About 2 and a half more days until we have to say goodbye. Let's not let the good times end.
Everybody tell me one thing you love about your favorite Matsu.
About 2 and a half more days until we have to say goodbye. Let's not let the good times end.
Everybody tell me one thing you love about your favorite Matsu.
I love his voice.
I’m gonna miss him
I'm rude but is the second season worth watching? First two or three eps felt like fillers.
I'm sad
In my opinion the second season gets better later on, but most agree that on the whole it's weaker than the first. I also happened to think the first episode was one of the best. If the first few episodes aren't pulling you in than don't force yourself to watch it. Maybe just watch the fan favorites.
He's not even my favorite yet I find him utterly adorable.
If I were you I'd watch Matsuzo & Matsuyo, Chibita's Revenge, and then skip straight through to the 2nd cour. It gets a LOT better.
Fuck, I'm gonna miss these losers so much. At first I was sure this was gonna be a fake-out and they'd spring a third season announcement at the last minute, but...this is actually it, huh? It's like the end of an era.
>Skipping summer Kamen and the mixer episode
How could you? Bad summer!
Don’t be sad because it’s over! Smile because it happened!
Oh shit, my bad! Those are unskippable! Those are so good I forgot they were Cour 1.
Damn I forgot about summer kamen as well. It was great. The question is as good as invalidated.
I’ve never wanted to bully but also cherish a character before. (Choro)
His passion and laughter is infectious. He makes me want to become a better me.
What makes the designs of the modern neets stick out and be successful? Is it because their bodies (minus the head) are more realistically proportioned? Some people have said in earlier threads that they can’t even be attracted to non-matsu characters. What makes them so good?
Then you might like this doujin user. I still need to finish cleaning the back cover, but I wanted to post it tonight like I had promised that one user.
I think it might be their simplicity and roundness, it gives them a cute/mascot-like vibe that isn't normally present in shows with a large male cast.
They look very soft and cuddly
They have pretty moe designs. They're still soft and childish, but their scummy adult personalities give them a different kind of charm. Kind of a similar appeal that a legal loli has maybe? Plus, the simple designs, flimsy canon, and multiple AUs makes it easy to produce fanworks.
Hate to be a yamfucker but I'll miss him, too. He's vile and irredeemable but there's something weirdly endearing about him. He's so pathetic at life but in a very different way to the NEETs. And you gotta love that Showa Era razzle-dazzle.
A decent yamposter, truly a rare sighting.
That's an exaggeration, but you're welcome. It took longer than I had meant. Now I'll probably work on my cuntboy one, since that's my personal favorite.
He has his moments and I like SuzuKen's voice.
He's cute and heartless
I'm not an exclusive matsusexual, but their character designs are much more appealing to me than sharp chin yaoimen like in free, or prettyboy metrosexual ikemen. I generally like more boyish looking characters, not shota, but not bishounen. The guys in shounen manga or even the male high school characters that shows like Kyoani animates are my favorite. Characters that look like they'd be good to cuddle, but that still have masculine sex appeal. Ososan is unconventional, but it falls into that category too. I will admit that I like the look of off-model matsus that pull their eyes apart, give them a little neck, and give them a more defined, less bean-shaped jaw. Just little tweaks.
He's really well-characterized. No matter the tone of the skit of situation, somehow, Osomatsu stays Osomatsu. That natural charm just doesn't go away.
Slow thread.
Where is everybody?
People are sleeping.
>this is actually it, huh? It's like the end of an era.
The S2 announcement didn't come until well after S1 ended. I think it was months. So I wouldn't assume that just because they haven't dropped it yet they won't be dropping it at all. But all of the PVs for the next episode seem disconcertingly insistent that it is the "final" episode.
If s3 happened and it was garbage, do you think everyone would abandon the show?
Ichi is best Matsu.
I know I would still like it and I think there would still be dedicated JP fans as well. The threads here might end up becoming deader than YowaPeda's though.
Nope - way worse than the first
It wasn't as bad as everyone is trying to make it out to be. Also, filler? There isn't a plot outside of the last two episodes each season so technically it's all filler.
