Shingeki no Kyojin

Designated ___ girl.

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buy the fucking game

better than annie


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Reminder Liberio is full of traitors who all deserve to be killed. Always kill a traitor before the enemy.

The world that the firstking envisioned will finally become a reality, and it will make mankind whole again


t.Paradise traitor

I want her to brap in my face so badly.

Is it bad if I want to sniff and compare all SNK girls pantsu right after a battle?

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Good goy! Keep drinking that (((Marley))) kool-aid!

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tell me what part of the First King selling out the Eldian people and Paradise follow him up is a lie?

>trying to convince Walltards
user, your effort is admirable but I'm afraid it's a lost cause.

those eldians remained behind on marley. they didn't want to move. keep dinduing your niggers


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>those eldians remained behind on marley
is like they are not traitors and want to abandon their homeland.

* don't want to abandon their homeland.

marley = atf and fbi
paradis = branch davidians
eren and co. = mcveigh

You'd expect fags of child soldiers, humans weapons of mass destruction to be the edgiest tards here but turns out 9/10 times it's some braindead wallcuck. Pretty funny how that turned out desu.

Yet they stayed of their own free will knowing that they'd be enslaved. To DINDU them and place the blane on Paradis is laughable. They refused to move. It's their fault completely.

>place the blane on Paradis is laughable.
because they were the ones who made their homeland be subjugated by Marley.

I'm rewatching the first season right now, why was Eren such a dick to her, didn't even apologize after he tried to kill her. I just keep thinking give her a hug or something, it's amazing how much of a psychopath he seems, knowing all the stuff that's to come


Mikasa is for owning and entertaining a mummy.

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>believing Willy's big revelation when he blatantly lied about the order of events

Marley attacked before Grisha took the founding titan. There was never a reason to originally attack Paradis except to take the coordinate.

wow you moved the goal post to another field

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Yet I guarantee you if they slaughtered all other races to the point of extinction and remained on the mainland, you'd still call them the bad guys.

The King wanted an end to the war and peace, he knew that Eldia's mistakes would never be forgotten hence why he moved his people to Paradis so they can live in harmony and be left alone. The Eldians who stayed behind knew the risks and made a bad judgment. To place the blame on the Eldians in Paradis is fucking laughable

He didn't lie. He admitted their premise for war until now was bullshit. Then he said things had changed because someone else had the founder. It does not matter why someone else has it because the threat posed is the same.

now you are defending the king...jesus

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Yes? He made a mistake and sought to rectify it. It was not a perfect solution but apart from completely genociding the other races it was the only one.

>a mistake
Lmao, the irony.

> I set the houses on fire, if you don't move a try to save it and get burned is your problem but don't blame about the house being on fire, but you are the arsonist.
this a new level of insanity.

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He could've split the titans between the nations instead of giving them all to one.

can I just skip the uprising arc? I heard it's really boring

you were calling the Liberio Eldians traitors and now you are defending the motherfucking first king...
holy shit...

Is it any good?

It's probably the most important arc.

It's only boring if you sat through it for years and don't like the 104th. Otherwise it's about as good as the others.


Holy shit the Marley dicksuckers ITT are retarded. It's Stockholm Syndrome and "HURR UR DA REAL TRAITOR" nigger-tier logic.

They are probably Pieck, Annie or Gabi clitlickers too. It makes me giddy to see their shitty nation get BTFO even more with each new issue.

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can I just read a summary? I want to get to marley as soon as possible

You could always not read any of it at all and fuck off

Really makes you think.

Hrisha entered the walls in order to steal the coordinate and wreak havoc on Humanity 13 years before any attack.


Roughly a fortnight.

Jean's birthday.

Who is most likely to smell Mikasa's chair after she gets up?



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Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger after consuming Porco and gaining the powerful jaws from the Agito no Kyojin so that he can bite through the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal.

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Mikasa Ackerman defeats him every night in bed. Until his raging titan goes limp and numb.

Eren's mom was hot.

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Carla is very attractive. Do you have any pictures?

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That's like saying Eren is hot and would make the best girl.
Fucking gay.

>Eren: I must destroy the Titans
>Pyxis: No Eren, you are the Titans
>Then Eren was a Mexican

It's true.

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How many times did Keith molest Eren during training?

Post Shingeki Mums

I knew she was going to die the first time I saw her, the dead mom haircut is a strong giveaway.

Keith has seen some shit man. No wonder he went bald

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Do you think in some level Eren's father first wife was jealous and that's why she made sure to eat the homewrecker?

Carla wasn't a home wrecker, she was a much better mother and she was caring. Dina deserved to be turned into a titan. But I do think there was something that drew her to Eren's home.

She smelled Grisha's semen on her

I wonder what sort of sex life Carla had.

Their home seemed very small. If she had any then I'm sure both Eren and Mikasa were both painfully aware of it.

I don't know if I think that's a problem or not. Healthy relationships involve sex. I wonder what she liked.

That just means more "Public" sex

Well, Mikasa's parents weren't going to tell her how babies were made.

She was a bar wench, she likes anal.

God, i was born to smell her ass.


I bet she had a really nice butt. Would you do things with her?

Yes. Dina walked right past Bertholt and didn’t even look at him. She probably sensed Eren and Carla through Titan royal magic.

Mikasa will be a widow soon. Say something nice to her

How bad does that scarf smell after make than a decade.

Worst girl

LM soon.

Like sweat and salty coins

>Carla died completely ignorant of everything
She got lucky in a way. She was a simple barmaid turned mother and housewife and died as one. Finding out the truth about Grisha and watching Eren turn into a freedom extremist leading a war against the entire world would have been a huge mindfuck.

how many fujos do you think sniffed the seat

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all of them

>some virgin will actually pay over $1000 USD for this pile of garbage

>no dirty genocidal Ellen

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>Those weld spots
>Metal rusted as shit
Wouldnt even buy from a Salvation Army store

as an anime-only fag, character motivations sure seem retarded at the end of the second season

is the mango worth picking up?

Only if you read it from the beginning.

That's only like 50 chapters or something innit? Easy enough.


Is Reiner so well liked because he's a total failure and thus easiest for a lot of the audience to relate to?

t. failure

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The adaptation has reached 50 and a little bit from later chapters.

Reiner is liked because he was the only one of the Marleyan forces on Paradis who legitimately felt remorse for attacking them 9 years ago

>I have the bad emotions when I kill the innocents
>but I have to kill the innocents because ???
>work with hummen? no, am warrior
>must kill the innocents
>oh no why is this making my emotions worse

Reiner is good because he's the only one who could understand that the Paradisians aren't as awful as they were made out to be.