wouldn’t play with your twinkie even ironically. The age of the dyke has arrived. Maybe the abyss will give you another X chromosome if you’re lucky.
tries to find a cure for the curse and thus saves mitty from being a vegetable
>Nanachi is going to sell herself again
>Srajo would have done it for free but Nanachi was too busy being a dumb bun to realize
what's he reading?
>paying bunself to Wakuna for guiding group
a MiA doujin
The next chapter
we're probably gonna get pruned because op didn't start with an ambiguous question
what is ____ for doesn't count
if it does the next thread should have Srajo in the OP to honour all the Srajoposting in this thread.
>next chapter is Reg chilling in narehate brothel with vagina Sage
For some reason I think that even if Riko gives up her eyes she'll still wear the glasses because she's just that much of a potato
>Nanachi, OUTTO
its actually a photo album of nudes from lyza
srajo is actually torka
Detailed documentation of Lyza's and Ozen's sexy fun-times
I want to slam that butt so hard.
user that's like running into a brick wall
Everything will be bruised
ozen sure is joocy
>plague doctors wore the beaks to hold aromatic items because they thought the plague was caused by "corrupted air"
could this mean anything?
He's sipping baby juice from that beak of his, then?
Srajo likes good smelling things, just like Reg.
Ozen has the best cuck face.
buns dead