The more dedicated fans would likely stick around. How many left will likely depend on how long it takes for the 3rd season to air.
3DPD aside, I think the Osomatsu stage play is pretty fun in a different way. Then again, I enjoy most anime stage plays.
He isn't best but he's pretty high up.
Long Jyushi passing through.
I was kind of hoping for a musical instead. Not a fan of the costume design either (those wigs) and I'm eh on the casting.
Jyushi's actor was the only good one imo. Oso's was the worst.
I feel a btiy cruel for saying this but that forced grin Oso's actor makes only makes me want to punch him.
I admit I agree with you, but I still feel its existence is worth bringing up here.
*toot toot*
We went 3 threads without this image, damn.
Go away, you're not valid here.
The last episode hasn't even aired yet.
You're welcome
I like scrolling up and down really fast so it looks like he's bouncing.
Everyone's asleep. Post lewd.
God bless whoever designed those outfits
What I really loved about season 2 is how it somehow revived the show, I saw a lot more doujins and stuff around translated than usual.
I'm not talking about the porn stuff but the funny and sad ones, somehow these comics are really nice to read
Y-you are right user !
Smile though your heart it aching.
Smile even though it's breaking.
When there are clouds in the sky
you’ll get by
So what are you guys gonna do after season 2 ends ?
Last time I was sick with abstinence, I started "reading" comics in pixiv even though I don't know japanese, looked at every osomatsu x vocaloid covers on youtube and some other shits until I finally could move on.
but then season 2 was released and this happened again
I wanna hold osomatsu
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through
for you
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Wait it out til the inevitable heat-death of the fandom, then pic related
Although a tear may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying
Smile what’s the use of crying
Will Ichimatsu finally debut at a loner singer in the season finale ?
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you’ll just
Goodnight thread.
What is up with the cheesy poems?
STOOOP it's more sad this way isn't it ? you are making it on purpose right right ?
It's a song from an old Charlie Chaplin movie, you silly goose
You'll feel better when you smile.
You are right user
Maybe I'll finally read the new chapters of HxH. Catch up on some anime this season I've been neglecting. Might play a video game. Keep scanning my doujins. Try to ignore the gnawing, gaping pine-shaped hole in my pine-shaped heart.
I remember feeling so fucking betrayed by S1's last episode that I didn't even care when I found out it was gonna get another season.
Then of course, when S2 episode 1 aired, I immediately fell back into muppet hell.
Will the last episode have fat lust?
What even makes you think that, they didn't announce S2 for like ever.
The way they're promoting it, I guess? Like how the character preview trailers are like, "this is where our story ends." Karamatsu even says "Goodbye" in his, not "see you later". It feels really different to the end of S1. Who am I to say, though, it could be all part of the hype.
don't know about others but I Scooby think I'd ever up and leave the series. Even if the episodes were written badly they are character I care about
Holy shit how did "don't" get changed to "Scooby" I'll never phone post again I promise
ahah I remember that a lot of anons felt that way.
Honestly the last episode was really funny for me, I felt a little bit betrayed too but whaterver, the jokes were good - they goofed us good
is that pic for the ps vita game ?
Yeah to me it feels like they're hyping it up. I could be wrong though.
never got the change of looking into it, maybe one they if there'll ever be an english translation
I was confused why everyone was so upset. It was a good troll. I really like when things are anticlimactic for a laugh as long as they don't do it continuously. People were so salty about that episode.
See, that's another thing that concerns me about the next episode maybe being the last we ever get. After S1E25, we're all half-expecting Monday to be another goofy bamboozle. If they really want to surprise us again, they could play it completely seriously and end things in a way that changes up the status quo for good.
Favorite page.
right ? right ?
I agree
if it was osokara love I could almost agree
but obiously this is sick since it involves worst matsu
anyway I think that karapino and racoon jyshi were both under apprecciated during this season
I've seen a lot of fanart of them on Twitter though.
Good morning thread
I love Osokara too, but it's hotter with Choro since all he does is fap everyday. He turns into a fucking animal.