Despera is officially happening.
Despera is officially happening
>There is no good sign
>but we'll spend our effort for making Despera
Hey, Netflix, save anime again.
Seriously though, if Netflix is what it takes to get this funded it would be well worth it.
I thought this was a new(er) tweet and I almost had a heart attack.
Why the fuck does nearly every tweet from him have pics from Tamers attached to them?
Sorry user
Cause he wrote Tamers?
I know that, nigger. At first I thought the tweets weren't all related to Tamers and he was attaching the pics for whatever reason, but now after a few translations it seems like they are. Anyway, I still find the guy really weird.
I'm convinced he has to be halfway insane to write some of the stuff that he has, but I love it.
What's holding them back from making it? Are they having trouble with funding, or they can't find a directory or something?
Well he loves Cthulhu Mythos and try to cram it into anything he makes. People who like it are all insane.
wow more pretentious shit so exciting
Not an argument
>what if we make Serial Experiment Lain
>but it's all analog technology instead of digital
According to Konaka, the studio they want is busy with other stuff. Also, funding.
>netflix produces it
>animated by polygon
you gave me false hopes
Well, it'll be awhile but progress is being made. That's much better than no news at all.
>Well, it'll be awhile but progress is being made. That's much better than no news at all.
literally no progress has been made
They will actually be working on it now, rather than not saying anything.
>implying that wouldn't be the best shit
Sorry, OP, but my hopes have already been dashed against the rocks.
We can revive them. We have the technology!
>implying most of the tech in SEL wasn't analog
The main purpose of the account was to advertise for the Tamers BD set so it makes sense for it revolve around it